Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 391

After being drunk by Cheng Yaojin\'s old man, Li forgot to worry. He rested in the house for several days before he calmed down.

Today, the Duke of Lu, in Li\'s mind, is as terrible as Senluo hall. When you go to Chang\'an City, the Duke of Lu is a restricted area and an inaccessible existence.

This day, he sat in his flowing water house, listening to the scattered sound of water, drinking tea, listening to Aphrodite waving strings... He was in a daze doing nothing and felt that this was life.

Recently, Li forgot to worry that he was too busy, completely contrary to his wish to eat and die and become a carefree small landlord.

We must reflect!

Unknowingly, he found a stall for himself, and everything could not be delayed.

Now the most important thing is the supervisor\'s own manor.

The construction progress of the manor residence on the Xiangyang hillside has improved a lot. The main building has been completed and internal construction has begun. It will be completed and occupied in about a month.

The decoration of Datang is original, and there is absolutely no formaldehyde. Therefore, once the manor house is completed, Li forget worry can move in immediately.

The progress of the new houses built by Li forget worry to the farmers is faster. 127 residential courtyards have been completed.

Li Qieyou originally wanted the farmers to move, but Lao cunzheng said he didn\'t agree with anything.

In his words, where is the reason why the owner still lives in the old house and the city households move to a new house? If the villagers of Dingzhou village do so, they are afraid to be stabbed by the backbone of ten miles and eight townships.

The old village is insisting that they will not move until Li forgets his worries and moves into his new house.

The village\'s farmers also have such an attitude. No one is willing to move to a new house before Li forgets his worries.

In the face of the stubborn old village, Li forgets worry and can only shake his head and let them go.

However, at the suggestion of the old village leader, a tall and solid square wall and door were built on the periphery of xindingzhou village, which was connected with the wall of Li forgetful\'s manor residence.

In this way, to enter Li forgetful\'s manor residence, you must pass through the square door and village of xindingzhou village.

Lao Murakami\'s mind naturally understood that Li forgot his worries and did not refuse his kindness. This is to regard Dingzhou village as the peripheral defense line of Li forget worry\'s residence. If there is a small attempt against him, he must pass through Dingzhou village first.

Li forgot to worry about the safety of his residence.

He not only asked the Ministry of work to build a strong and tall courtyard wall for him. At his own expense, he recruited many craftsmen and dug a circular ditch along the outside of the wall of the mansion.

In the ditch, there is a stream drained from the mountain, which flows through the ditch and then flows into the artificial lake excavated at the foot of the mountain. Then it flows through the new Dingzhou village and finally into the Ganhe river.

In this way, not only the manor residence has a moat, but also the domestic water for the residence and Dingzhou village has been guaranteed.

Li forgot to worry about the excavated ditches at the expense of copper money. The craftsmen paved them with cement and embedded large pieces of smooth pebbles. These canals are very beautiful, and the flowing streams are clear to the bottom.

Through both sides of the canal in Dingzhou village, Li forget worry asked carpenter Liu to build a lot of waterwheel for placement. Constantly lift the stream water in the canal to a high place and pour it into the erected bamboo pipes.

These bamboo pipes are connected to 127 courtyards respectively.

Not only as domestic water, but also like today\'s Li family\'s old house, it can connect the stream to the roof to create a "rain house", making the house cool in midsummer.

In order to realize the peach blossom in the heart of the beautiful boss and the farmers of Dingzhou village, Li forgets to worry about racking his brains when designing the new Dingzhou village.

Every household in the village has a sewage pipeline, which can directly flush the sewage into the huge biogas digester.

Not only every family is equipped with biogas lamps, but also the roads in the village are equipped with biogas lamps for night lighting. In the view of Tang people, this kind of biogas lamp that can burn without lamp oil is no different from watching science fiction films by later generations. It is difficult to understand.

Even Li Qieyou helped build two public bathrooms in the village, which made the old village and farmers feel too luxurious.

These village households like to go to Xincun village for a tour now that they have nothing to do.

Not to mention how happy the original farmer\'s family was, even Niu Wu and Niu Yong\'s daughter-in-law, the dozen palace maids who married the old government soldiers were excited after seeing these houses.

In their view, even the Tai Chi palace, where they have stayed for more than ten years, may not be as comfortable as these courtyards.

This makes these maids out of the palace happy, serving their husbands more gentle and virtuous.

In addition to his own manor residence and xindingzhou village, Li forgets to worry. He also has to walk around the polo field that has been built from time to time and discuss some matters with the officials of the Ministry of work.

As for the wine making workshop in the Qinling Mountain depression, it is now on the right track. Li forgets to worry about it and directly leaves it to the supervising waiter sent by Li Er.

He just needs to look at the account books every month. Anyway, Li Er takes the big head and can\'t afford to worry about it himself.

Now, he first had to set up an ice making workshop in the village.

This ice making is simple. It only needs a lot of saltpeter.

In order to keep it a secret, Li Qieyou asked the village\'s farmers to go all over Chang\'an City and the surrounding counties and counties to buy saltpeter from large and small medicine shops.

Fortunately, saltpeter ice making can be used repeatedly. Purchase enough saltpeter at one time and don\'t bother in the future.

The workshop for making ice is the same as Li Qieyou\'s original method of making ice. After both large and small containers are filled with water, put nitrate into the large container.

Saltpeter reacts with water, absorbs heat, condenses into ice, and freezes the water in the small container at the same time.

The ice in the small container can be collected, put into the excavated ice cellar and transported to Chang\'an city.

Ice cubes containing saltpeter in large containers are sent to the fire for distillation. The saltpeter condensed after distilling dry water can be used repeatedly to make ice. The only thing that needs to be consumed is the firewood burning on the fire.

With the help of men, women and children in the village, the ice making workshop was built in two days. After a large number of ice cubes are produced, they can be continuously transported to Chang\'an City after being transformed into a four-wheel carriage with thermal insulation effect.

As for the recruitment of franchisees in Chang\'an City, Li forget worry will not do it himself.

As the founder of Datang Huxian County, I personally went to the shopkeepers of those cooked water shops to talk about business. I\'m afraid I\'ll be laughed off.

Li forget worry is smart. He finds the fat Qiu Kun and asks him if he is willing to take over the business.

Qiu Kun naturally won\'t refuse. He doesn\'t care how much money he can make. The key is to get closer to Li forgetful. How can he refuse such a good thing?

So the enemy became the general distributor of the beverage vending machine in Chang\'an city. Li forgetful was also very atmospheric and directly gave him 10% of the dry shares.

After being so busy for more than half a month, I finally handled all kinds of chores properly.

Li forgot his worries and went back to Dingzhou village to live a leisurely life for his small landlord who ate and waited for death.

But this morning, another guest came to Li\'s old house, which made Li forget his worries and spare his head.