Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 377

Not to mention how old Murakami and others racked their brains to protect their baby. After solving the problem of high temperature in hot summer, Li forget worry has another new problem in front of Li forget worry, that is, there are too many mosquitoes!

Speaking of, Tang people also have various ways to repel mosquitoes, the most direct one is smoking.

Wormwood and wormwood are woven into a straw rope, dried and lit. The unique smell can drive away mosquitoes. However, mosquitoes can disperse, but Li forgets worry and feels that he is about to be smoked to death.

The smell of Artemisia and wormwood is really bad, and the smoke is too big.

However, compared with the bad smell of being bitten by mosquitoes, Li forget worry can only choose the bad smell.

Although this can smoke away the mosquitoes indoors, when you go out, you still can\'t avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, which is very distressing.

In particular, Li forgetful and Alfred are very fond of mosquitoes.

Li forget worry is not used to wearing sachets. He always feels that it\'s too Niang for a big man to carry sachets at any time.

Every time he sees Cheng Yaojin\'s old rascal wearing a sachet and sending out bursts of smoke, Li forgets to worry will feel a black line. This bearded black faced man also uses sachets, which makes people unable to look directly at him.

In addition to the role of incense, Datang\'s sachet also has the effect of repelling mosquitoes. But somehow, aphelo, a beautiful Europa girl, still likes to bite her even if she wears the sachet with her.

"My husband, I\'m so bored. Why does this mosquito always bite me?" Aphrodite pouted her burning red lips and gently scratched the place on her arm where she was bitten by mosquitoes.

"Hey, hey, that means mosquitoes like beauty as much as I do." Li forgets to worry about flirting with the beautiful girls in the family.

His words made Aphrodite\'s eyes smile. Her sexy and seductive body trembled with laughter. Her plump breast stood proudly in front of Li forgetful\'s eyes and trembled constantly. Li forgetful almost wanted to run up to the roof and scream at the moon.

The beauty boss naturally saw his pig brother\'s appearance and snorted with dissatisfaction: "hum, the blood sucking mosquitoes are female mosquitoes. Are you also female?"

Li forgot to worry about choking on her words and didn\'t speak for a long time.

After the beauty boss offended him, he stood up proudly and twisted his slender waist to the outside.

When passing by Li forgetful, Li forgetful suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped on the buttocks of the beautiful boss.

"Ah!" suddenly attacked, the beautiful boss exclaimed and covered her plump buttocks.

Her pretty face suddenly turned crimson and her eyes were full of shame. The goddess Fan Li was used to seeing was completely gone and replaced by a full sense of shyness.

"I... you... Cough, that..." Li forgetful worry was stunned and stammered for a long time. He was very embarrassed.

Who am I? Where am I? What did I do?

Li forgot to worry that the evil hand had not been taken back, and held it up in the air in embarrassment. He didn\'t know why he was so bold just now. He had the courage to hit the buttocks of the beautiful boss

Will he be directly Ko by the angry beauty boss?

Paralysis, what should I do now? Very urgent, online waiting for answers.

The beauty boss didn\'t expect Li to be so bold, with rosy clouds flying on his face, but he didn\'t speak for a long time.

The two stared at each other for a while, and the beauty\'s boss whispered and turned to run outside the door.

Aphrodite smiled secretly with her sexy red lips on one side. Sister Changqing also looked like this. It\'s very rare. As for my husband, I didn\'t expect to be so bold.

Li forgot his worries for a long time before he withdrew his palm held in the air.

Well, it must be admitted that the hand feeling was really good just now. The elasticity... Made Li forget worry and feel that his nose began to itch again.

He stared at Aphrodite, who was laughing, and pretended to be tough: "what are you laughing at? You\'re not obedient, and I\'ll serve you in the same way!"

However, Alfred was not moved by his appearance. Instead, he put his hands on several cases, leaned over his upper body and gathered in front of Li forgetful worry. A pair of beautiful and pure blue eyes stared at Li forgetful worry and said Jiao didi: "Lang Jun, did I disobey you just now?"

She leaned over, and the plump white greasy touch on her chest almost caught Li forgetful\'s soul

Li forgot to worry. At this time, all he thought of was the slogan of Wangwang milk: "look again, I\'ll eat you!"

This goblin, can\'t provoke, can\'t provoke!

Li Qieyou also got up and fled. He was afraid that he would become a beast if he stayed any longer.

This girl\'s version of Angelina Jolie, who is still under the age of 16, is just a minor Laurie. It\'s embarrassing to "provoke" him like this.

Li Qieyou\'s heart beat fast. He couldn\'t help but raise his head and scream. He ran to the bathroom to take a cold bath to calm himself.

Her husband was so embarrassed that she naturally attracted Aphrodite\'s smile. After Li forgot to worry and left, she had a sweet smile on her face.

Ever since he was brought back from the Hu people\'s wine shop by Li forgetful sorrow, Alfred\'s heart has already been tied to him. Especially that night in the Hu people\'s wine shop, Alfred was honest with the drunken Li forgetful, and had already completely regarded himself as Li forgetful.

Thousands of miles away from her hometown, I\'m afraid there will be no turning back in this life. Aphrodite has already regarded Li forgetful as everything to her.

Li forgets sorrow and runs away, which not only doesn\'t make Alfred sad, but after Li forgets sorrow and leaves, the girl becomes shy, and her eyes are full of shame and love.

She doesn\'t mind sharing her husband\'s love with other women, as long as he doesn\'t live up to her

After taking a cold bath, Li forgot to worry and finally suppressed the evil fire in his heart, but there were annoying mosquitoes buzzing by his ears.

Damn mosquitoes!

Li forgot to worry and muttered. He stretched out his hand to drive away mosquitoes, but suddenly patted himself on the thigh. How could he forget such a good thing as toilet water?

Now that a high degree of Baijiu has been brewed, the alcohol can be extracted if the lime is added to the Baijiu and distilled.

Alcohol is good stuff and uses a lot, not only for sterilization, but also for making toilet water. Even the beauty boss can use it to make perfume.

As for making toilet water with alcohol, it\'s simple.

When he was a child, he didn\'t spend money on six gods in the countryside. His grandfather picked fresh mint leaves and soaked them.

Soak the mint leaves in alcohol for a period of time, and the alcohol will turn emerald green. Then add ten times the water, and you can use it. Mosquito repellent and antipruritic are excellent, no worse than Liushen toilet water.

Thinking of this, Li forget worry immediately ran to Li Heng and asked him to help him prepare quicklime and distillation utensils. He will start making toilet water tonight.

At home, there are distillation utensils used when making wine, and there is no shortage of wine.

Since the wine making workshop began to produce wine, he didn\'t know how many jars of wine had been piled in his warehouse.

As for mint, it\'s more convenient. He ordered Niu Wu to go to the hillside behind the Li family\'s old house and pick one at will. It\'s all over the mountain. It\'s like wild grass.

Seeing Li forgetting to worry at home in the evening, the beautiful boss was curious about what he wanted to do. When I asked, I wanted to make toilet water, so I became interested.

Toilet water is a good thing!