Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 392

It was the old Taoist Sun Simiao who came to visit.

The Taoist temple on the Xiangyang hillside has been built. Now the medicine King Sun Simiao has moved out of the Qinling Mountains and became a neighbor with Li forget you.

In this regard, both Li forget worry and the beautiful boss raise their hands to welcome. On the day of the completion of the Taoist temple, Li forgot to worry. Naturally, he had to congratulate and give many generous gifts.

Originally, the farmers in Dingzhou village didn\'t feel anything special about the Taoist temple on the sunny hillside. They thought it was just a small Taoist temple.

However, to the surprise of the old village Zheng and a group of farmers, not only their masters sent a lot of gifts, but also many officials in court clothes in Chang\'an city came to congratulate on the completion of the Taoist temple.

Naturally, there was also a religious management organization in the Tang Dynasty. During the Zhenguan period, religious affairs were in the charge of the Secretary and guest Department of Honglu temple.

Sun Simiao also needed to register with the Department of public affairs to build a Taoist temple.

The old Taoist is so famous that he wants to build a Taoist temple in Dingzhou village, Huxian county. Even Li Er knows this, but he is also happy to see its success.

It was a pity that he failed to invite Sun Simiao as an official. But now Sun Simiao, who lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests on weekdays and sees the Dragon without seeing the tail, has settled down in Dingzhou village. Naturally, it is a good thing for Li Er.

On the day of the completion of the Taoist temple, even Li Er sent waiters in the palace to send all kinds of congratulatory gifts to show his congratulations.

As soon as Sun Simiao\'s Taoist temple was completed, the incense became vigorous.

Not only the farmers in Dingzhou village will go to pray for incense, but also the people in the surrounding villages, even in Huxian county.

Sun Simiao didn\'t care whether the incense of the Taoist temple was strong or not. He handed over the Taoist temple to his disciples and grandchildren. The old Taoist priest didn\'t see any visitors, but devoted himself to his way of medicine.

The Taoist temple was named "microscopic view" by Sun Simiao, and its source is actually the microscope that Li forgets worry and he casually talked about that day. Lao Dao still remembers it.

After the Taoist temple was completed, Sun Simiao led his apprentice Liu Shenwei to the door.

"Huxianzi, now it\'s completed in a micro way. I\'m going to start research. Please tell huxianzi everything you said about bacteria and penicillin that day. I\'m very grateful for teaching him in detail about bacteria and penicillin."

Li forgot to worry and looked bitter. He felt that he was fooling Sun Simiao. Was he a little too hard?

He didn\'t major in pharmacy. The so-called method of making penicillin was just learned from TV dramas. He\'s not sure he can really make penicillin that way.

But now, Sun Simiao\'s Taoist temple has been repaired. He wants to tell the Taoist priest that he is talking casually, which annoys the Taoist priest. I\'m afraid it will be difficult in the future?

Li Qieyou had no choice but to harden his head and repeat the methods he had learned from TV dramas.

On one side, Liu Shenwei was absorbed and kept recording what Li forgot to worry about with a pen for fear of missing a word.

"Huxianzi, what is distilled water?" the old Taoist listened very carefully and interrupted.

"Er, boil the water, condense the water vapor into water again, and you get distilled water."

"What\'s the use?"

"Purer..." Li forgot to worry about his words. He didn\'t know what the advantages of distilled water were.

Fortunately, Sun Simiao did not continue to ask, but reached into his skirt and took out a brocade bag from his arms.

When Li forgot to worry about it, he saw that the Taoist priest opened the brocade bag and poured the contents of the brocade bag on several cases.

These glittering and translucent objects reflecting light almost blinded Li\'s eyes.

Crystal! Natural crystal!

And all of them are colorless and transparent natural crystals with high quality. They are all transparent crystals like water.

Such high-quality crystals are rarely seen in both East and West cities. I think Sun Simiao spent a lot of effort to collect these colorless crystals.

"Huxianzi, you said that you must use crystal to make a microscope that day. I collected these colorless crystals through the Taoist door a few days ago. Do you think you can help me build a microscope?"

Sun Simiao looked at Li QIAOYOU seriously and looked forward to it.

Li forgot to worry but went straight to Sparta... What\'s the situation? Did you really say microscope that day?

Well, even if he did, that doesn\'t mean he\'ll make it.

As for the microscope, he only used it in the biological experiment class when he was in school. The only thing he knew was that the convex lenses were combined to enlarge the image.

But he knows nothing about the structure of the microscope.

Don\'t say he doesn\'t understand. Even most people in later generations only know the general principle of the microscope, but I\'m afraid most people can\'t draw a structural diagram.

Li Qieyou would like to ask the old Taoist priest if I can make a magnifying glass for you and make do with it?

Now he is deeply aware of what it is to lift a stone and hit himself in the foot. Originally, he just wanted to deceive the drug king Sun Simiao to stay in Dingzhou village and have a reliable medical security with his beautiful boss.

But now he brags and blows too hard. Facing the expectant eyes of drug king Sun Simiao, he really doesn\'t know how to answer.

Li forgot to worry, opened his mouth and wanted to say he wouldn\'t, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them back, patted his chest and promised, "old fairy, don\'t worry, I will try my best to help you build a microscope."

With Li\'s assurance of forgetting his worries, Sun Simiao was full of joy and smiled.

"Immeasurable God, in that case, you can help huxianzi. Now I will stay in Xianwei to study the penicillin said by Huxian men. Huxianzi can find me in Xianwei at any time."

"Yes, yes, old fairy, don\'t worry."

After seeing Sun Simiao and Liu Shenwei off, Li forgot to worry and sat on the floor. He died prematurely, and that\'s what he said. What should the microscope do?

Looking at the crystals left by Sun Simiao on the table, Li forgets worry and feels a headache. It\'s a big trouble to polish the crystal into lenses. It\'s a question whether we can find craftsmen who can polish the crystal in Chang\'an city.

Li forgets to worry. Now he knows the consequences of boasting, but there is nothing he can do. He can only look at the crystal on several cases in a daze.

After the beauty boss came back from Chang\'an City, seeing his sad face, he was curious to ask what had happened.

After Li forgot to worry about Sun Simiao\'s visit and asked him to make a microscope, the beautiful boss couldn\'t help laughing.

"Hey, hey, Changqing, what are you laughing at? Is it funny? Don\'t help me find a way. I can\'t make a microscope later. I\'m careful to piss off Sun Simiao."

The beauty boss smiled more happily: "forget your worries, don\'t say you didn\'t have a science class when you were in school? I remember that there was a science class in primary school, which asked us to make a simple microscope. It\'s very simple. You can do it as long as you have a convex lens."

"You mean you know how to make a microscope?" Li forgot to worry, got up from the floor and grabbed the catkin of the beautiful boss.

The beautiful boss nodded proudly: "yes, but..."