Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 379

We must admit that Li\'s self made perfume is still very successful, at least the boss is quite satisfied.

Although the perfume made by alcohol is not rich in the essential oils of plants, the fragrance is strong and natural.

When she came from the later generations, she had a bottle of perfume in her bag, but the months had run out and there was only an empty bottle left.

Li Wangyou made these perfumes, but they could be reused in her perfume bottles. At least in the Tang Dynasty, the spray nozzle on the perfume bottle can not be produced.

Li Wangyou gave me a very satisfied look, and all the perfume bottles were swept away by the sleeves of the beautiful boss\'s clear breeze.

"Lang Jun, what is this? It smells good and smells good. It seems to be the smell of azalea." aside, Aphrodite put her hand around Li forgetful\'s arm. The expression on her face clearly said "I want it too".

The little girl\'s physical condition was so good that Li forgot to worry and immediately felt that her arms were surrounded by two soft groups

"Ah, Alfred, let go first." Li forgot to worry. He stammered and wanted to pull out his arm, but Alfred hugged him more tightly.

"No, Lang Jun, you haven\'t told me what sister Changqing uses?"

Aphrodite didn\'t want to let go. The embarrassed expression on Li forgetful\'s face made her more and more close, and her whole body was about to hang on Li forgetful\'s arm.

Lee is embarrassed and stiff. "Perfume, that\'s perfume. You love me, I\'ll do it for you again."

It\'s not that Li forgets to worry about Liu Xiahui. The reason why this sultry man is so nervous is that he is afraid of Alfred\'s age.

A 15-year-old girl, who is not an adult in later generations, is only a junior high school student. Even if he is hungry and thirsty, he can\'t have any unspeakable relationship with Aphrodite.

But the more it was, the more Aphrodite liked to tease him.

Especially when the beauty boss is away, the Europa girl is getting worse and worse, which often makes Li forget his worries.

"Lang Jun, you can\'t lie to me." with Li\'s assurance, Alfred released Li\'s arm.

Her bold behavior made the little girl Perrin very dissatisfied. She pursed her small mouth and snorted coldly from her mouth: "Fox flatterer, shameless!"

Aphrodite naturally heard pelan\'s words, but she didn\'t care at all. Instead, she secretly spit incense tongue at pelan and make a face. Pelan was so angry that she stamped her feet and turned to her beautiful boss to complain.

Li forgot to worry about the small movements of the two people, but he didn\'t see them.

Peilan, a girl, has feelings for him. Li forgets worry. Naturally, she knows, but she can only pretend not to know.

After all, the girl is only twelve or thirteen years old. He doesn\'t want to be a pervert.

Although Tang people got married very early, when empress Chang sun married Li Er, she was as old as Peilan. She was a Laurie at all. In this regard, Li Qieyou can only show contempt. To release future generations, Li Er\'s behavior has started for at least three years!

If it were a beautiful boss with such an attitude as Alfred, Li forget worry would have turned into a wolf and done something indescribable.

However, in later generations, the beauty boss was only very fond of Li forgetful. It took only three or four months to travel to Datang. Even if they get along day and night, their feelings are heating up day by day.

However, as the "white bone essence" of later generations, coupled with her heart knot, how could she be like Alfred, who wished to peel herself into a little Aries and send her to Li forgetful\'s bed.

Therefore, if Li forgets his worries and wants the revolution to succeed, he still needs to continue his efforts.

The reason why the goddess is a goddess is not so easy to be captured by mortals. At least he did not make a few bottles of perfume, said a few Turkish love words, can let the beauty boss for him to undress.

Lee forgot to worry about making perfume and toilet water to win the beauty. But two days later, a group of "bandits" came to the house, which made him miserable.

This has to start with two "little traitors" Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

Since Li forgot to worry about the transformation of his house, the originally hot summer is not so sad, even quite comfortable.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai and Li Lizhi came to Dingzhou village as an example to follow Li forgetful.

Now every time they come to Dingzhou village, it is the most expected and happiest thing for Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

To this end, the second primary school complained to Li forget worry many times that it was too few times to come to Dingzhou village every five days. It\'s best to come to Dingzhou village every day.

It is also called following the teacher and serving the teacher to respect the teacher.

In this regard, Li forgot to worry and saw through the sinister intentions of the two little children at a glance. What is serving the teacher? I just want to play with the bear children in the village every day!

Li forgot to worry about where he was willing, and naturally refused mercilessly.

Although it looks beautiful to be a prince, how tired is it to be a child? Once in five days, it has made him feel very troublesome. If it weren\'t for Li Er\'s threat, he wouldn\'t even bother to be a crown prince.

This day, the three children came to Dingzhou village in a carriage. They entered the Li family\'s old house and felt a cool.

Li Chengqian looked at the water curtain flowing down from the Li family hall house. He couldn\'t help looking silly. Even though he is the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, he has never seen such a situation in that house.

Little fat Li Tai even looked up foolishly to see if it was raining.

"Sir, you have practiced immortal magic in your house. Why did you fall into the water under the eaves?"

Li forgot to worry and patted Li Chengqian\'s head angrily: "two little fools, this is the mountain spring water in the back mountain. As a teacher, I asked people to connect it to the roof with bamboo pipes."

"What\'s the use?"

"Cool down." Li forgets to worry to finish saying, then negative hand walks toward the main room, three small hurriedly follow behind.

After entering the hall house, three hours later, they found that the house was incredibly cool and had no sense of summer. Even because the temperature difference inside and outside was too large, Li Chengqian and Li Lizhi couldn\'t help shivering.

Li forgets to worry that the three little guys catch a cold. He also kindly asks pelan to get them clothes and put them on.

Three small sitting in the cool room, gulping ice cream, drinking cold drinks, think the fairy day is just like this.

"Sir, your mansion is more comfortable than the palace. These days, the heat in the palace is unbearable, and even Aung and dad can\'t rest well." Li Chengqian swallowed a mouthful of ice cream hard. He really ate too much.

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech and couldn\'t help patting his head.

He only thought about the farmers in a given Zhou Village. He installed the "ecological air conditioner", but he forgot to flatter Li Er. It was a mistake. It was a mistake.