Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 393

"But what?" Li forgets to worry about her boss\'s betrayal.

"But you have to make something for me in exchange." the beautiful boss squeezed his eyes at Li forgetful.

"What do you do?"

"Soap!" said the boss. "What\'s so hard to use?" I could endure for a long time. If you hadn\'t made perfume, I hadn\'t thought about it. Should you make soap? "

Li forgot to worry and nodded foolishly. He can make soap. Should soap be the same? Add some petal perfume to the soap, and you can make soap.

He had never thought of making soap and was used to using soap pods soup. Now, after listening to the reminder of his beautiful boss, Li forgot his worries and suddenly woke up.

I was also a pig brain. I knew I could make soap and draw a sketch of spring palace to sell?

However, he just thought about it. When he came to Dingzhou village with his beautiful boss, he didn\'t distill alcohol, and alcohol is also one of the necessary materials for making soap.

Su Changqing nodded and sighed: "hee hee, it\'s settled. I\'ll draw the structure of the microscope for you. Go to Chang\'an city to find a craftsman and polish the crystal into a lens."

"Ah? Didn\'t you help me make it?"

"Hum, how can miss Ben have such free time? Besides, I only remember the general structure. Can you experiment slowly?"

When she finished, she walked briskly and hummed to the backyard, leaving Li forgetful alone in the wind. Is this being fooled again?

Forget it, since the beauty boss needs it, he naturally has to go all out.

It\'s more important to put aside the microscope that the old Taoist Sun Simiao wants, or to make soap for the beautiful boss.

It is wonderful to make this soap, like perfume, to give gifts.

As for making soap a profitable industry, it is not necessary to think about it at all. It is not that it will not be popular. Rather, it is simply not the same as perfume.

Perfume is hard to collect, but soap is restricted by lard.

Although Datang has pigs, after all, it does not have such a large slaughter volume as later generations. It is impossible for Li to buy a large number of pigs for slaughter in order to make soap.

The most important point is that the pigs in Datang are not as fat as those in later generations, and the pigs are naturally less fat.

Since ancient times, the meat production of various breeds of pigs is not high. It was not until the Republic of China introduced big white pigs from the United States and hybridized with local pigs that the pig varieties were improved.

Therefore, even if Li forgets worry and wants to get a lot of lard in Datang to refine soap, it is unrealistic.

But if it\'s just for his own use, it\'s not a trouble. Li forgetful can do it now.

This skill was first learned from his grandfather. Many old people in the countryside can use pig pancreas to make soap. Pig pancreas is the pancreas of pigs. It is processed into soap with alkaline water and other materials.

But although the soap made of pig pancreas is easy to use, it doesn\'t look good, and many girls can\'t accept it.

In order to pick up girls in college, Li Qieyou also learned to be romantic. He made some handmade soap and sent it to his primary school sister. The soap was made, but the primary school sister was not rare. Instead, she accepted the boy who gave her beautiful jewelry... Now I think it\'s really a sad story.

At the beginning, primary school girls were not rare. It doesn\'t matter. Now the beauty boss has orders. Li forgets worry and starts work immediately.

He asked Li Heng to help him prepare lard and caustic soda. He ran to carpenter Liu\'s house and asked him to carve some molds for himself immediately. The mold is not complicated. Just take out the shape of soap with wood and simply carve some patterns.

It was a piece of cake for carpenter Liu. In less than half an hour, he carved the mold Li forgot to worry about.

When everything is ready, go back to work and make soap.

In fact, making soap is very simple. Put lard, caustic soda and alcohol in a certain proportion into a earthen pot for heating, and then keep stirring.

Keep heating and stirring until no oil can be seen, and then add salt to continue stirring.

Finally, take out the solidified substance floating on the earthen pot and rinse it, which is soap. Soap and vegetable dye and petal perfume are fragrant soap.

Then press it into the mold and squeeze it into shape, which is the same as the soap sold in later supermarkets.

Li forgot to worry about Niu Wu and Niu Yong and called them to the kitchen to help themselves. The three big men worked hard and sweated, and finally came up with a pile of soap.

Let the cattle brothers help themselves and wrap up the soap with oil paper, which is a great success.

"Lang Jun, what are you making? But eat? I\'ll try how it tastes..." Niu Wu picked up a piece of soap, weighed it twice, and was ready to chew it in the mouth.

It\'s no wonder Niu Wu. Anyone who sees that these things are boiled with lard will think that Li forget you is eating.

"Stop!" Li forgot to worry and hurriedly shouted at the silly boy, reaching out to grab the soap from his hand: "eat a ghost, this is soap for bathing, and soap pod soup."

"What are you doing with your efforts, Mr. husband? Isn\'t there soap pod soup in the house?" Niu Wu asked puzzled.

Li forgot to worry and was too lazy to explain to them. He directly lost two pieces of soap to his brothers: "I\'m too lazy to tell you two silly goods that you can take these two pieces of soap back to your daughter-in-law."

Leaving this, Li forgot to worry and emptied the rest of the soap. He went to the backyard to ask the beautiful boss for credit.

Niu Yong and Niu Wu were confused. They felt that their husband made this "soap" inexplicably, which was completely unnecessary. Since it is as useful as soap pod soup, why bother to stir up this thing?

They were too lazy to study the problem. They simply went back to their wing rooms with a piece of soap.

"Husband, are you back? Eh, what are you holding in your hand? It\'s very nice." Su Qiao, Niu Yong\'s daughter-in-law, saw Niu Yong enter the room, quickly put down the mended clothes and came forward to serve her husband. Seeing the soap in Niu Yong\'s hand, he couldn\'t help asking.

The soap made by Li Qieyou looks very good because of the addition of plant dyes, showing emerald green and the pattern extruded by the mold.

"Oh, this is the soap made by our brother for Lang Jun. Lang Jun said that it was the same as the soap pod soup. The lady could try it." Niu Yong explained. Seeing that his daughter-in-law was interested, he quickly handed over the soap.

Su Qiao was curious and took the soap, but she found that it had an abnormal fragrance, and a fresh smell came to her nose.

"It smells good. The soap smells good."

"You can use it if you like. It\'s getting late. Go take a bath and have a rest early."

"Well, I see. The concubine went to the bathroom to take a bath and change clothes first." Su Qiao said, took the towel and personal clothes, picked up the soap and walked to the bathroom