Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 390

"Brother Lu, this is the toilet water and perfume made by my little brother himself. It\'s a little token to give to your father, and please let Wu brother accept it."

In the main room of Chai mansion, Li QIAOYOU presented two exquisite wooden boxes with both hands. After opening them, twelve exquisite small porcelain vases were neatly stacked inside.

There are also patterns of various flowers on the porcelain vase. It is very valuable to burn it.

These porcelain vases were specially customized by Li Qieyou to the most famous porcelain kiln in Chang\'an City, which cost a lot of copper money. However, the money is not in vain. These exquisite small porcelain vases are unforgettable at first sight.

In the words of later generations, it is high enough.

"What is this flower water and perfume?" said Chai, who reached for a bottle of green porcelain bottle and asked him curiously.

"Hey, brother Lingwu, toilet water is a good thing. If you are bitten by mosquitoes in summer, you can dispel mosquitoes and relieve itching by applying toilet water." Li forgets to ask Chai Lingwu to open the cork.

When the cork was removed, a strong smell of mint came out immediately, which boosted Chai Lingwu\'s spirit when he smelled it.

"Oh, there\'s such good stuff, ha ha, you worry about your son, thank you for your brother. Then you will be disrespectful, and have your face to accept your gift. Is this perfume also used to repel mosquitoes?"

Li forgot to worry and explained quickly: "no, perfume is for your father, and your concubines are coated with a little bit on the neck and wrist. They can play the same role as the sachet. The fragrance can last for half a day. The flowers painted on this bottle represent what perfume is this smell."

"What? There\'s such a good thing?" Chai Lingwu couldn\'t wait to pick up a bottle of porcelain with peony painted on it and pulled out the cork.

The goods were smeared on his wrist several times, and Li forgot to worry about stopping it.

Nima, does Chai Lingwu still have this hobby?

Should I stay away from him in the future? Won\'t this product have a special hobby?

"Eh, it\'s really the smell of peony! Ziyou, how did you do it? It\'s really magical."

The so-called "national color and natural fragrance" refers to peony, and the fragrance of peony flowers of different colors is different.

Chai Lingwu took this bottle of perfume, which was soaked out by Li Wangyou\'s petals of white peony. It has a very pleasant fragrance and is very elegant.

"Ha ha, son worry, you are indeed a good brother for your brother. Good stuff has not forgotten your brother. Is there any perfume? Send some more for your brother."

"Are these twelve bottles of perfume not enough for you?" so, brother Wu, there are only three or four concubines in your mansion.

"Hey hey, brother Wei, don\'t you still have some confidants in pingkang square?" Chai Lingwu replied shamelessly.

In this regard, Li Qieyou can only raise his middle finger to show his "admiration".

"This perfume is not easy to produce, and it must be sent to others." brother Wu, would you like to consult with Mr. Merlot to make them get you some? "For Li Wangyou, who is so scumbag, he is too lazy to continue to talk nonsense. Anyway, there is so much perfume, and wants to go to other dudes.

It\'s not that he can\'t bear perfume, but actually it\'s hard to collect petals.

The petals used for these perfumes cost him a lot of work, and he used copper coins to collect them everywhere. How could he be willing to give it to Chai Lingwu to please the prostitutes in pingkang square?

From Chai Fu, he ran to all the dude houses and sent flowers and water and perfume one by one. This is due to human contact.

Since toilet water and perfume are not intended to be made by an industry as well as by the beauty boss, it is more appropriate to give gifts.

But when he went to the Duke of Lu to give gifts, Li forgot to worry, but unfortunately ran into the old rogue Cheng Yaojin.

Therefore, not only the remaining toilet water and perfume were all robbed by the old goods, but also forced him to promise to send some more to the house tomorrow.

What\'s more, Cheng Yaojin didn\'t let people go after accepting gifts. He had to pull Li forgetful to eat and drink in the house.

It\'s OK to eat and drink in someone else\'s house, but in Cheng Yaojin\'s house, Li forgets worry that it\'s simply a kind of torture.

Especially when he saw the food brought up by Cheng\'s cook, it was still bleeding. It was obviously not cooked mutton. Li forgot to worry and had no appetite at all.

Cheng Yaojin even pulled out his knife, cut off a large piece of mutton with blood, stained it with spices, and put it into his big mouth to chew.

This makes Li forget to worry. Is this the style of food in Cheng\'s house?

Li forgets to look at Chumo, Chuliang and Chubi with sympathy. What they mean is that you grew up eating these things?

The three brothers of the Cheng family nodded firmly and silently. At this moment, Li forgetful clearly saw the tears flashing from the corners of their eyes

Poor baby!

"Li Xiaowa, why don\'t you eat? The cooking skills in Laozi\'s house are not to your taste?" Cheng Yaojin stared at Li forgetting to move his chopsticks.

Eat your sister. This half cooked mutton doesn\'t say the taste. If you eat it small, I\'m afraid you\'ll have to stay in the toilet. It\'s strange not to have diarrhea.

"Hey hey, uncle Cheng, I\'ve just had a meal. At this time, my stomach is swollen and I really can\'t eat."

"Hum! If you can\'t eat, then drink! You little boy, just brew shaodaozi wine. It suits my heart. After drinking your wine, drink other drinks, which is no different from drinking horse urine. Come on, Dalang, Erlang and Sanlang, fill up the wine for Li\'s little boy and drink it!"

Li forgot to worry and looked at the wine lamps that were big enough to serve as soup bowls on several tables in front of him.

Drink your sister! Is this drinking or fighting?

He tries his best to squeeze his eyes at Chumo and Chumo, which means to let go

However, the three brothers of the family didn\'t think they had seen it. They grabbed the wine jar and poured wine into the wine bowl in front of him.

"Ziyou, it\'s not that your brothers don\'t help you. It\'s really hard to catch. Come on, drink."

Before Li forgets to resist, Cheng Chubi and Cheng Chumo clamp his arm from left to right. Cheng Chuliang takes the wine and pours it into his mouth.

"Help... Help..." Li forgot to worry about being trapped in the Duke of Lu, just like the quail.

After a banquet, Li forgot to worry about being drunk into the dark and unconscious, so Niu Wujia carried it back to Dingzhou village on his horse.

The next day, Li forgot to worry and woke up from his bed with a splitting headache. His teeth rattled with hate.

"Old man cheng! Someone is dead with you!" Li forgets to worry. He wants to take a knife and rush to the Duke of Lu for revenge, but considering the force gap between the two sides, he can only bear it.

But Chumo and Chumo\'s three brothers turned against each other and helped the tyrant to do evil. Li forgets his worries and is deeply saddened. Such brothers are really great.

Typical revenge for kindness!

With the Duke of Lu and his party, Li Qieyou deeply realized that giving gifts in the Tang Dynasty is risky, so please cherish it.