Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 385

Yan Liben and Ma Zhou invited Li forgetful to sit down in the main room.

"Sir, if you need any help from the disciples, please make it clear."

"Li Ben, take the pen and ink, and I\'ll draw a drawing for you two to see."

A servant of the Yan family sent paper, ink, pens and inkstones, including several feather pens.

Yan Liben and Ma Zhou had seen this feather pen in Li\'s house. They thought it was very interesting after trying it out. He also learned how to make from Li forgetful worry. When he got home, he made some.

However, as a hard pen, this feather pen has not spread in Chang\'an City for the time being. The main reason is that the Tang people are not used to it.

Naturally, the holding posture of the brush is completely different from that of the hard pen, and the readers of Datang have never touched the hard pen, so they naturally have no way to start.

Even if you reluctantly change your writing posture, the written words are not very beautiful, and naturally no one wants to use them.

Later generations wrote beautifully with hard pen. I\'m afraid writing with brush is also a mess. He can write with a brush, but he may not write well with a hard pen.

Nowadays, only a few people in the Tang Dynasty have tried to learn to use this quill pen. On the contrary, Li Chengqian and Li Tai feel much easier than using a quill pen. They study very seriously, but they write best.

This is also very normal. It is really not as easy for children aged eight or nine to write with a pen as when they write with a hard pen.

However, Li forgot to worry about it. Anyway, he made the quill just for his convenience. Whether others like it or not has nothing to do with him.

Picking up a quill, Li forgets you and begins to draw patterns on the paper. Yan Liben and Ma Zhou quickly stand behind Li forgetyou and wonder what his teacher is drawing.

"Teacher, what is this cabinet for? Why are there so many mechanisms in it?" Yan Liben looked more and more confused and asked.

While drawing the picture, Li Qieyou explained, "this is the mechanism that the teacher came up with and can automatically sell drinks. There is no need for manual work. As long as copper money is invested, drinks can flow out of it."

"Eh? Still have such function? How can this be done?" Ma Zhou became interested and hurriedly asked.

Li Qieyou pointed to the drawing and began to explain the key to them. Yan Liben and Ma Zhou nodded and applauded.

"Wonderful! In this way, as long as you set how many copper coins you need to invest, you can flow out a fixed amount of drinks. Ha ha, I see! The teacher is really powerful, and such an exquisite mechanism can be figured out." Yan Liben smiled.

Li forgot to worry about being praised by him. He blushed. Hey hey, he just copied the wisdom of the ancient Greeks. It\'s a little embarrassing to be praised by Yan Liben.

Ma Zhou curiously pointed to a place in the drawing and asked, "Sir, the drawing you drew, why is the can for storing drinks double-layer? What is wrapped outside the can?"

The part he refers to is the change made on the automatic vending machine of the ancient Greeks after Li forgetful thought it out.

In the beverage vending machine he designed, there was a wooden barrel wrapped around the outside of the huge ceramic can containing drinks. Li forgets worry and plans to put ice cubes into it for cold drinks.

In this way, after the beverage flows out of the vending machine, it can be cool and cool. I think it will be more popular.

The quilt wrapped outside the barrel is naturally a quilt for thermal insulation, which is tightly bound to the outside of the barrel as a thermal insulation layer to prevent the ice from melting too fast.

After Li forgot to worry about an explanation, Ma Zhou and Yan Liben frowned.

"Sir, this hot summer is unbearable. The ice melts very fast after being taken out of the ice cellar. Why are you wrapped with a thick quilt? Isn\'t it hotter and the ice melts faster?"


Li forgetful worry was confused by their words. It took him a long time to react, but he couldn\'t help laughing.

"Ha ha, bin Wang and Li Ben, what are you two talking about? Do you think ice wrapped in cotton quilt will melt faster?"

Ma Zhou wondered, "isn\'t that so? When it\'s cold, we need to cover with a thick quilt. In this summer, we need to wear thin clothes to feel cool. Isn\'t that the truth, sir?"

Li Qieyou was so wry by his words that he could only explain patiently that the quilt would not heat, but heat insulation.

It feels warm when covered in winter because the quilt prevents the body from radiating heat. The same is true for wrapping ice. It can isolate the external heat and maintain the temperature in the ice bucket.

However, after he explained for a long time, Ma Zhou and Yan Liben were still difficult to understand, which made Li forget his worries and couldn\'t help reaching out to help his forehead.

He thought of watching a variety show in later generations. The program group asked guests to transport ice, and so did some guests. He couldn\'t understand why wrapping a quilt wouldn\'t make the ice melt faster

Since the guests who have studied physics in future generations can\'t understand it, it\'s not surprising that Yan Liben and Ma Zhou can\'t figure it out.

Li forgets worry and is too lazy to continue to explain. He simply asks the servants of Yan house to remove two pieces of ice from the ice cellar and experiment with them.

One is placed directly on the floor of the main room, and the other is put into a wooden box and wrapped with a quilt.

Half an hour later, the ice placed in the main room melted completely and turned into a pool of water stains.

Ma Zhou hurried to open the wooden box wrapped in a quilt. He was stunned to find that the ice in the wooden box almost showed no signs of melting, but just became wetter.

This makes Ma Zhou and Yan Liben even more surprised. The fact is in front of them, and they can\'t doubt it. I admire Mr. Li QIAOYOU even more.

Yan Liben was good at craft and Ma Zhou was good at calculation. With the help of these two people and the skilled craftsman who was the supervisor, he soon turned the sketch of Li forgetful worry into a real object.

In two days, several beverage vending machines were made.

Such magical automatic mechanisms, even the craftsmen who made them by themselves, can\'t believe that such magical things were born in their hands.

Li forgets his worries and is elated. Wang Xizhi\'s calligraphy is coming! Wow, hahaha, come on!

Three days later, in front of Chai\'s house, a group of dandies surrounded Li forgetful to come to the door and planned to pull Chai Lingwu to witness the beverage vending machine.

"I\'ve seen you guys in the transferred county." the housekeeper of the Chai mansion immediately welcomed you out and saluted the people: "it\'s really unfortunate today. My little husband had a bad stomach yesterday. He\'s sick in his stomach and can\'t get up in bed today. I\'m afraid he can\'t travel with you. He asked me to compensate you. Please forgive me."

The Chai mansion housekeeper almost made Li forgetful\'s nose crooked.

Shameless, Chai Lingwu is shameless!

It\'s shameless to even use the trick of pretending to be ill without faith!