Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 382

"All the same, touch yourself. Wow, hahaha, you are really lucky today. Your majesty, gentlemen, give me money! All the same, touch yourself. One person has twenty liang of gold."

Cheng Yaojin was incredibly lucky today. He won Li Er, his eldest sun Wuji and Fang Xuanling on the mahjong table. Their faces were black. Facing the laughing old man, several people took out gold ingots from their arms and threw them to Cheng Yaojin.

"Don\'t play, son worry, let people pass lunch!" Li Er pushed the card and stood up angrily: "old man, don\'t be proud. Fight after lunch!"

Cheng Yaojin didn\'t mind. He laughed and collected the gold. He was so proud that he really deserved to be beaten! It\'s a pity that not many people here have beaten this old man.

Li forgot to worry and hurriedly arranged for the maid in the house to bring the prepared food.

Before the Tang Dynasty, most of the meals were divided into meals, and one serving of individual dishes. In the Tang Dynasty, the serving of individual dishes evolved into a system of dining with meals, which is like the next generation, where people sit around the table for dinner.

However, during the Zhenguan period, although it was a joint meal, it was usually the same as western food, one for each person.

But Li forgot to worry, but he didn\'t have this habit. All meals in his house were the same as those in later generations. Everyone ate one table of dishes. Li Er and a group of big men didn\'t care about it. They frequently stretched out their chopsticks in the face of a table of delicious food.

Now, the good cooking skills of the beautiful boss have been taught to the maidservant and Peilan. The dishes fried in an iron pot are full of color, flavor and flavor, which makes Li Er and the big men very satisfied.

However, Cheng Yaojin was most interested in the wine in the cup. He pulled Li forgetful and asked, "boy, why is this wine so sweet today? It tastes different from the wine I drank in the past?"

"Uncle Cheng, my nephew asked someone to add icing to the wine."

Li forgot to worry about this, which made Li Er and others curious: "Ziyou, why do you add icing to the wine? What\'s the use?"

Frosting is rock sugar, which appeared in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

"Uncle Hui, this icing tastes sweet and flat. It can moisten the lungs and relieve cough. It can improve the taste after adding it to the wine."

Later generations, Li\'s grandfather drank sorghum wine and liked to add rock sugar, so Li thought of asking people to add icing to the wine in the house.

Li Er picked up his glass, took a sip and nodded again and again: "yes, it\'s sweet to add icing to the burning knife, but it\'s a perfect match."

After tasting it, a group of national leaders also praised it again and again.

Only Cheng Yaojin snorted coldly, "zhiniang thief, you are really unhappy! Why don\'t you take out good things every time you have them and honor us? It\'s stingy to hide them!"

Li forgot to worry at that time and wanted to pour wine on the old hooligan\'s face. It was too much!

Not only did you not say thank you when you ate mine, but you also had to scold yourself. It\'s really too much to deceive others!

Li forgets to worry as if he didn\'t hear the old rascal\'s words. He turns to chat with others. It\'s not worth getting angry with the old rascal. He\'s just looking for abuse.

Everyone was satisfied with a lunch. Li forgot to worry about whether it was getting late. Should these big guys go back?

It\'s OK today. Although Cheng Yaojin\'s black face has turned dark red, at least he didn\'t go crazy and demolished his main house.

But without waiting for him to speak, Li Er unexpectedly sat back at the mahjong table with a golden knife after he was full of wine and food, and reached out to greet Cheng Yaojin and others to continue the fierce battle.

"Come on, come on, don\'t run away after winning my gold! Today I want you to know my power!"

"Your Majesty, you can\'t lose if you bet. As long as you bring enough gold, I don\'t have the reason to refuse. Wow, hahaha! Come on, continue!"

Looking at Li Er and the princes, they didn\'t go after eating and drinking. They sat back at the mahjong table, which made Li forget his worries.

What\'s going on? Are you going to stay in your own house?

Paralysis, this kind of "rubbing air conditioning" behavior is really shameful and should be severely condemned!

Make complaints about Tucao, and in front of Li two and a group of Kwun Kun, where he has the voice, he can only make complaints about the servants in the government, and send cold drinks and ice cream to these big trouble guys, and then get some fruit and snacks to eat.

It has to be said that in hot summer, sitting in a cool room playing mahjong is a kind of enjoyment. Mahjong in the main room of the Li family\'s old house fought fiercely, directly from noon to the west of the sun.

Li forgot to worry and carefully reminded: "uncle, it\'s time..."

The implication of his words is, why don\'t you go back? No, you\'re going to stay for dinner?

It\'s not that Li forgot his worries and was reluctant to invite Li Er to dinner, but that Li Er, the leader of Tang imperialism, was under too much pressure to stay at his home.

As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger.

Although Li Er is nice to him, he is also the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. It\'s really uncomfortable to stay in my own house.

Even the beauty boss only came out to see the ceremony when the people came. After that, he stayed in the backyard with Aphrodite and Perrin and didn\'t come out again.

The two daughters-in-law of Niu Yong and Niu Wu, who temporarily lived in the wing room in the front yard, did not dare to show up. Even their meals were sent in by their brothers.

Both of them are maids out of the palace. They are afraid of Li Er\'s majesty and dare not easily offend Long Yan.

As for the four maidservants in the house, they didn\'t even dare to breathe. Their cautious appearance made Li forget to worry and feel egg pain.

Therefore, Li forgets his worries and wants Li Er to go back to Chang\'an City as soon as possible. Who knew he had just finished saying this, he saw Li Er\'s eyes staring.

"Why? Ziyou don\'t welcome me to have dinner at your house? Do you want to drive me away?"

Li forgot his sorrow and was about to cry. He quickly waved his hand: "uncle, I have wronged my nephew. I wish my majesty could live in my nephew\'s house every day. I\'m not worried that Chang\'an city will close the gate..."

"Son of a bitch, can Chang\'an city still shut your majesty out of the city?" Cheng Yaojin stared: "don\'t talk nonsense. Go and let people prepare dinner and more drinks!"

Li forgot his worries and was speechless. He had to do it obediently. Evil guest! Should we let the old village erect a sign at the entrance of the village?

Duke Lu and dogs are not allowed in!

In the main room of the Li family\'s old house, it is not lively to push cups for lamps and drink wine. Even so, Cheng Yaojin shouted again. He disliked that the Li family had no singer to cheer up. He was so angry that Li forgot to worry and almost suffocated his internal injury.

Cheng Yaojin really doesn\'t treat himself as an outsider. When he gets drunk, he doesn\'t care whether it\'s late at night. He starts crying and howling at his throat. Unexpectedly, Li Er and others applaud him again and again.

His broken Gong voice made the dogs in the village bark, which was terrible.

A banquet made everyone happy. It was not until the moon was on the branches that Li Er turned over with all the princes under the service of the guards and went to Chang\'an city.

Cheng Yaojin dropped a word when he left, but Li forgot to worry and almost sat down on the ground.

"Wow, ha ha, good nephew. I\'m very satisfied today! I\'ll bother you again tomorrow. You\'re welcome, good nephew?"

fuck! Still coming? Addicted? What?