Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 372

Seeing his father\'s call, Li Chengqian immediately offered a treasure. He trotted to his father with an abacus and put his hands on the table.

"Chengqian, how to use this abacus?" Li Er asked with a smile.

"Father, it\'s very simple. Look at this abacus. The beads on the top represent five and the beads on the bottom represent one. The teacher taught us the formula: one up, one down, five to four, one to nine into one..."

Li Chengqian immediately demonstrated to Li Er and recited the abacus formula taught to them by Li forgetful.

Li Er quickly figured out the advantages of this thing called "abacus", which is indeed much faster than calculation. The calculation speed of the two is not the same.

Dai Zhou and other officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs naturally heard the dialogue between them, and they knew more about the advantage of abacus than financing.

Officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs looked at each other. They and others actually lost to two young children because of this abacus? It\'s really frustrating but helpless.

Instead of being annoyed, they showed a look of joy.

"Your Majesty, I lost. Huxianzi was right. The calculation method of the Ministry of civil affairs is indeed too inefficient. The abacus made by huxianzi is really ingenious and ingenious. Please accept your majesty and let huxianzi teach the production and usage of the abacus of the Ministry of civil affairs, and promote the abacus to the whole Tang Dynasty."

Dai Zhou was quite open and aboveboard, directly admitted defeat, and praised Li forgetful.

The officials in the hall are also very interested in this abacus.

Although arithmetic is a small way, most officials in the Tang Dynasty are proficient. Everyone can use it and need to carry it with him.

Officials of the Tang Dynasty are tied with steps around their waists.

The so-called walking belt is a multifunctional storage belt, which is called walking belt. The walkers are mostly made of leather or metal, with strong storage function. They are worn on the outside of the belt.

Among the walkouts of officials, there are seven items: calculation bags, knives, sharpened stones, qiqizhen, Jue, needle barrels and flint. These are the seven things of walkouts and walkouts, which are also the standard configuration of civil and military officials in the Tang Dynasty.

The counting bag is the pocket for counting chips.

Now huxianzi has made this abacus, which is more convenient for calculation. Even the prince and the king of Yue can win the officials of the Ministry of the people with this thing, which shows its uniqueness.

"This abacus is really good!" Li Er praised, "well, that\'s all for today. Huxianzi, teach the Ministry of people how to make and use the abacus, and I\'ll reward myself..."

Before he finished, Li forgot to worry, but suddenly came forward and interrupted, "Your Majesty, today\'s competition has not been completed. Please your majesty and allow me to continue."

Li forgot to worry about this, which made Li Er a little stunned. He didn\'t understand what he meant.

All officials have seen the role of abacus, and Dai Zhou bowed his head and admitted defeat. As for the account books of the Ministry of civil affairs, Li forget worry has just said that the account books are accurate. What else should we do?

However, Li Er naturally knows that Li forget worry is not a mischievous person.

He didn\'t bother to think about what Li forgot to worry about, so he simply nodded: "since huxianzi still wants to test and teach Chengqian and Qingque, then go on."

When Li Er said that today\'s affair was over, Li Ru thought he had escaped a disaster. His hanging heart had just been put down, but he heard Li forget his worries and wanted to continue. He was so angry that he almost scolded.

What hatred is this? Do you have to kill me?

He forgot about not selling da\'anfang house. He didn\'t even give Dai Zhou face, so he forgot to worry about Li\'s nausea.

When things came to an end, Li Ru regretted that his intestines were green. He wished he could slap himself. What kind of madness did he have to fight against this huxianzi?

Now, it\'s too late to say anything.

Li Qieyou bowed to Li Er, turned around, picked up the corn account book, turned a few pages, and motioned to the officials of the Ministry of civil affairs, Li Chengqian and Li Tai to start the calculation.

"Collect, 180 stone and 36 bucket of cooked horse material, collect, 470 stone and 17 bucket of cooked horse material..."

This time he read faster, but what needs to be calculated is very simple, just a simple addition.

When he finished reading, the two urinates reported the number: "Sir, a total of 166, 619 stones of cooked food and horse materials were collected."

Officials from the Ministry of civil affairs also reported this figure: "Your Majesty, huxianzi, collected 16619 stones of cooked food and horse materials."

When Li Chengqian, Li Tai and the officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs reported this group of figures one after another, Li Ru, the doctor of the Ministry of civil affairs, turned pale in an instant. The whole person seemed to have been cramped and paralyzed directly to the floor.

But the Dai Zhou, who was still smiling before, turned around and stared at Li Ru, who had collapsed.

Most of the officials in the hall also reacted. On the two books of the Ministry of civil affairs, the number of cooked food and horse materials is not right!

According to the calculation results just now, Zhenguan spent about 370000 copper coins and 170000 stone cooked food and horse materials in two years and four months.

But in another corn account book, in four months, the recorded cooked horse materials were only more than 166000 stones, more than 4000 stones less!

According to the price of one stone of cooked horse food, the approximate price is more than 200 yuan a bucket, about two passes and one stone, that is about 8000 passes.

In other words, someone embezzled 8000 copper coins from the Ministry of civil affairs, which is not a small number. Moreover, this is only two years and four months for Zhenguan.

To figure out the key, the hall was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Everyone stopped talking. It\'s a big case!

It was so simple that huxianzi exposed it!

Everyone immediately turned their eyes to Li Ru, who collapsed to the ground. There was no one else who could do it except the minbu doctor.

Zhang Liang was even more frightened. He really didn\'t know about Li Ru\'s greed for ink.

Although he is domineering on weekdays, he is not an idiot. Moreover, his house has a lot of industries and Li Er has more rewards. He doesn\'t need to greedy for these copper money.

Zhang Liang is only worried that he will get burned because of his idiot brother-in-law.

He was more and more regretful at this time. Had he been blinded by lard just now? How do you follow this Li Ru and gamble with Li forgetful?

Dai Zhou got up and went out of the line. He lifted his imperial clothes and knelt down in front of the Royal steps: "Your Majesty, the minister\'s lax control and improper supervision led to some people seeking private interests from the Ministry of the people, taking bribes and bending the law. These are all the crimes of the minister. Please punish your majesty."

Zhang Liang\'s reaction was not slow. He ran out and knelt down in front of the Royal steps: "Your Majesty, I really don\'t know what my wife and brother did. Please see clearly. These people who corrupt money and bend the law are extremely evil, and I\'m ashamed to be with them."

His words were beautiful, but they made all officials shake their heads secretly.

Li Ru, anyway, is also Zhang Liang\'s wife and brother. He is so clean, but he can see his mind.

Above the imperial steps, Li Er\'s face became iron blue