Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 397

Li forgot to worry about seeing his "performance", finally took the feelings of home and country, prevaricated the empress Chang sun, and couldn\'t help but breathe.

Just don\'t force yourself to get married

But Li forgot his worries and began to worry in his heart. His marriage has always been a hidden danger. Even if it doesn\'t detonate now, what excuse will he use to prevaricate empress Chang sun in another two years?

In history, in the four years of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty flattened the Turks, and Li Er was honored as "Tian Khan" by the chiefs of all ethnic groups in the northwest.

At that time, can you still talk nonsense about "the shame of the Wei River is still not snow"? And the beauty boss side, he always has to give an explanation, can not always be so unclear.

Li Qieyou also knows that this is also the root of the reason why the beauty boss is indifferent to him and they have never had an intimate relationship.

Li Er and empress Chang sun will not agree with him to marry a beautiful boss.

This is now clear to both Li forgetful and beautiful bosses. But before Li forget worry has been pretending not to see, think this thing is still very far away.

Until today, when empress Chang sun mentioned the marriage, he finally had a glimmer of enlightenment.

It turned out that he had been loading ostriches and burying his head in the sand.

He thought that there would always be a solution to his problem with the beautiful boss, and he could go straight to the bridge.

But now it seems that he is just deceiving himself and others.

For a time, Li forgot his worries and asked himself what he would do if one day, Li Er and empress Chang sun forced him to marry other women?

It is for glory, wealth and honor, grievance and perfection; Or give up everything and go away with the beautiful boss, leave Chang\'an City, leave Dingzhou village and elope?

It seems that the answer is the only

Li forgets worry as long as he thinks that if he wants to marry another woman, and the beautiful boss leaves him heartbroken, he will feel a tearing pain in his heart.

Are you willing to let Su Changqing go?



In that case, what else does he have to worry about?

The worst result is to wander around with a beautiful boss.

Li Qieyou suddenly felt that he was really a pig!

He was so stupid that he was confused about such a simple thing! What bullshit founding County son, what bullshit title, is he rare?

Having figured this out, Li Qieyou almost laughed in the Lizheng hall.

He wished he could fly back to Dingzhou village and tell her boss loudly that he loved her!

Fuck Kaiguo County!

If he had to make a choice, he had only one choice in his heart!

After thinking about this, Li forgot to worry because of the words of empress Chang sun, and the stone fell to the ground. He immediately had a feeling of seeing the sun through the clouds.

Li forgot to worry and grinned foolishly. After a few casual words with Li Er and empress Chang sun, he asked to resign from the palace.

After leaving the Tai Chi palace, Niu Wu waited for him outside the palace. He was confused when he saw his husband grinning and giggling.

This is good. What kind of hysteria?

Li forgot to worry about where he would take care of what Niu Wu thought at this time. He didn\'t say much and directly asked Niu Wu to go back to his house.

The two raced all the way back to Dingzhou village. Seeing that the beauty\'s boss had not come back, Li forgot to worry and drove all the people in the house, including Alfred and Peilan, out of the backyard. Yan Ming, except for the beauty boss, no one is allowed to enter the backyard today without his command.

In this regard, Perrin\'s small mouth was pouting enough to hang an oil bottle, and looked at her husband with an aggrieved face.

But at this time, Li forgot to worry about where he still managed to get the little girl\'s mind. He forced everyone out of the backyard, and he began to get busy.

At sunset, the beautiful boss who had been busy in Chang\'an City for a day returned to the house, but unexpectedly found that Alfred and Perrin were sitting in the main room in a daze.

"Hey, you two, what are you doing? Where are you forgetful?"

"Sister Changqing, Lang Jun, he kicked us all out and said that only you can go in the backyard today, and even we are not allowed to go in. Hum, Lang Jun, he must be doing something shady in the backyard. Sister Changqing, please take care of him." when she saw the beautiful boss, Peilan immediately tooted her mouth and began to complain.

Aphrodite was just laughing. She seemed to see something famous, but she didn\'t say it.

The beauty boss was stunned when she heard the speech. She didn\'t know what happened to Li forgetful worry today. Why did she drive Aphrodite and Perrin out of the backyard?

She was curious and walked in the backyard: "I\'ll see what he\'s doing."

Entering the backyard, the beautiful boss noticed that the biogas lights in the backyard were not lit, and the yard was a little dark.

Then she noticed that in the backyard, there was a long table covered with white tablecloth and lit these candles.

This is... Before the beautiful boss reacts, there is music in the backyard. With the music, it is Li forgetful\'s song.

"Sit back to back on the carpet, listen to music and talk about wishes... The most romantic thing I can think of is growing old with you..."

Li Qieyou took his mobile phone to play music, sang love songs, looked at the beautiful boss affectionately, and slowly walked from the darkness to the beautiful boss.

At this moment, Su Changqing finally understood what he was doing. He couldn\'t help covering his mouth with his hands. Tears flickered in his eyes.

After a love song was sung, Li Qieyou looked at the beauty in front of him seriously and said word by word: "I\'m sorry, Changqing, I\'ve always been a fool. I never told my favorite person that I love her, and I never promised anything to her. Are you willing to forgive me?"

Su Changqing was speechless at this time, and the tears in his eyes could not be restrained.

She bit her beautiful red lips and just nodded.

"Changqing, from now on, I only love you, spoil you, don\'t cheat you, and do everything I promise you. I mean everything I say to you. I won\'t bully you or scold you. I believe you. If others bully you, I will come out to help you at the first time. If you are happy, I will accompany you to be happy. If you are unhappy, I will coax you to be happy and will always feel you It\'s the most beautiful. I want to see you in my dream. There\'s only you in my heart. "

After Li forgets to worry about this large section of tender love words, he was just moved to the tearful beauty boss and couldn\'t help laughing through tears. The pink fist couldn\'t stop beating on Li forgetful\'s chest: "I hate it. Don\'t say the movie lines if you have the ability, I don\'t believe it..."

Before she finished, her red lips were silent.

Li forgot to worry and covered her lips directly on her red lips

The breath full of male hormones came to her face, which made the beautiful boss suddenly stare at her eyes, and her body became stiff unconsciously.

However, the beauty boss did not push Li forget you away, but slowly put his arms around Li forget you\'s neck.

At this moment, the moon seemed to blush and shrink herself into the clouds... And at the gate of the backyard, two heads sneaked out