Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 375

Regardless of the hot weather, Li Qieyou went to Huxian County under the sun and went to the kiln mouth where porcelain was fired in Huxian county.

"I see the transferred county." the shopkeeper of Yaokou quickly welcomed him out.

Nowadays, Li\'s reputation of forgetting worry is like thunder in Chang\'an City, and no one knows it in Huxian county.

Even if you don\'t know Li forget you, just look at the BMW under his crotch and Niu Wu who is blind behind him. You know that this young man is the famous founder of Huxian county and Li forget you in Dingzhou village.

"Thank you, shopkeeper. I want to burn a batch of porcelain. Here are the patterns." Li forgot to worry about being polite. He was sweating all the way. He shook the folding fan desperately and handed the drawing to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper quickly took it with both hands and opened it, but he was stunned.

"Huxianzi, do you really want to burn this thing? How do you use it?"

"Hehe, I\'m only useful. You can cook it for me as soon as possible. Money can\'t be short of you."

In the eyes of Tang people, his request is always so strange. The shopkeeper at the mouth of the kiln confirmed with him again and again and received a large amount of money. Then he took over the business and agreed to send the fired items to Dingzhou village in a few days.

After ordering a batch of things from the kiln mouth, he went back to the village to find carpenter Liu and asked him to make some things for himself.

The beauty boss became more and more curious when he was busy.

But no matter how he asked, Li forgot to worry and didn\'t answer. He just smiled mysteriously and made her wait to see a good play.

A few days later, the shopkeeper of Yaokou, Huxian County, led several carriages and sent the porcelain customized by Li forgetful to Dingzhou village.

Since those beggars from Chang\'an city came to Dingzhou village to make trouble, today\'s Dingzhou village is patrolled by young men in the village day and night.

Seeing a carriage coming here, someone went up to inquire about his intention and led him to the door of the Li family\'s old house.

The old housekeeper Li Heng opened the door and asked the shopkeeper what he wanted.

"Thank you, father-in-law. I\'m here to deliver porcelain to huxianzi. These carts of porcelain are customized by huxianzi."

Li Heng remembered that Lang Jun ran to Huxian county a few days ago, and knew what happened to these delivery carriages.

He asked the shopkeeper to wait for a moment, asked pelan to go to the backyard and ask Li to forget his worries. He smiled and looked at a piece of porcelain on the carriage.

At this look, Li Heng was stunned: "shopkeeper, aren\'t you firing right? Why doesn\'t the tall cup have a base? And there is still such a big hole at the bottom? How to use it?"

Yaokou shopkeeper also smiled bitterly when he heard the speech: "father-in-law, this is what huxianzi customized. I don\'t know."

"How can this be possible? Who can make a tall cup without a base and holes below it? How can such a cup hold wine?" the old housekeeper Li Heng didn\'t believe what the shopkeeper said.

The porcelain in his hand is really like the wine set of the Tang Dynasty, high enough cup.

The style of tall foot cup is very similar to that of later wine drinking goblets. They have wide mouth, round body and tall feet under them.

However, the batch of porcelain sent by the kiln mouth shopkeeper only has a wide cup body above, but there is no high foot below, and there is a circular hole at the bottom of the cup

Li Heng didn\'t believe what the shopkeeper said. When he was fooling himself and arguing, Li forgot to worry.

The Yaokou shopkeeper quickly gave him a gift and said wrongfully, "huxianzi, your customized porcelain has been burned, but your housekeeper insisted that I burned it wrong, which..."

Li forgot to worry, smiled, picked up a "tall cup" and checked it. He nodded with satisfaction: "no mistake, this is the porcelain I want to burn. Li Heng, settle the copper money with the shopkeeper."

When Li Heng heard what his husband said, he was dumbfounded: "Mr. husband, are these the utensils you fired? What\'s the use of these utensils? How to use them to hold wine?"

He still thinks these porcelain wares are wine utensils. He is completely confused by Li forgetful.

At this time, the beauty boss also came out with Alfred. When he saw these porcelain on the carriage, he was also confused.

"Ziyou, what are you firing?" she hasn\'t seen such porcelain in future generations. She also can\'t figure out what Li forgets you wants to do.

Li forgot to worry and smiled: "air conditioner, did you forget?"

The beauty boss only thinks that there are black lines all over her head and a black crow flies over her head. What\'s special about the air conditioner? Are you kidding me?

Alfred looked puzzled: "Lang Jun, what is an air conditioner?"

Li forgot to worry and squeezed his eyes at the girl\'s Angelina Jolie: "it\'s something that can cool the room and relieve the heat."

"Lang Jun, you didn\'t lie to me? These things can cool the room?" Aphrodite didn\'t believe it either.

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t explain. He just asked Li Heng to receive the goods and ordered someone to inform carpenter Liu that he could bring the things.

Not long ago, carpenter Liu brought his three sons to the Li family\'s old house.

The things they brought made the beautiful boss and the old housekeeper Li Heng unable to understand.

It looks like a thin board of windows and doors, but it is full of holes.

The beauty boss was too lazy to continue asking questions. He patiently watched Li forget how to use these things and make what "air conditioning".

Li Qieyou commanded the carpenters Liu\'s family to be careful of the exposed "high foot cups" and put them on the board one by one.

The size of the hole on the board brought by Carpenter Liu is the same as that at the bottom of the "high foot cup". After these "high foot cups" are inserted into the wood, the joint is coated with mastic to tightly bond them together.

Soon, the wooden boards full of rows of "high foot cups" were made, which was very simple.

Li Qieyou smiled and asked carpenter Liu to remove the windows in the front yard lobby, install these boards, and cover the lobby without doors with these boards.

"All right, finish!"

"Ziyou, it\'s over? And then?" the beautiful boss was speechless. What the hell is this "air conditioner"?

"Then? Then wait for the room to cool down." Li forgets worry naturally.

The beauty boss is completely confused by him, so it\'s over? Replace the doors and windows with this strange thing to cool down?

Li forgot to worry, but with a bad smile: "no culture, it\'s terrible. This is ecological air conditioning, which can reduce the indoor temperature for several degrees."

The beauty boss didn\'t even bother to turn her eyes. She didn\'t believe what Li forgot to worry said. This is just fooling a fool.

But something surprising happened.

When the beautiful boss entered the main room again, he was stunned to find that the main room was as hot as a steamer. At this time, he actually noticed a trace of coolness

The indoor and outdoor temperature, as Li forgets worry, has an obvious temperature difference, at least a few degrees.

The beauty boss was so curious that he wanted to ask Li forgetful about it, but he saw that he was directing the Liu carpenters again and began to get busy in the hospital