Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 371

Li Ru was afraid of this because he forgot the contents of the account book.

Many officials also found the problem. Li forgot to worry about the content in the account book. All the content he chose to read was the copper expenditure of cooked food and horse materials... What\'s the problem?

Li Ru\'s face was pale, but she still comforted herself in her heart.

No way, no way! How did the boy know the trick? Coincidence, it must be all coincidence!

As a doctor of the Ministry of the people, he naturally greedy for ink. Otherwise, where can he have the money to buy another hospital in Chang\'an City.

He thought that no one could find the key, and the books were clean. Even if the Department checked several times, there was no problem.

But the figures that Li forgets to worry about constantly make Li Ru frightened. Every group of numbers Li forgets to worry about makes his heart beat wildly.

Li forgot worry didn\'t spend much time, so he finished reading an account book, picked up another one again, turned a few pages, found the content he needed, and still recited quickly: "Zhi, cooked food, horse material..."

When he was reading the account book, his eyes inadvertently saw the face of minbu Doctor Li Ru.

Li Ru\'s frightened expression made Li forget his worries and unconsciously turned up the corners of his mouth... I caught you!

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with him and his beautiful boss! Li Ru really did it here.

Before Li forgets worry, he always wondered how Li Ru did things in the account books and could avoid the double audit of the Ministry of civil affairs and the Ministry of comparison.

Until the beautiful boss inadvertently talked about the reform of China\'s financial system, he suddenly realized and caught the key.

Since ancient times, China has always been single bookkeeping. It was not until the 20th century that double entry bookkeeping was introduced from the West.

Single bookkeeping means that every economic transaction is registered in an account.

Single bookkeeping is simple and convenient, but accounts are not directly related.

Taking the account books of the Ministry of civil affairs of the Tang Dynasty as an example, the account recording the revenue and expenditure of copper money is separate from the account books recording corn and silk, and the changes of capital movement are not related.

In the later double entry bookkeeping, every economic business must be registered in two or more interrelated accounts.

The beauty boss estimated that Li Ru did something in this.

Simply put, it means that a certain expenditure is registered in the revenue and expenditure account of copper money, and the revenue and expenditure on the book of copper money is balanced. No matter how the account is audited, it is no problem.

But with this expenditure, there should be an increase in other assets. But the two books are not related, which gives him a chance to do things.

The copper money expenditure of the Ministry of civil affairs is mainly the official materials of Zhudao Prefecture, the military grain of Zhujun Prefecture, the purchase of post horses and the forage for raising post horses.

The course material is the salary of officials.

Among these expenses, Li forget worry and her beautiful boss feel that if the greedy is an important expense, Li Ru may have been discovered long ago. Therefore, the place where he is most likely to move is the forage expenditure of post horses.

It was precisely because of this judgment that Li forgot to worry, deliberately on the pretext that the calculation method of the Ministry of the people was backward, urged Dai to send him money and grain account books as the content of the competition.

From the account books, Li forgot to worry about only the records of the voters\' department spending copper money and buying cooked food and horse materials. Therefore, it didn\'t take long to finish reading the seemingly thick copper money account books.

In the second year of Zhenguan, from January to April, the Ministry of Civil Affairs purchased cooked horse materials 32 times.

As soon as he finished reading, the ten officials of the Ministry of civil affairs were still sweating. Li Chengqian and Li Tai spoke separately.

"Sir, a total of 370000 copper coins and 765 coins were spent."

"Sir, I bought 176119 stones of cooked food and horse materials."

As soon as Li Chengqian and Li Tai spoke, all officials were stunned. Even Li Er and empress Chang sun were stunned.

These two little guys really figured it out? So fast? Isn\'t that bullshit?

In the hall, everyone was silent. They didn\'t know what to say. They could only turn their eyes to the officials of the Ministry of the people who were still desperately fiddling with the calculation results.

The second child saw that he had calculated the result, but no one praised them. Even his father, emperor and empress didn\'t speak, so he couldn\'t help being a little worried.

Li Chengqian pulled down Li forgetful\'s sleeve: "what do they mean, sir? Are we wrong?"

Li forgot to worry. He smiled and patted Li Chengqian on the head to comfort him: "Chengqian, they didn\'t expect you and the green bird to be so powerful and scared."

Little fat Li Tai raised his chin and proudly replied, "hum, let them despise me and my brother. Now do you know our strength?"

Before, Li Ru, Zhang Liang, Wang Renyou and others bet on them. They made it clear that they didn\'t believe them. They had already let Li Chengqian and Li Tai hold their breath.

If it hadn\'t been for Li Er and empress Chang sun, the two children would have been noisy on the spot. Now they can easily hang and beat the officials of the Ministry of the people, which can make the two little guys proud and tight.

Under the gaze of all the officials in the hall, Li Er and empress Chang sun, the ten most calculating officials of the Ministry of civil affairs finally calculated the result.

"Your Majesty, huxianzi, spent a total of 370000 copper dollars and 765 dollars to buy 17619 stones of cooked food and horse materials."

Li forgot to worry and gently patted his palm: "yes, you and your Highness the prince and the king of Yue have made no mistakes in their calculations. They are the same as the books and records of the Ministry of civil affairs."

As soon as he finished his words, the neutrality of the hall exploded, and all officials ignored the etiquette in front of the hall. The volume increased, and all were whispering.

"Fang Xiang, your Highness the prince and the king of Yue are not talking nonsense? They are only eight or nine years old now. How can they be so powerful?"

"Duke Wei, I can\'t understand. Is the prince really so smart?" Fang Xuanling shook her head and felt that the facts today were too incredible.

"I think huxianzi taught well. His royal highness is also studying in Hongwen Museum. He doesn\'t see how intelligent he is. He\'s just Chinese."

"Tut, can huxianzi really be so magical? He not only has unparalleled talent, but also knows how to teach his disciples, which is really great."

At this time, Zhang Liang was as disgusting as eating flies. He couldn\'t help staring at his brother-in-law. They were all this damn bastard. He didn\'t win back. Now it seems that he has to export the jade flower again.

Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and other aristocratic family leaders also look depressed. It\'s really unpleasant to lose to Cheng Yaojin.

Dai Zhou and other officials of the Ministry of the people were surprised to lose their chin.

These ten officials are already the best at mathematics in the Ministry of civil affairs. It\'s unimaginable that they were really hanged and beaten by two young children.

Li Er and empress Chang sun naturally look surprised.

Li Er also wanted to maintain his majesty with a straight face, but he couldn\'t help but hide his upturned corners of his mouth.

As for the empress Chang sun, if she hadn\'t been above the hall and watched by all officials, she might have rushed down the Royal steps and made out with her two precious sons.

After Li Er\'s surprise, he looked at the abacus in front of his son, waved to Li Chengqian and motioned him to send the abacus