Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 395

In the face of empress Chang sun\'s criticism, Li forgets to worry and reacts quite quickly. As soon as his eyes turn, he quickly opens his mouth to defend himself.

"My aunt is really injustice to my little nephew. This perfume is not that my little nephew does not send her aunt."

"Oh? Why?" empress Chang sun frowned and wondered.

"Aunt, you are pregnant now. This perfume is worth using on weekdays, but it is not suitable to use it. The little nephew is also thinking about the three princes of my uncle. How dare you put this perfume in your aunt?"

Li\'s "sincere" words made empress Chang sun speechless. If pregnant women should not use it, he can\'t be blamed.

In fact, Li forgets worry. This is just fooling empress Chang sun.

If later generations of perfume, pregnant women naturally can not be used. Because most of the fragrances contain musk, and musk can cause miscarriage.

But what he made petals perfume was made of alcohol and without chemical components. If pregnant women were to use it, it would not interfere.

The goods were simply forgotten. They sent flowers and perfume to the palace.

I heard that the perfume itself could not be used. Even if you are a queen under one person, it is also a woman. Perfume is naturally tempting for her.

Fortunately, Li forgot to worry and had a way to make up for his mistakes. He quickly took out an object from his sleeve, presented it with both hands, and asked the maid in waiting to present it to the empress changsun.

"Aunt, this is the soap that my nephew made for my aunt. It can be used for bathing. It\'s better than soap pod soup. After bathing, my body brings its own fragrance. Please accept it. This is my nephew\'s intention."

Li forget worry is very shameless, the face is not red, the heart does not jump, so he said that the soap is specially made for Empress Chang sun.

Now his skin is getting thicker and thicker, and this kind of nonsense comes at once.

Even the soap he took out belonged to the "sample" he took with him. He was originally going to go to the East and West cities on his way out of the palace to find a shop specializing in making boxes and buy some boxes to put soap back for gifts.

Empress Chang sun didn\'t know his twists and turns. She really thought that Li forgot to worry about her and quickly asked the palace lady to present the soap.

The emerald green soap, together with the patterns printed with molds, looks very pleasing.

"Ziyou, have a heart. I like this soap very much." the eldest Sun Queen smelled the elegant fragrance of the soap and was very satisfied. Her previously cold face immediately became warm in spring.

Empress Chang sun\'s face changing speed made Li forget worry. She almost wanted to ask her if this is the unique face changing skill of Sichuan Opera?

The feeling of not sending perfume is "Huxian Zi". Sending soap is "child worry". What about the good virtue?

Li forgot to worry secretly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. NIMA, this woman is too crazy. Even the empress grandson, who was able to change her face for a bottle of perfume, was really crumble.

However, he also knew that the empress\'s performance did not treat him as an outsider, but really as a nephew.

Otherwise, who has ever heard of empress Chang sun begging for things from her ministers?

Is the eldest grandson empress who can write nvze and leave a great reputation as a queen in history the kind of vain little woman?

Empress Chang sun\'s performance just now was actually teasing sulky son with Li forgetful.

She asked the waitresses to bring Li worry into the palace, naturally not just to ask for perfume, though that was also one of the purposes.

"Ziyou, now that you have reached the age of 16, the Taiyuan Wang family withdrew from your engagement. What do you think of your own marriage? Do you have a little lady? Although all your adults have passed away, your aunt will decide for you."

Empress Chang sun suddenly talked about Li\'s marriage, which surprised him.

This is good. How do you say it\'s their own marriage?

What little lady does he like? Of course, I like the beautiful boss.

Let alone Su Changqing is the goddess in his heart. Even if not, can there be other women in the Tang Dynasty to be his "soul mate"?

In addition to the beauty boss, his wife does not consider being the second person.

Of course, if the beauty boss doesn\'t object, the sultry man doesn\'t mind taking Aphrodite as his concubine

"Cough, aunt, it\'s only one year since my adult died. I still need to cut off the decline for two years. I\'m not in a hurry. My nephew is still young and I\'m not in a hurry to get engaged." Li forgets worry and perfunctorily says.

He knew that the beauty boss was twenty-four after all, but his body was only sixteen now.

The age difference between the two is too big. Moreover, the identity of the beautiful boss is not clear. If he directly tells the eldest grandson queen that the non beautiful boss will not marry, I\'m afraid he will cause a storm.

Since ancient times in China, marriage is about matching families.

In the eyes of others, he and his beautiful boss are naturally not right. Not to mention the age gap between the two, even if it is identity and status, it is also a huge gap.

In particular, the higher Li\'s title, the more difficult it will be for him to get married with his beautiful boss.

I\'m afraid this matter will have to be planned slowly.

Empress Chang Sun said with a smile, "it doesn\'t matter. You can make an engagement first. A man should marry a woman, and then you can get married. Ziyou, do you know how many princes and ladies in Chang\'an have inquired about you and intend to recruit you as a son-in-law."

This makes Li forget his worries and feel a little proud. Does he have today? How dare the princes rush to marry their daughters?

Wow, hahaha, sure enough, the charm of a handsome man can\'t be stopped!

Where did he know, in fact, the queen of the long sun would raise this matter, or the evil he made himself, and the source was above the perfume.

These honourable ladies have many parties on weekdays.

After giving perfume to the dudes, Li Wangyou was naturally filial to their mothers.

The people who had such a "sacred thing" were naturally flaunting at the time of the gathering, which attracted the envy of a lady who was so jealous that she could not take away the perfume bottles from her wife.

And Huxian son Li forgets his worries, which has become the topic of discussion at the ladies\' party.

Many ladies even ridiculed the Wang family in Taiyuan for having no eyes. Such a Kirin son and such a good son-in-law, they went to withdraw their marriage. They were really kicked by a donkey.

After laughing at the Wang family in Taiyuan, the ladies suddenly realized that the Huxian son, such as Fang 16 this year, was still unmarried

This huxianzi is a good son-in-law.

Young, rich and talented, he was granted the son of the state by the sage on the 16th. He has a bright future.

What\'s more, the founding son\'s parents died, and his daughter married to his family. There\'s no need to worry about being bullied by his mother-in-law.

And if this Huxian son becomes his son-in-law, is he afraid of no perfume? You can\'t honor anyone without your mother-in-law, can you?

So, because a bottle of perfume, let Lee forget worry, careless, turned into the eyes of the ladies "golden husband"......