Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 376

What Li forgot to worry about made really surprised the beautiful boss.

Although she doesn\'t understand why, she can clearly detect the decrease of indoor temperature.

Li forgets to worry but gets busy again. He directs the carpenters Liu\'s family to draw water from the backyard with a bamboo tube.

Since carpenter Liu was asked to help him transform his home last time, the Li family\'s old house has clear mountain spring water all year round, which is continuously flowing in through the bamboo tube.

Originally, the mountain spring water was only received into the water storage tank in the backyard, which played the role of tap water.

At this time, Li forgot to worry, but asked them to continue grafting bamboo pipes and lead the cool mountain spring water to the roof of each house in the old house through bamboo pipes.

When Li Zhou was alive, he repaired the old house once again, and replaced all the roofs of the old house with tiles.

The mountain spring water connected by bamboo pipes to the roofs of each house flows down from the roof.

Under the eaves of each house in the old house, Li forget worry has already asked carpenter Liu to transform it.

Bamboo is still used to divide it into two to form two semicircular water tanks, and many small holes are drilled under the bamboo to leak water.

In this way, when the spring water flows out of the bamboo tube on the roof, it flows down with the tiles, flows into the bamboo tube sink under the eaves, and then drips down through small holes.

For a time, in front of each house in the Li family\'s old house, it was like hanging a water curtain.

The beauty boss\'s eyes lit up when he saw this.

She naturally understands the simple physical common sense of cooling by using the principle of water evaporation and heat absorption.

The actual effect is the same. The old house of the Li family, which was made like a water curtain cave by Li forget worry, suddenly became extremely cool. Even the beauty boss and Aphrodite stayed in the house for a long time and added a dress to themselves.

This makes Li forget worry a little depressed. He seems to have gone too far?

Datang is famous for its hot weather in history books.

Li Bai once described the summer of the Tang Dynasty in his poem, "when Wu Niu pants for the moon, why does the tugboat bother", which means that the heat-resistant buffalo in Wu Di is so hot that they regard the moon at night as the sun. Buffalo are so hot, not to mention the tugboat trackers.

And Du Fu also make complaints about the hot weather in his poetry. "In July 6th, it is bitter and hot, and it is not enough for the temporary meal." it is too hot to eat.

The hot weather in Datang also makes the clothes of women in Datang lighter, thinner and more transparent.

These days, because of the hot weather, whether it\'s the beautiful boss or Alfred, even the little girl Perrin and the four maidservants in the house, it\'s cool to wear it, which makes Li forget his worries for a long time and can\'t help paying attention.

In particular, Alfred, the devil figure of the Europa girl, coupled with the light dress, made Li forget his worries for a long time. He felt it was a kind of suffering and torture, but he was reluctant to move his eyes.

Because of this, the beautiful boss has been jealous for several times. He is more and more skilled in twisting the soft meat around Li forgetful\'s waist.

After Li forgot to worry about some transformation, it was cool in the Li family\'s old house, but the scenery of "rolling mountains" was much less, which made him regret.

Staying in the cool room, the beautiful boss regained his composure. He was in the mood to boil water in a red mud charcoal stove and brew a cup of tea with plain hands.

While she was brewing tea, she asked Li forget you curiously: "forget you, how did you cool those strange ceramics? It\'s really amazing."

"Ha ha, who told you not to read all kinds of news on the Internet?" Li said proudly. "I saw it in the news that the local people in Bangladesh have no money to buy air conditioners because of the hot weather. So someone invented this kind of ecological air conditioner."

"Well, when you say that, I seem to be a little impressed. They are made of beverage bottles, right?"

"Yes, it\'s just to cut the beverage bottles and insert them on the cardboard. But Datang doesn\'t have plastic bottles for me, so I went to the kiln mouth to order these porcelain."

Li forget worry such an explanation, let the beauty boss suddenly realized.

She has also seen such news in future generations, but it\'s just an interesting anecdote. She doesn\'t care. So she didn\'t think of it when Li forget you came up with it.

The so-called "air conditioner" that Li forgets to worry about was really developed by a company in Bangladesh later on. After using this "ecological air conditioning", the indoor temperature can be quickly reduced by about five degrees.

The principle is quite simple, that is, pressure will cool the air.

If you open your mouth, the breath is hot, while if you blow with your mouth, the wind is cold. That\'s the truth.

Hot air enters from the wide bottle body and blows out from the narrow bottle mouth, which will reduce the temperature of the air due to pressure.

A very simple physical principle, but it is quite effective in the era of no electricity and no air conditioning.

"Ecological air conditioning" and the continuous water curtain left from the roof immediately make the summer of Li\'s old house very refreshing.

Li forgot to worry about himself. He customized many transparent porcelain bottles at the kiln mouth.

After confirming that the "ecological air conditioning" was really effective, he asked carpenter Liu to replace it all for the village\'s farmers.

This kind of "ecological air conditioning" that uses physical principles to cool down is terrible with low cost. Even though those porcelain bottles were specially fired at the kiln mouth by Li forgetful worry, it was only 100 Wen to make the "ecological air conditioner" needed by a family.

This little money is not even a dime for Li forgetful now. Naturally, he will not be stingy.

However, although the money is not spent much, the effect is extremely significant.

Most of these old houses in Dingzhou village are built with yellow mud and thatched roofs. This kind of house has no heat insulation effect, and it is as hot as a sauna in summer.

When carpenter Liu led his three sons to change their windows and door panels, the farmers were still confused. They didn\'t know which Baihu County son was making trouble?

What are these porcelain bottles inserted on the board for?

Carpenter Liu did not explain, but said it was huxianzi\'s order.

With Li forget worry\'s prestige in Dingzhou village now, let alone change them with strange windows and door panels. Even if they pick up all their houses, the farmers have no opinion. They say they have to help dismantle the house together.

However, when these "ecological air conditioners" were replaced, people immediately found the difference.

It was much cooler in the stuffy house.

This discovery made the farmers ecstatic, but they didn\'t know why. Just change a strange window and door panel, there is such a magical thing?

The ancients of the Tang Dynasty naturally did not have the concept of air conditioning. Therefore, the farmers who originally stubbornly believed that Li forgetful was a Wenqu star, are now more determined.

It can change the temperature. It\'s not a fairy. What is it? This is clearly an immortal means!

It must be that huxianzi couldn\'t see that we were suffering from the heat. We borrowed the immortal power from heaven and sent the "immortal ware" to make the house so cool.

Therefore, the village households in Dingzhou, who had been patrolling continuously every day, became more and more nervous about their baby "fairy tools" for fear of being stolen by thieves.

Under the arrangement of the old village, there are more farmers patrolling at the entrance of Dingzhou village and everywhere in the village