Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 384

Li forgot to worry about such a generous promise, but Chai Lingwu hesitated.

Can this boy really come up with a machine that can sell drinks automatically without manual work? Chai Lingwu doesn\'t believe it, but think about it carefully. It seems that this boy is so active in betting with others and has never lost.

Thinking of this, Chai Lingwu immediately counseled: "ha ha, Ziyou, what are you talking about? Brother, I\'m just kidding you. I can\'t be true, I can\'t be true."

"Brother Lingwu, you just said that a gentleman\'s word is irretrievable. How can you go back? No, today\'s bet must be played!" Li forgets to worry. Seeing that the cooked duck is going to fly, he quickly took words to block chailingwu.

However, the more he behaved like this, the more suspicious Chai Lingwu became. That copy of Wang Xizhi\'s calligraphy is his treasure. How can he be willing to lose to Li forgetful.

"Yes? Ziyou may have heard it wrong because the sun is too big. I\'m sure I didn\'t say that. Ha ha, the weather is really good today. Everyone, go and have a drink with Ziyou after giving gifts."

Chai Ling wants to leave after fighting the horse, but Chumo grabs the reins.

"Wait, brother Lingwu, we can testify. You just said you wanted to bet with Ziyou. How can a man not count?"

This group of dandies is not too big to watch the excitement.

What\'s more, the vending machine mentioned by Li Qieyou sounds quite interesting. In that case, how can Chai Lingwu run away.

Chai Lingwu found that something was about to happen to him just now. He vaguely felt that his beloved Wang Youjun calligraphy would be lost.

He looked sad and said, "brothers, just now, I thought I didn\'t say it was ok? I\'m wrong. I\'ll make amends to Ziyou and you. Today, the little brother of pingkang square is a treat. The little ladies in the painting building are free to order, okay?"

Fang Yiai looks at Chumo and others, and answers with one voice: "no! Today\'s bet must be played, and we will bear witness!"

Chai Lingwu wants to give himself a mouth and call you cheap. Why do you provoke Li forget you?

Li forgets to worry about seeing the dandies forcing Chai Lingwu to make a bet. He laughs brightly.

"Wow, hahaha, brother Wu, give me three days to prepare the calligraphy of Wang Youjun, and I\'ll convince you to lose."

In a moment of excitement, he even learned the old man\'s laughter of Cheng Yaojin. Chumo\'s three brothers can\'t help but stare at him. They want to see what\'s wrong with the goods. They actually imitate their own adults\' scary laughter.

Li forgot to worry about these words, which made Chai Lingwu feel sad, and felt that life was simply gloomy.

"Ziyou, brother, it\'s not easy for me to get the calligraphy of Wang Youjun. It\'s my heart." Chai Lingwu still wanted to struggle.

"Well, I see. I\'ll take good care of it. Thank you, brother Lingwu."

Li forgot to worry naturally replied that the way he held the winning ticket made Chai Lingwu have the impulse to spit blood.

What a shame! Chai Lingwu looked up at the sky and sighed. He didn\'t look at the Yellow calendar today. He really recited it to the extreme.

Li forgot to worry, who had been dazzled by the sun. When he came down, he quickly sent gifts to the last two Lord Xun\'s houses. He didn\'t even care to have a drink of tea, so he left.

As for Chumo, they invited him to pingkang square for a drink. Li forgets to go. He is anxious to find a craftsman to make an automatic vending machine to win Chai Lingwu\'s calligraphy.

In this regard, Chai Lingwu had no choice but to put up his two middle fingers to Li forget you to express his "excited" mood. At the same time, he secretly prayed that Li forget you was bragging.

The reason why Li forgets worry is so confident to gamble with chailingwu is, of course, that it is not difficult to make a machine that automatically sells drinks.

When he studied the course of e-commerce, when the professor talked about the impact of vending machines on modern business in class, he once said that as early as the 1st century A.D., the ancient Greeks made a device for automatically selling holy water, which is the earliest vending machine in the world.

Li Qieyou was very interested in this matter at that time. He also went to the library to check the information and read the recovery map of the vending machine.

The principle of the vending machine of the ancient Greeks is very simple. When coins are put into the coin slot, they fall into a small plate in the instrument, which is connected with a lever. Through the lever principle, the valve in the holy bucket in the device is driven.

After the valve is opened, the holy water flows out automatically.

The small plate containing coins keeps falling and tilting. Until the coin on the small plate slides, the lever resets and the valve closes automatically.

This vending machine selling holy water was regarded as a miracle by the ancient Greeks, which caused a great sensation at that time.

So Li forgot to worry. When he heard that Chai Lingwu wanted to bet with himself, he naturally laughed so that he could hardly see.

He has long coveted Chai Lingwu\'s calligraphy of Wang Xizhi, but he didn\'t expect that the goods would be delivered to the door automatically. Good man!

After saying goodbye to the dandies, Li forgot to worry and led Niu Wu directly to Yan Liben\'s house.

The teacher has something to do. Naturally, I need my disciples to do it for him.

Yan Liben, as a young supervisor, is also good at craft and thinking.

Li forgot to worry about the beverage vending machine. He just knew the principle and general appearance. How to realize it naturally needed Yan Liben\'s help.

What\'s more, there are all kinds of skilled craftsmen in the prison, who are good at making different tools. This automatic beverage vending machine was designed, and it also needs to be built by these craftsmen.

In the lobby of Yan mansion, Yan Liben was playing chess with Ma Zhou, chatting about his teacher and all the news in Chang\'an City recently.

The air-conditioning window, of course, didn\'t forget his two disciples, and he sent them to install it early in the morning. At this time, it was quite cool in the lobby of Yan mansion.

"Brother Binwang, the teacher is very human. Looking at the air-conditioning window, there is no need for manual work. Just dozens of porcelain bottles with transparent ends can blow out the cool wind. It\'s amazing."

"Yes, sir, although he is young, he is capable of studying heaven and man. The more he studies with him, the more he feels that he is unfathomable and often makes amazing moves."

"Brother Binwang said that someone was a painting addict. He was only moved by the teacher\'s amazing sketching skills. But he didn\'t expect that it was not only the painting skills, but also the teacher\'s ideas that were the real treasure house. He was deeply glad to learn under the teacher\'s door."

While they were sighing, they heard that the servants at home came to report that huxianzi, his teacher, was visiting.

This surprised both of them. They didn\'t even have time to wear shoes, so they hurried out barefoot.

"Teacher, how can I come to the disciple\'s house today? Please come in quickly, please come in quickly." Yan Liben was overjoyed and hurried forward to salute with Ma Zhou.

Li forgot to worry, but he didn\'t expect Ma Zhou to be there. He couldn\'t help laughing: "King bin is here at the right time. I have something to ask you two for help today..."