Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 373

Li Er\'s face turned blue, and he naturally figured out the meaning between the two accounts.

Some people dare to cheat on the books of the Ministry of civil affairs and covet the copper money of the national treasury! This simply touched Li Er\'s inverse scale.

Li Er hates corruption most!

In the first year of Zhenguan, Li Er, who had just ascended the throne, ordered to amend the law. In order to reflect the glorious image of Xinjun, Li Er has reduced the punishment for many crimes, but the punishment for corruption and bribery is not relaxed, or even more severe.

At that time, Fang Xuanling and his eldest son Wuji suggested that he should be executed for embezzling 162 taels of gold in accordance with the law of the Han Dynasty. However, Li Er felt that the amount was too high and had no deterrent effect. Finally, the law of the Tang Dynasty set it as "fifteen pieces of silk, that is, hanging".

In the early years of Zhenguan, there was about 500 pieces of silk. Fifteen pieces of silk, only 7500 Wen, is a little more than the monthly salary of the first-class officials in the current Dynasty.

But today, such a shocking case broke out in front of all officials in the hall. How can Li Er not be angry?

Someone actually greedy ink more than 8000 copper coins! According to the law of the Tang Dynasty, how many times do you have to die?

Dai Zhou and Zhang Liang knew who was the one who took bribes and perverted the law, and Li Er naturally knew it.

As the head Secretary of the Ministry of civil affairs, the doctor of the Ministry of civil affairs holds a high position and is in charge of the money and grain account book.

Apart from the Minister of the people\'s Republic, Li Ru, the doctor of the people\'s Republic, is the only one who can handle the books of the people\'s Republic.

Dai Zhou was a loyal, talented and familiar with the law. He was an official in the former Sui Dynasty and later in the Tang Dynasty. Li Er naturally fully trusted this minister, and firmly believed that it was absolutely impossible for Dai Zhou to be greedy for ink, otherwise he would not appoint him to such an important position as the Minister of civil affairs.

However, when the case came to light today, Dai Zhou was not without responsibility.

As a minister of the Ministry of civil affairs, he did not find that his subordinates were greedy for ink, and naturally he would be punished accordingly.

As for Zhang Liang, Li Er was too lazy to pay attention to him at this time.

"Li Qing, do you have anything to say?"

Li Er stared at Li Ru. The emperor was dignified and angry, which made Li Ru speechless. He knelt down and kowtowed there.

"Your Majesty, spare your life, your majesty..."

Li Er Chang also ignored Li Ru, looked around at the officials in the hall, and said in a loud voice, "feeding private greed is not only bad for the public law and the people. Even if things are not heard, the center will not be afraid? There are many fears, but also lead to death. Should a big husband be greedy for property to harm his life. So that his children and grandchildren will be ashamed? If he is greedy for the Lord, he will lose his country; if he is a minister, he will die."

The ministers were frightened and all bowed down and worshipped: "ministers are taught."

"Dai Qing, if you don\'t control your subordinates strictly, you will be fined 20 kg of copper! If the audit of the competition department is not strict, you can blame it. Li daozong, you will be fined 20 kg of copper!"

Li daozong, a famous general in the early Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan\'s nephew and Li Er\'s cousin, was the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment at that time.

The Ministry of criminal affairs is responsible for auditing the books of the Ministry of civil affairs. Therefore, if there is a problem with the books of the Ministry of civil affairs, he should also be responsible.

The penalty of 20 kg of copper is actually not much, that is, a few copper coins. It\'s just a small penalty. But for big men like Dai Zhou and Li daozong, losing face is much more important than that copper money.

For Li Er\'s punishment, they had nothing to say and bowed their heads to admit the punishment.

"Where is Wei Qing?"

"The minister is here." Wei Zheng stepped out.

"Take Li Ru, the doctor of the Ministry of civil affairs, out of prison. Take the censor\'s desk together with Dali temple and the Ministry of punishment to find out whether Li Ru is greedy for ink and whether there are any accomplices. Punish him severely! Take the Secretary to arrest Li Ru\'s family members and step down from prison together. His native place is lost and returned to the state treasury."

Li Ru took the position of doctor of the Ministry of people in the ninth year of Wude, and it has been three years so far.

In just four months of this year\'s age, he dared to indulge in ink for more than 8000 times. Before that, how much Li Ru indulged in ink is unknown.

Li Er angrily issued an oral order. He had his own forbidden guards in the palace and dragged Li Ru, who was paralyzed like a dead dog, down the hall.

His outcome is self-evident. After finding out that he was corrupt and perverted the law, he could not be hanged.

And his family, the end is not much better. The women\'s dependents were put into the yeting palace to work, and the men\'s dependents were regarded as slaves. Their descendants will never be officials.

Although Li Ru and his family came to a miserable end, Li forgot his worries and would not sympathize with him. He was a loser in later generations. He hated corrupt officials most. In his opinion, death is not a pity.

However, as soon as Li Er had finished issuing the oral order, Li forgot his worries and said, "Your Majesty, Li Ru\'s house in Da\'an square has been lost to the minister. When a company confiscated his family property, it can\'t be counted in it. It\'s already the minister\'s property."

He was so angry that Li Er almost kicked him. At this time, are you still thinking about the house?

Li Er didn\'t know that Li forgot to worry about so many things today and helped him destroy a "big tiger" for the house located in Da\'an square.

If Li Ru knew that he had died in another hospital, he wondered if he would suffocate himself to death before he could be hanged?

Li Er Meng took a breath, depressed his anger, and said, "but I\'m sure. Retreat!"

With that, Li Er turned and left. Empress Chang sun shook her head and chased her husband.

After Li Er left, the almost stagnant air on the hall suddenly relaxed. All officials were breathing. When they looked at Li forgetful, they had an indescribable taste.

The Huxian son was really good. He made this news in order to expose the doctor of the Ministry of the people\'s Republic of China for his greed for ink, but how did he know that the doctor of the Ministry of the people had made false accounts and greedy for ink for copper money?

Many officials, in their hearts, have a higher evaluation of Li forgetfulness, and feel that this huxianzi can\'t offend easily.

Zhang Liang was no longer so rebellious. Although Li Er did not punish him, he was frightened.

He went to Li QIAOYOU and smiled: "huxianzi, I\'ll have the Jade Flower delivered to your house later. Please accept it."

Li Qieyou was not polite: "ha ha, thank you, Duke."

After Zhang Liang left, Cheng Yaojin\'s old rogue also came over, and the palm of the palm of the Pu fan fell heavily on his shoulder. Li forgot to worry, showed his teeth and had to squeeze out a smile at the old rogue.

"Wow, hahaha, happy, happy! I won ten thousand liang of gold again today. Boy, you are really my lucky general!"

"Uncle Cheng, hey hey, you can\'t eat alone. It\'s the old rule to divide half when you meet."

"Go away! Believe it or not, I\'ll beat you to death? You\'ll get 30% at most!"

"It\'s a deal!" 30% is 30%, and Li forgets to worry about the lack of money. Today, I can get 3000 liang of gold, a jade flower and the house of Da\'an square for no reason. That\'s enough. He\'s not greedy.

Now that there are no obstacles, his polo field can finally start construction!