Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 381

To find out Li Er\'s purpose, Li forget worry naturally needs to show Li Er and a group of national bandits the effect of ecological air conditioning.

All the houses in his house have running water to cool down. It is not easy to see the effect of ecological air conditioning. Li forget worry simply led Li Er out of his house with a group of big men and went to the village.

Now the people in Dingzhou village are equipped with ecological air conditioning. Li Qieyou casually found a family. After saying hello, he led Li Er and a group of princes into these thatched houses built on loess to visit.

It feels very strange. It\'s like a tour group for later generations.

Li forgot to worry that he almost didn\'t raise a small red flag, and Li Er was still short of a small red hat on their heads.

Although the owner of this family didn\'t know Li Er and his family, he knew it was a noble man just by looking at their gorgeous clothes and expensive accessories around their waist.

Naturally, they did not dare to make a mistake and retreated aside without saying a word. Although they were unhappy in their hearts, they also let the nobles tell their "babies" what to do.

"Eh, it\'s really cool in this house." Cheng Yaojin found this as soon as he entered the hut. He pointed to the window and said in surprise, "gentlemen, when you come to the window, the wind blows in, it\'s cool. It\'s amazing! Boy, how did you do it? Is it really a fairy way?"

It\'s no wonder Cheng Yaojin is surprised. It\'s really difficult for the Tang people to understand the principles of physics.

The same is true of the principle of ecological air conditioning. After the external natural wind blows through the porcelain bottles with big mouths and small mouths, because of the principle of air compression and cooling, it can quickly cool the originally hot air.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the wind must blow in.

Chinese traditional houses pay attention to the front and back permeability to form convection, that is, ventilation.

But the wind itself is only the flow of gas and will not cool down. In hot summer, even the wind blowing on the body is hot, so it\'s very uncomfortable.

The ecological air conditioner made by Li forget worry can instantly cool down when the hot air passes through the porcelain bottle, so as to reduce the indoor temperature.

Li forgot to worry about this physical principle. Naturally, he could not explain it clearly to Li Er and others. He could only answer vaguely: "Uncle Cheng joked. Where does my nephew have any immortal method? It\'s just the method of grid things. It\'s the same reason that the water flow drives the waterwheel to rotate."

After visiting the thatched cottages of Dingzhou village, Cheng Yaojin was not happy, but slapped Li forgetful on the shoulder.

"Son of a bitch, you have installed air-conditioning windows in the villa. Why don\'t you think of your uncles?"

If it weren\'t for his bad reputation, Cheng Yaojin wanted to remove the air-conditioning windows installed in the grass houses in the village and take them away.

I\'m a grand duke. It\'s so hot that I can\'t sleep every night. It\'s really annoying that I\'m not as comfortable as the farmers in Dingzhou village.

"Well, hey hey, uncle Cheng, these are experiments, experiments. They are very rough. How can you get into uncle Cheng\'s eyes?"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile. At the same time, he made up his mind. He had to inform Yang Zuo back so that the craftsmen could make the wooden base more beautiful. In addition, the porcelain fired at the kiln mouth can\'t be so simple and elegant. There\'s no decoration, otherwise it\'s hard to explain.

Fortunately, these ecological air conditioners installed in the village, carpenter Liu, in order to catch up with the work, the boards are used casually. Even the boards were not planed by carpenters. They were just pieced together, perforated and inserted porcelain bottles.

Instead, Li forgot to grow wisdom in anxiety and found an excuse that was not an excuse.

Cheng Yaojin stared at Tongling with dissatisfaction: "I can\'t see the air-conditioning window sent to the house in three days. Don\'t blame me for coming to settle accounts with you!"

Facing the threat of the old rascal, Li forgets to worry. He can only smile and nod again and again, but he has secretly raised his middle finger to the old man in his heart.

Who is it? It\'s a bandit!

The moral standard of Datang has been lowered by people like Cheng Yaojin. We should let him study hard. What is eight honors and eight disgraces!

After visiting the thatched cottage in the village, they returned to Li\'s house again.

Li Er went to the main room and sat down. He took out a folding fan from his waist, fanned the wind, and stared at Li forgetful: "Ziyou, why didn\'t you bring that ice cream? And the juice with ice. What\'s your hospitality? Don\'t you welcome me?"

"Uncle, what\'s the matter? Hey, uncle and all the princes came to the cold house and made the cold house shine. I don\'t think I don\'t welcome it. Uncle and all the princes made a moment, and I immediately asked someone to send ice cream and cold drinks."

Li forgets to worry that thousands of grass and mud horses are galloping in his heart. Needless to say, the ice cream is displayed by the two little traitors.

He hurriedly asked the maid in the house to prepare ice cream and cold drinks to entertain the big men who came to the house for free.

"Wow, hahaha, the boy\'s house is really cool, happy, really happy!" Cheng Yaojin touched the sweat on his forehead, picked up a glass of juice full of ice and drank it.

"Ziyou really enjoys it. No wonder he doesn\'t want to live in Chang\'an city. Dingzhou village is also a good place." Fang Xuanling naturally isn\'t as vulgar as Cheng Yaojin. He drinks slowly with a cup and praises.

"Hey, hey, it\'s a great compliment." Li forgot to worry. While being polite, he wondered when they would go back to Chang\'an city.

But Cheng Yaojin said carelessly, "boy, let your maidservant prepare food and wine. Today we don\'t get drunk. Wow, hahaha! Move out mahjong again. I\'ll have a game with your majesty and the princes."

Hearing Cheng Yaojin\'s old rascal say he won\'t get drunk or return, Li forgets to worry and will come down in a cold sweat. In his mind, he immediately thought of the old man who had just brewed sorghum wine that day and was crazy in his house.

Nima, it\'s not fun to dismantle it once. Are you going to do it again?

However, it is clear that he is not qualified to object. As the youngest and lowest Title owner here, he has no right to speak.

Li Qieyou had to respond obediently. He asked Niu Wuniu Yong to bring the mahjong table, and asked the maid in the house to boil water and make tea. He waited on the big men to play mahjong.

After playing mahjong in the Li family, Cheng Yaojin liked this gambling tool very much. After returning to the house, he asked the craftsman to make a set with good ivory. On weekdays, Cheng Yaojin often invites Qin Qiong and others to play mahjong in the house.

Mahjong, the quintessence of Chinese culture, naturally became popular in Chang\'an city.

Now even Li Er has learned to play mahjong. In the harem palace, including empress Chang sun and concubine Yang, they enjoy it.

Today, there are more than a dozen national leaders who accompany Li Er to "cool off" in Zhoucun. Obviously, a table of mahjong is not enough.

Fortunately, the dandies also come to play in the house from time to time. Naturally, these dandies are all mahjong lovers. To this end, Li forget worry in the house also prepared many pairs of mahjong for everyone to play.

The sun was hot outside and the Li family hall was as cool as autumn. Li Er and the leaders of the court hall were naturally in a happy mood. They sat down at the mahjong table, set aside the battlefield and fought.

Li forgot to worry about looking at the main room with four tables of mahjong. Listening to the rustling sound in his ears, he couldn\'t help but feel the illusion of the elderly activity center of later generations