Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 383

Fortunately, Cheng Yaojin\'s words were just words. The next day, Li forget worry was frightened all day for fear of hearing the laughter of ghosts and gods.

In order not to let Cheng Yaojin have an excuse to come back to Dingzhou village, Li forget worry asked Niu Wu to go to Huxian county again and spill a lot of copper money.

The purpose is to urge the mouth of the porcelain kiln and the carpenters to speed up and seize the time to make the air-conditioning fan. He is lucky to go to Chang\'an city.

Li Er and Cheng Yaojin didn\'t come to Dingzhou village again. After all, there are many state affairs. It\'s OK for Li Er and the Duke to be lazy all day. They can\'t skip work every day.

The dandies came to Dingzhou village the next day to "rub the air conditioner".

When the dandies attack, Li forget worry is naturally welcome. Although these guys don\'t have much wine and like mischief when they drink too much, Li forgets worry but feels that they are as lovely as a group of playful friends in later generations.

Even the beautiful boss is already familiar with the dandies, and they are welcome to come.

There are delicious food and drink, cool and comfortable. Dandies also visit frequently these days. If the Li family\'s old house were not too small, they would all want to stay.

Three days later, the first batch of ecological air conditioners made hundreds of fans. Li forgot to worry and quickly asked Shunfeng carriage company to send a carriage to personally escort these ecological air conditioners to Chang\'an city to give gifts.

One hundred fans were sent to the Imperial Palace, and another twenty or thirty fans were sent to the national and county public houses. In the great Confucian houses of Yu Shinan and Kong Yingda, he didn\'t forget. Even at Qiu Kun\'s house, he asked people to send ten ecological air conditioners.

Today, Huxian county is still making air-conditioning windows. In the great Chang\'an City, there are so many honourable ministers that Li forgets to worry about giving gifts. Otherwise, it will provoke jealousy in vain.

Even the residence of Zhang Liang, the Duke of Changping County, he made a special trip to the air-conditioning window. This is also a worldly sophistication.

For more than a month after that, Li Qieyou almost ran to Chang\'an city every day, busy giving gifts, which made him toss and turn.

However, as the air-conditioning window, a new thing, was installed and used in the civil and military officials\' offices in Chang\'an City, its cooling effect immediately surprised everyone.

However, the room with air-conditioned windows is obviously much cooler than the room without air-conditioned windows.

The officials who received the gift of Li forgetful worry were naturally full of good feelings for the huxianzi. Li forgot to worry about this gift, but it was timely and of low value, but it was loved by all officials.

The people of Tang Dynasty naturally did not know the principle of this cold air window, but some smart people imitated it according to the appearance, and the effect was as good as before.

As a result, the air-conditioning window made by Li forget worry soon spread among the people in Chang\'an city. Many kilns firing porcelain have started firing.

For a time, the installation of air-conditioning windows became a fashion in Chang\'an city.

Li Qieyou brushed another wave of popularity against the air-conditioning window in Chang\'an city.

Even this air-conditioning window is nicknamed "worry free window" by Chang\'an people. In addition to the invention of Huxian son Li forget worry, it also means that after installing the air-conditioning window, you will no longer worry and be sad in the hot summer. Those who forget worry forget worry!

But these are later words, not to mention for the time being.

Now, Li forgets to worry still braves the scorching sun and gives gifts all over Chang\'an city. He was already sweating and the clothes on his back were already wet. He felt that giving gifts was also a hard job.

"Chumo, how many more families are going to give gifts today?" Li forgets to worry and asks listlessly, riding on his horse.

Among the four wheelbarrow motorcades giving gifts, there were the same dandies who were sweating and listless by the poisonous sun.

Of course, Li forgot to worry about this group of guys who eat and drink in his family. Of course, brothers should share weal and woe.

How can he run around alone and let these guys eat and drink in the house?

Moreover, there is nothing more familiar in Chang\'an than these dandies. When he wants to give gifts to various mansions, he naturally needs the help of dandies to guide the way.

Therefore, even if Chumo and Fang Yiai are reluctant, they are pulled out by Li forgetful and forced to sunbathe with him.

Chumo wiped the sweat on his face: "there are two more. They are all in Xiude workshop."

"Then let\'s go quickly. After delivering the things, I\'ll invite my brothers to have a drink."

"On this hot day, what wine do you eat? I have no appetite. Now I just want to drink your cold drinks and ice cream!"

"Ha ha, brother Chumo is right. There are so many good things in Ziyou residence. It\'s refreshing to have a cold drink on this hot day!"

Li forgot to worry about riding on horseback and was dazzled by the sun. Hearing this, he said, "isn\'t it a cold drink? I\'ll buy you a drink when I see the vending machine."

"Ziyou, what nonsense are you talking about? What vending machine? What\'s that?"

"High streets and back lanes, no need for manual guarding, coins, automatic machines for selling cold drinks?" Li Wangyou was still stunned. He replied with a quick word, and half of the reaction was there. What seems to be wrong with him? "Li Wangyou replied.

Nima, this is not a future generation. This is Datang. Where did you get the vending machine? I\'m really dizzy by the sun. How can I talk nonsense.

His words caused a burst of laughter from the dandies.

"Ha ha, Ziyou, are you dizzy? Where is such a magical instrument?"

"Ziyou is talking nonsense again. If you really have such instruments, I\'m afraid only gods can do it?"

After being laughed at by the dandy, Li forgot to worry, who consciously said something wrong, but was not happy again. He stuck his neck and said, "didn\'t all princes Zhuge and Wu create the wooden ox and horse? They don\'t use Feng Shui to make their own machines and labor. What\'s the difficulty of this automatic vending machine?"

His words made the dandies laugh even more: "ha ha, Ziyou, you are really good at talking. Wooden cattle and horses are just rumors. Are you serious?"

"I don\'t believe what Ziyou said. I\'m afraid Ziyou thought of the vending machine on your bed?"

"Ziyou, if you can make a Laozi vending machine and sell cold drinks without manpower, I\'ll give you the calligraphy of Wang Youjun, ha ha." Chai Lingwu joked with a smile.

The Wang Youjun in his mouth is Wang Xizhi.

Chai Lingwu didn\'t know where to get a calligraphy note of Wang Xizhi. He regarded it as a treasure and didn\'t see anyone.

It was only after drinking that Chai Lingwu leaked his mouth when he drank too much. After forcing Chai Lingwu to take out the calligraphy, Li forgets worry and likes it very much.

This is the authentic work of Wang Xizhi. There is no authentic work of Wang Xizhi in later generations, only a copy.

This calligraphy of Wang Xizhi has long been coveted by Li Qiyou, but he can\'t ask for it.

Wei Shuyu\'s words immediately made Li forget his worries, and he couldn\'t help sitting straight on his horse.

"Brother Shuyu, are you serious? Little brother, if I really get out of the vending machine, don\'t break your promise!"

"Hum, a gentleman\'s word is hard to catch. I can\'t cheat you! But if you can\'t get it out, the zhaoyebai and yuhuayu in your house will lose to me!" Chai Lingwu also laughed. He has coveted the two BMW that Zhang Liang lost to Li forgetful for a long time.

"Come on, clap your hands for an oath, brothers, make a witness!"