Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 374

Recently, people living in the south of Guocheng outside Chang\'an like to go to Da\'an square and Zhaoxing square to see the excitement.

Today\'s Da\'an square and zhaohang square have long been flattened by the craftsmen of the Ministry of work, and even the square walls of Huangtu base have been stripped off.

The two workshops have now been renamed on the maps of Chang\'an and Wannian counties. Da\'an and Zhaoxing are combined into one, which is called Zhaofang. The polo field under construction by Li Qieyou is also known as Jokhang tennis field.

It\'s not difficult to build this tennis ground, mainly because of the huge project.

To build a stand with loess, in addition to the need for civilian workers and craftsmen to continuously tamp the soil with stone rollers, the biggest project is to transport loess.

Li forgot to worry. He once thought about repairing the grandstand with bricks and stones. But after simply estimating the construction cost, he immediately abandoned this untimely idea.

In this era, even the towering walls of Chang\'an City were also made of loess, but thick wall bricks were built on the outside as protection.

Therefore, after repeatedly confirming with the officials of the Ministry of work, Li forget worry decided that the grandstand of the horse stadium should be built with loess, and finally paved with a layer of green brick for protection.

The Polo stand is almost in the shape of a triangular prism, ten meters high, and the perimeter of a circle of the court is about 4000 meters. Using the volume formula of triangular prism, it needs about 130000 cubic meters of earthwork to build this polo field.

This project is very huge in Datang.

Fortunately, Li forgot to worry about making a four-wheel carriage as a means of transportation. What used to be the most manpower and material resources has now become much simpler.

If there were no wagons and oxen to transport earth, I\'m afraid even Li Er could not afford to build it.

The weight of one side of soil is about two tons. For long-distance transportation, cattle carts can transport up to 800 Jin. It takes three cattle carts to transport one side of soil.

The four-wheel carriage can transport a party of loess at one time, and it is faster.

All the loess is taken from the foot of Qinling Mountain in Huxian county. It goes back and forth for 200 miles. Four wheeled carriages can go back and forth twice a day.

With Li\'s 10000 taels of gold as the construction cost, the Ministry of work waved a pen and prepared to invest more than 200 four-wheel carriages to transport earth.

It can transport about 400 cubic meters of earthwork a day, and the polo field can be completed in about a year.

Li forgot his worries and tried his best to help Li Er beat the corrupt elements in the court, so that the construction of this horse stadium could finally start.

After the original Da\'an and zhaohang workshops were leveled, the Polo ground was officially started, and the quiet south of the city became very lively.

The carriages that transport earth every day enter the city from Anhua gate and drive into the construction site of Jokhang square hammer mill.

With the increasing height of the local stands, more and more Chang\'an people came to watch. Everyone was curious about what the Jokhang ballpark would look like after it was built.

Li Qieyou didn\'t want to miss the opportunity of publicity. Unexpectedly, he asked people to draw a huge effect picture of the polo field after it was completed outside the construction site of Jokhang square, which surprised the people who had seen this picture.

However, it is still a year before the horse stadium is completed. In fact, this is quite fast for Datang.

After Li forgot to worry about starting work again, he ran to the polo field site several times and was no longer interested in being a supervisor. He left everything to the officials of the work department. He ran back to Dingzhou village and became a carefree shopkeeper.

Time flies into June, but the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Fortunately, with the saltpeter ice making method, there is no lack of ice in Li forget worry\'s residence, which makes Li forget worry and her beautiful boss a little better after spending the summer without air conditioning and electric fan for the first time.

However, even so, because the buildings in Datang are made of wood or yellow mud, they lack thermal insulation effect. In the summer sun, the room is still very hot.

It was so hot that Li forgot to worry about going out. He hardly wanted to move except that he would go out for a walk after the sun set.

"Changqing, remember to remind me. I\'ll go back and say to the officials of the Ministry of work that a swimming pool must be built in the manor. It\'s too hot in this damn weather!"

Li Qieyou shook the folding fan in his hand desperately, looked up and poured a mouthful of ice water, but he was still sweating with heat.

The beauty boss looked at him and didn\'t bother to talk. She was also sweating and shaking the fan in her hand.

"Ziyou, why is Datang so hot? I think it\'s hotter than later generations. I\'ve also traveled to Xi\'an in summer. Where is it so hot? It\'s almost 40 degrees?"

Li Qieyou replied weakly, "I think it\'s the same. When you say so, I remember. It seems that I saw in my book that during the Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties, China\'s climate seemed to have entered a warm period. The temperature increased, and the average temperature was higher than that of later generations. There were 19 years of winter in the Tang Dynasty, because the temperature was too high to snow."

After listening to his words, the beauty boss was even more listless. He leaned on several cases and said weakly, "God, I really want an air conditioner! Even an electric fan is OK."

Li Qieyou couldn\'t help laughing: "you\'re so beautiful. You still have an air conditioner and an electric fan. Here, the hand-operated generator in the yard has electricity. If you build an electric motor, you\'ll have an electric fan."

The beauty boss looked up and gouged him out to express his dissatisfaction.

Li forgot to worry and smiled. When he wanted to continue to say something, he suddenly thought of something and suddenly sat up.

"Ziyou, what are you doing? Surprised?" the beautiful boss asked angrily.

"Changqing, I seem to know how to build an air conditioner!"

"Aren\'t you sick? You major in e-commerce and can\'t even make the motor of the electric fan. You still want to make an air conditioner?"

Li Qieyou carefully recalled the memory in his mind and confirmed that there was nothing wrong. He couldn\'t help laughing: "ha ha, don\'t say it. I really know how to make this air conditioner. It\'s very simple."

"Hum, I don\'t believe you."

"Hey, hey, do you want to bet? I\'m going to get you an air conditioner. What should I do?"

Seeing Li forget to worry and make a bet, the beautiful boss blushed and remembered the last bet.

"Bah, hooligan!"

The beauty boss didn\'t take Li forgetful\'s words, but he didn\'t believe what he said.

"Forget it, my Lord has a lot of people. I don\'t have the same knowledge as you. Wait, I\'ll make an air conditioner!" Li forgetful got up and shouted outside the hospital: "Li Heng, prepare me a horse. I\'m going to Huxian county."

"Lang Jun, in this hot day, if you have anything to do, please tell the old slave or the Niu brothers to go."

"No, you can\'t make it clear. I\'m the only one who can do it. Go and prepare the horse."

The old housekeeper Li Heng had no choice but to greet Niu Wu and ask him to accompany Li to Huxian county.

Seeing Li forgetful worry actually wants to do "air conditioning", it makes the beauty boss curious. Is there no electricity, no machinery industry and no freon in Datang... Can Li forgetful worry change any air conditioning out of thin air?