Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 370

Above the throne, Li Er\'s face was black.

Originally, Li Ru and Zhang Liang wanted to bet with Li forgetful, but he was already dissatisfied. Now the aristocratic family leaders also jumped out, which made Li Er more tired of it.

You know, although these people bet with Li forget worry, they can bet on his eldest and second sons.

Although Li Er didn\'t believe what Li forgot to worry about, he didn\'t believe it, but he couldn\'t help others to look down on his son.

Tang people are fond of gambling. They don\'t believe that there are many young children, Prince Li Chengqian and King Li Tai of Yue. When they see Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou, who have proposed to participate in gambling, many officials in the hall are ready to move.

But Li Er\'s black face changed everyone\'s mind.

There were no fools present. They soon realized that it was wrong. The people who wanted to get up were silent again. They were relieved to be a melon eater and watch the excitement.

Li Ru and Zhang Liang naturally saw Li Er\'s smelly face and couldn\'t help but regret it in their hearts. However, now the gambling appointment has been set and it\'s too late to say anything.

But Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and others are not afraid of Li Er\'s face. They have five surnames and seven hopes. They even dare to force Li Er to commit a crime. Now what is it to bet on Li Er\'s two sons?

Facing Cheng Yaojin\'s scolding, Wang Renyou just nodded calmly: "if Duke Lu is willing to gamble, naturally he can. How about gambling 10000 liang of gold? Duke Lu is willing?"

With the financial resources of the aristocratic family, 10000 liang of gold is nothing, only 60000 yuan. During the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, corn, silk and copper coins together, the central fiscal revenue was about 20 million yuan.

The annual family income of the aristocratic family headed by five surnames and seven hopes may not be much less than this figure.

The Millennium family, the top gate of Datang, is like a huge iceberg. The huge ice hidden under the sea is terrible.

This is also the reason why Li Er and other kings of the Tang Dynasty have been committed to weakening the aristocratic family. No matter who is the emperor, he doesn\'t want to rule such a powerful and terrible minister.

Just as the so-called side of the couch, how can others snore.

This is why the Li Tang Dynasty and aristocratic families fought openly and secretly, from mutual support in the late Sui Dynasty to various means after the establishment of the Tang Dynasty.

The imperial examination was held in the Tang Dynasty to clean up the influence and control of the aristocratic family over the Imperial Hall. However, even at the end of the Tang Dynasty, although the influence of the aristocratic family was controlled, it was still tenacious to restrict each other with the imperial power.

Until the Yellow nest uprising in the late Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty went into the abyss. The aristocratic family also declined rapidly. With the decline of the Tang Dynasty, it declined and disappeared on the historical stage.

The imperial power and aristocratic family of the Tang Dynasty can be described as a model of love and killing each other.

On the hall at this time is the epitome of the struggle between imperial power and aristocratic families in the hundreds of years of history of the Tang Dynasty.

Wang Renyou\'s words, Cheng Yaojin didn\'t frown, so he nodded and agreed.

"Wow, hahaha, Wang Renyou, although I don\'t have as much money as the Wang family in Taiyuan, I can afford to bet 10000 liang of gold. Since you want to bet, I will naturally accompany you!"

"Well, since Duke Lu is so happy, it\'s settled."

They are all the top dignitaries in the Tang Dynasty, and there is no need to clap their hands to swear. The words spoken in front of all officials are spit and nail, and no one will turn back.

Seeing that the two sides had made a bet, Li forgot to worry, and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously. Nima, this old man, is robbing his own gold.

Cheng Yaojin doesn\'t cross the border. Doesn\'t this ten thousand liang of gold belong to him? Although Li Qieyou is very grateful to Cheng Yaojin, an old rascal, for his maintenance, he wishes to cover the old rascal\'s mouth and replace it by himself.

Whether Li Chengqian and Li Tai will lose or not, Li forgets to worry about this kind of thing and hasn\'t even considered it.

Especially the little fat man Li Tai, the speed of abacus, Li forgetful thought he was giving him a calculator. He couldn\'t count the little fat man. It was against the sky.

Not to mention the ten officials of the Ministry of the people, that is, all the officials of the Ministry of the people together, are not the opponent of fat Li Tai.

Hanging beating, Li forgets worry. He can only think of this word to describe the gap between the two sides.

Therefore, Cheng Yaojin\'s gambling agreement with the aristocratic family seems to be robbing his gold.

Now Li forgets worry has a lot of money, but who would think there is too much gold?

Forget it, it\'s good to get Li Ru\'s house and the jade flower from Zhang Liang. Be content.

Li forgot to worry and comforted himself. Feeling a little depressed, he squeezed out a smiling face from Cheng Yaojin, an old rogue, and turned around to announce the start of the competition.

He picked up the copper money account book of January from the account book moved by the Ministry of civil affairs, looked through it roughly, and quickly read it.

"Two hundred and thirty-six bushels of cooked horse fodder, priced at 210 Wen per bushel... One, five hundred and seventeen bushels of cooked horse fodder, priced at 213 Wen per bushel... One, cooked horse fodder..."

Li Qieyou kept turning over the copper account book, but he just read it selectively.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai and the ten officials of the Ministry of the people were all absorbed in it and began to calculate with abacus and calculation.

Li forgot to worry about reading a thick account book very quickly, and the ten civil Ministry officials were in a hurry. The sweat on his forehead was so big that he didn\'t have time to wipe it.

Li forgot to worry more and more quickly, the officials of the Ministry of civil affairs had obviously not kept up with his speed, so they had no choice but to separate two people and transcribe the numbers Li forgot to worry said on the paper with pen and ink. The other eight people kept calculating in their hands and had to record in pen and ink while calculating.

In contrast, the two little guys, Li Chengqian and Li Tai, are quite capable. Whenever Li forgets to give out figures, their little hands crackle on the abacus and complete the calculation. They also have free time to wink at their mother, empress Chang sun.

The performance of both sides naturally fell into the eyes of all officials, and they couldn\'t help but take a breath.

Are your Highness the prince and the king of Yue really worldly talents? Is what huxianzi said true?

Zhang Liang was even more nervous. He widened his eyes and almost didn\'t stand up to cheer up the officials of the Ministry of the people.

He doesn\'t believe that two young children can calculate so fast. They must be fooling around and playing on that bullshit abacus. It must be so! Zhang Liang comforted himself in his heart.

There are not a few people with the same idea as Zhang Liang, although it seems that the prince and his Highness the king of Yue are very relaxed. But that\'s mostly fake, isn\'t it? Just fiddle with your fingers and finish the calculation?

Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and other aristocratic family leaders also look a little ugly.

Although they don\'t care about gold, they care about face. In front of all officials, they lost to Li forget worry, which makes them feel embarrassed?

All the officials whispered and talked. No one noticed that Li Ru, the doctor of the Ministry of people, became bloodless and trembled like chaff