Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 396

Li forgot to worry that his family had no elders. He was expelled from his clan by the Li family in Huxian County, and everyone knew about the reform of the genealogy.

Those ladies who moved to marry women found the eldest grandson queen and put forward the idea of marrying huxianzi in a roundabout way.

This reminds empress Chang sun that her nephew is still unmarried and has no engagement.

Since ancient times, China has regarded the succession of generations more than the sky.

As the saying goes, there are three kinds of unfilial, and no offspring is great.

Marriage, in the eyes of Tang people, is a first-class event.

As the eldest grandson of Li\'s elder, the queen naturally believes that it is necessary for her to make a good marriage for Li\'s dead parents.

She asked the Chamberlain to invite Li forgetful into the palace just to ask his mind.

If Li is interested in the little lady of the government, she is naturally willing to propose marriage for Li.

For Empress Chang sun\'s persuasion, Li forgets worry and quickly shakes his head to refuse.

"Aunt, my nephew is still young and doesn\'t want to consider marriage for the time being."

"Why? You\'re sixteen. How can you say you\'re young? Your uncle and I will decide for you when your family is away. Ziyou, you\'re too thin? Sorry? Don\'t worry, my aunt will choose a suitable match for you."

"Aunt, I really don\'t want to get married. Why don\'t we talk about it in two years?"

"No! We will discuss this matter with your majesty. Don\'t worry about it. We won\'t harm you. Naturally, we will set a good marriage for you."

"Aunt, I really don\'t want to get engaged now. I..."

"Well, there\'s no need to talk about it. The palace has its own opinion!" before Li forgets to worry, she is interrupted by Empress Chang sun.

Nima, you don\'t have the right to speak about your marriage!

Is there any royal law in this damn feudal dynasty?

Li Qieyou almost forgot that empress Chang sun is the king of the Tang Dynasty

Seeing that empress Chang sun still has the habit of being a matchmaker and insists on making an engagement for herself, the cold sweat on Li forgetful\'s forehead is about to fall again.

He finally withdrew his marriage to Wang in Taiyuan. He didn\'t want to suffer such a crime again.

That day, in order to withdraw his marriage, he was even reformed by the Li clan in Huxian county. Although it was a good thing for him to be reformed by Li, he absolutely didn\'t want to experience this kind of thing again.

What\'s more, if he is a non beautiful boss and doesn\'t marry, how can he nod and promise.

But on the side of empress Chang sun, he couldn\'t refuse hard, which made him sit in the wax.

Li forgot to worry about the speed of light running in her mind, and suddenly remembered a word. It seemed that she could use it to prevaricate empress Chang sun and dispel the idea that she wanted to be a matchmaker for herself.

At the thought of this, Li forgot to worry and stood up with his hands behind him. He looked up at the ceiling of the Li main hall at a 45 degree angle with a solemn and stirring color.

Empress Chang sun was confused by his actions. What is this posture for?

Li forgot to worry, put enough poss, brewing a good mood, read aloud and recited: "angry, leaning against the fence, Xiaoxiao rain break..."

Yue Fei\'s "Red River" is naturally well-known in later generations. The poems are full of ambition, with great momentum and Wei Wei\'s atmosphere.

Li forgot to worry suddenly began to sing poems, which surprised the empress changsun. What does this boy do when he talks about his marriage?

Empress Chang sun naturally knew that this short sentence of Li forgetting to worry was a rare masterpiece.

A word is a good word, but how many meanings does this word mean?

Empress Chang sun couldn\'t help but want to interrupt him, so as to bring the topic back and continue to talk about Li forgetful\'s engagement.

But before empress Chang sun spoke, Li forgot to worry and continued his "performance".

"Sixteen achievements, fame, dust and earth, eight thousand miles of clouds and moon. Don\'t be easy, white young head, empty sad."

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t read the sentence "thirty achievements and fame, dust and earth" in Yue Fei\'s original words, otherwise it\'s really hard to explain.

He is only 16 years old. How can he explain if he recites a 30-year-old fame?

The next sentence, "Jing Kang\'s shame is still not snow. When will the officials hate be destroyed?" was also changed into "Wei Shui\'s shame is still not snow" by Li forget.

After all, the change of Jingkang is 500 years later. It will not work if it is not changed.

However, his change moved empress Chang sun.

Although she is a generation of women, she shares the feelings of the alliance of the Weishui river.

Although the Weishui alliance gave Tang a chance to breathe, it was a disgrace for Li Er and the chaotang princes to be beaten to the door of their home and forced to sign the alliance under the city.

When Li forgets to worry and recites poems, he is also peeking at the reaction of empress Chang sun.

Seeing the empress Chang sun\'s serious face, he knew that he should be able to get away smoothly and prevent the empress Chang sun from pestering him to marry him again.

Li forgot to worry and continued to chant: "drive a long car to break through the shortage of Helan Mountain. The ambition is to starve for pork, laugh and drink Xiongnu blood. From the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers and face the sky."

After singing the song "man Jiang Hong", the Lizheng hall is silent.

Empress Chang sun didn\'t know what to say, and the maids in waiting looked at Li QIAOYOU with excitement.

Li forgot to worry, looked straight at the empress changsun, bowed with a long bow, and suddenly raised the volume: "Your Highness, the Turks are not extinct, why is home!"

This was originally a famous saying of Huo Qubing, "why is home when the Xiongnu is not destroyed". It was directly changed into Turkic by Li forget worry, but it is also quite appropriate.

As soon as he said that "Turks are not extinct, why home!" he heard someone applaud outside the hall.

"Good! What a Turk! Why should we worry about our family? If we are all like you, why worry about the injustice of the Turks?"

It was Li Er who spoke. He went down to the back to listen to the internal waiter. Empress Chang sun summoned huxianzi to meet him. Then he knew that his daughter-in-law had said that he wanted to marry Li forgetful.

Li Er has nothing to do, so he is also ready to join the fun and discuss with empress Chang sun to see which little lady in the government is suitable to be betrothed to Li forget you as his wife.

When he reached the main hall of Li, he heard the voice of Li forgetful\'s poetry in the hall without waiting for the eunuch to pass it on. Li Er quickly stopped the waiter from making a noise and stood outside the hall to eavesdrop.

When Li forgot to worry about the poem that "the Wei River is ashamed, but it is still not snow", Li Er did not hold his fists and frowned.

After reading one of Li\'s Poems "Red River", Li Er stood on the spot. He was shocked by the tragic and vigorous poetry, so that he got goose bumps all over and couldn\'t speak for a long time.

It was not until Li forgot to worry about saying "why is home when Turks are not extinct" that Li Er couldn\'t help but beat the festival again and again, which startled the people in the hall.

"Little nephew, I\'ve seen your uncle." seeing Li Er coming, Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed to salute.

"Ziyou, copy the chief\'s short sentence you just chanted to me! I want to hang in the legislative palace and review it every day." Li Er laughed and patted Li forgetful\'s shoulder, which was very gratifying.

He turned to the empress Chang Sun: "Guanyin maid, this boy has spoken these words, so don\'t force him any more. Let\'s discuss the engagement later."

Li Er said so. Empress Chang sun could only nod helplessly