Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 398

Li forgets to worry, hugs and kisses the beautiful boss, feeling deep, you and me.

For a moment, it can be said that the sky is thunder and the earth is fire... They hug and kiss each other in the backyard, but they are stunned to see Aphrodite and Perrin peeping.

Since ancient times, kissing has rarely been seen in China. The word "kiss" refers to the lips. Like the word "lip", it is a noun, not a verb.

Not to mention the French kiss between Li forgetful worry and her beautiful boss, Aphrodite and Perrin couldn\'t help blushing, but their eyes didn\'t blink, staring at the two people in the backyard.

It was difficult to control for a moment. Li forgot to worry and wanted to pick up the beautiful boss and go back to the room to continue the indescribable things.

But who thought, the beauty boss didn\'t pick it up, but he almost fell to the ground.

There were three exclamations in the backyard.

The beauty\'s boss quickly reached out to help Li forget worry, and Aphrodite and Perrin, who were snooping at the gate of the backyard, screamed when they saw that their husband almost fell down and couldn\'t hide their whereabouts.

Their voices startled the beautiful boss again.

At the moment when they were passionate in the backyard, they were peeped by two women at home, which turned Su Changqing\'s face into a red cloth.

Fortunately, in the backyard, there was only a little candle light on the candlestick. The light was dim. It was not afraid that Perrin and Alfred noticed the red glow on her face.

"What are you two doing stealthily? Hurry up and help forget your worries into the room. He seems to have flashed his waist."

At this time, Li forgot to worry. He really couldn\'t even straighten his waist.

He flashed his waist!

Just now, excited, I wanted to hold a beautiful boss, but I forgot that today\'s body is not the "original" body of later generations.

Now this small body is not only 16 years old, but also the key is that this body has almost never exercised and is thin.

The beauty boss, even if the delicate body is light, it is about 100 kg. Where can he hold it up with his thin body.

As a result, Li forgot to worry about the bad things he wanted to do. Unfortunately, he lay on his bed and moaned.

In this regard, even if Li forgets to worry about his thick skin, he feels that his old face has a fever and has no face to see people.

The beauty boss held back a smile and hurriedly asked people to go to the back mountain to show the micro. Please ask the old Taoist Sun Simiao.

Hearing that huxianzi twisted his waist, Sun Simiao hurriedly led his apprentice Liu Shenwei to Li\'s house. After a diagnosis, he gave Li forget worry a gold needle. He took out his own wound medicine and asked Liu Shenwei to wrap it around his waist.

"Well, huxianzi doesn\'t matter. Just take a few days off." Sun Simiao ordered the beautiful boss to pay attention to them, and led Liu Shenwei back to the Taoist temple.

"Hum, you\'re still bad. Now be honest." the beauty boss couldn\'t help laughing.

Li forgets to worry and feels that he has no face to see people and doesn\'t speak. He turns his head and thinks about the wall.

He made up his mind that he had recovered from his isosceles injury and must start exercising, otherwise it would be too humiliating. The original owner of this body is a loser who doesn\'t work hard and doesn\'t divide grain! Despise it!

When the dandies learned that Li forgot you had sprained his waist, they also came to visit with all kinds of wound medicine.

However, Li forgot to worry about how he sprained his waist, but he was silent and was not ready to say.

It\'s a shame that this can\'t be appealed to others.

If these bastards knew the truth, he wouldn\'t have to go to Chang\'an city. It might be better to lead his beautiful boss around the world.

Fortunately, the old Taoist Sun Simiao\'s medical skills were superb. In a few days, Li forgot his worry about his low back injury and was free to move.

With the beautiful boss pierced the window paper of that layer of feelings, now they are also happy with each other, and can have a little welfare from time to time. But if you want to have something indescribable with the beautiful boss, you still lack an atmosphere, which makes Li forget his worries and feel depressed.

After recovering from his low back injury, Li forgot to worry about going to the palace.

Li two\'s ManJiang red, he has written the perfume and toilet water produced in the past few days, and he plans to send it to the palace to enter the concubines of Li Er.

"My nephew has met my uncle. This is the man Jiang Hong made by my nephew. Please give me some advice."

"Yes, Ziyou. Now you are skinny and have improved a lot. I like this word very much." Li Er nodded satisfied and ordered the internal waiter: "somebody, hang the word huxianzi in the legislative palace for me."

Li forgot to worry about learning from the thin gold style of Huizong of the Song Dynasty, and now he is also famous in the Tang Dynasty.

People like Yu Shinan\'s calligraphy. Now in Chang\'an City, many people are learning this unique calligraphy.

Even in the calligraphy of Guozi school, the teaching doctors began to take Li forgetful\'s thin gold body as a copy for the students to practice.

Since he crossed to Datang, he was forced to pick up his brush again because he didn\'t have a computer to type. After a few months, especially after copying the romance of the Three Kingdoms, calligraphy is really much better than before.

"My uncle has praised me too much. My nephew\'s words are much whiter than his uncle\'s hands. I also want to ask my uncle to give me a few words so that I can take them home and figure them out day and night."

Li forgot to worry. He opened his mouth shamelessly and flattered Li Er, but Li Er laughed and was very satisfied.

"Ha ha, Ziyou, if you like my words, I\'ll give you some."

Li Wangyou hurriedly presented his perfume and toilet water.

Now he regrets that he has nothing to show off. Why? I knew I wouldn\'t give gifts.

After the perfume swept Changan, everyone familiar with Lee forgot about it, and asked equivocate about it.

Perfume is not easy to manufacture, and it is not like the cold window.

In Chang\'an City, there are so many honourable and valuable officials. It\'s a trouble to send anyone or not. If a person is not good, but offends others, it is not beautiful.

For example, an utterly inadequate measure of Li Er\'s harem, so many concubines, and those bottles of perfume in his hands.

So Li forgot his sorrow and put all the perfume and toilet water on his hand to Li two. You have so many mothers and aunts. How should you allocate them? Go ahead. He doesn\'t want to join in.

Li two did not know that the dozen bottles of perfume would cause trouble in his harem, and when he did not return, he would let the inner waiter take over.

Seeing Li two receiving perfume, Li Wangyou was relieved and chatted with Lee two for a few words, so he decided to leave the palace.

Before he opened his mouth, he saw a Chamberlain running in outside the Lizheng hall, kneeling to the ground, panting and saying, "I\'m so big, everyone, your Highness the prince, he suddenly has pain in his abdomen. It\'s unbearable. Let\'s go and have a look."

Hearing the speech, Li Er stood up, and even the pens and inkstones on the imperial case in front of him were knocked over to the ground.

"What are you talking about? What\'s the matter with Chengqian? Why does he have abdominal pain? Quickly, quickly call the doctor of Shangyao pharmacy!"

"Someone has been sent to Shangyao bureau to recruit doctors into the palace, and Her Highness the queen has gone to the east palace." the Chamberlain didn\'t dare to raise his head and knocked his head on the floor.

Li Er ignored him, so he prepared to go to the east palace to see his son.

Hearing that Chengqian was ill, Li forgot anxiously said, "uncle, my nephew, go to see Chengqian."

Li Er nodded, turned his head and hurried to the east palace. Li forgetful hurriedly trotted up