Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 378

Li forgets to worry is that kind of temperament. When he thinks of toilet water, he doesn\'t want to wait more all night. He directly pulls a crowd in the house to work all night.

Fortunately, everything is complete and it is not difficult to do.

Only when purifying alcohol, because there was no reference, he dared not taste it directly with his tongue. He was not sure how much alcohol he extracted.

However, it doesn\'t matter. Anyway, it doesn\'t affect what is used to make toilet water or even to disinfect wounds. Li forgets worry that there should be no problem.

They were busy for more than an hour and finally tossed out a few bottles of alcohol.

Li forgot to worry about putting the washed mint leaves into a porcelain vase, pouring them into alcohol and soaking them. In a few days, there will be toilet water.

"Forget your worries, can you make mosquito repellent incense?" the beautiful boss thought of mosquito repellent incense and asked.

In this regard, Li forget worry can only spread his hand. He is not a jingle cat. He can do anything. He only knew that mosquito repellent incense was made of wood powder and chemical materials, but he didn\'t know how to make it.

Anyway, the mosquito repellent effect of Artemisia and wormwood is the same. He may not have this effect if he tries to make mosquito repellent incense himself. Naturally, he is too lazy to toss about.

In addition, there have been mosquito nets in China since ancient times, and now the Li family is not short of money. The mosquito nets originally made of coarse cloth in the house are now replaced by silk nets made of silk, which is not afraid to be disturbed by mosquitoes when sleeping.

"Long Qing, now that you have alcohol, do you want to make a few bottles of perfume?" Li Wangyou thought of perfume and felt that the boss would love it.

Sure enough, when he asked this, she saw a little star in her eyes, and asked, "can you make perfume?"

As the afterlife "white bone essence", there is no love perfume, even though Datang has sachets and incense, but it can not match the perfume.

Later, there is a saying that perfume is the most intimate lover of women. Perfume is the best partner for a woman\'s grace and beauty.

Perfume is also the second skin of future beauty. It is the interpretation of beauty, or mysterious, or refreshing, or coquettish, or shy.

Beauty bosses naturally love perfumes, and Lee\'s worry is also clear.

In later generations, his first impression of the beautiful boss was that when he sat in the corridor at the door of the company\'s personnel department and waited for the interview, the beautiful boss in a capable little suit walked past him and brought the fragrance.

It is a woman\'s fragrance, an unforgettable perfume, so that Li can remember the beauty of her bosses.

Now they have gone through thousands of years and returned to the Tang Dynasty. Li forgets the deepest memory and still has a strong aroma

In the face of the stunning face of the excited beauty boss, Li forgot his sad nose and touched his nose. "I don\'t know how to extract perfume essential oil, but I know a simple way to make perfume, and it should be effective, too. If you don\'t give up, I\'ll try to do it."

The beauty boss naturally didn\'t dislike it, nodded repeatedly and looked forward to it.

Li forget worry knows that the traditional method of making plant essential oil in later generations is to put the petals into a copper pot and cook them with fire. Like wine distillation, the essential oil of the petals is released with the hot steam and condensed and collected through a bamboo tube connected to the copper pot.

But knowing whether you can do it or not is another matter.

First of all, it takes many petals to make plant essential oil. About one kilogram of rose essential oil needs eight tons of rose petals. In Datang, there is no special field for planting flowers. Li forgetful has no place to collect so many flowers.

Secondly, he only knows about it. Extracting essential oil is not so simple that he can do it in a few words. It may be difficult for him to really extract essential oil after countless experiments.

So Li Wangyou didn\'t plan to do that. He knew a simple way to make perfume.

Collect the petals of flowers, wash them and dry them, then mash them, then immerse them in the solution of alcohol and distilled water for one or two days, then filter out the residue of petals, and the rest is perfume.

The natural perfume produced in this way has a short storage time. Usually it can only be kept for about a month, but it is simple and convenient, and there is absolutely no harmful ingredients in pure nature.

Though it is not as good as the Chanel No. 5 used by the later generation beauty boss, it is definitely better than those inferior perfume that is blended with synthetic essential oil.

If he can win the favor of beauty, Li forgets worry and will not be stingy.

Early the next morning, he took Niu Wu to Shouyang mountain to pick flowers.

At this time, there are the most azaleas and many wild peonies on Shouyang mountain. Li Qieyou plans to pick some of these petals and come back for an experiment.

If successful, he plans to send people to Chang\'an city to collect osmanthus, jasmine and cherry petals. Anyway, I don\'t want to spend money on perfume for my wife.

As for selling perfume and toilet water, Li Wangyou and beauty bosses did not intend to do so.

The main reason is that there is no shortage of money in the government now!

Several industries at home are booming, making money every day. No matter how much money there is, it doesn\'t make sense.

Even being the richest man in the Tang Dynasty seems useless, and it\'s easy to be remembered by Li Er.

In this era, rich people can\'t buy private planes and yachts. Those rich families keep countless concubines. Although Li forgets worry\'s envy, he can only think about it. Where else is there a place for other women in this family?

Therefore, when he paid off the public money he owed and the Treasury in the house was full of silver money, Li forgetful became tired, and his previous desire to make money completely disappeared.

Besides, his handmade toilet water and perfume are of short shelf life and are not suitable for sale.

Li Qieyou only plans to make some after the experiment is successful and give them as gifts. Now he is among the dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty. Although he does not intend to intervene in the court, it is necessary to have a good relationship with all the court leaders.

At this time, he naturally did not expect that he would cause a lot of trouble because of giving gifts. These are all later words, not to mention for the time being.

A few days later, the perfume was completed.

Li forgot to find a fine white cotton cloth instead of gauze, carefully filtered the petal alcohol solution several times, and poured the filtered perfume into the exquisite porcelain bottles he bought specially in the west market.

The first bottle of perfume in Datang was produced.

The beauty boss took the perfume with expectation, and couldn\'t wait to uncover the bottle stopper of the porcelain bottle, and a rich azalea flower came out.

She carefully drops drops of perfume on her white neck, her wrist and her hair.

After the cap of the porcelain bottle was closed again, the beautiful boss showed his sleeve robe in front of Li forgetful\'s body, turned a circle, and the air was immediately filled with a fresh fragrance of flowers.

Beauty, body fragrance... Li forgets worry and unconsciously comes up with a poem in his mind. The color of the city is beautiful, and the fragrance is more affectionate