Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 369

The abacus in Li Chengqian\'s and Li Tai\'s hands is also the best nanmu specially found by Li Qieyou, which was carefully crafted by Carpenter Liu and given to the second junior high school.

Carpenter Liu knew that he was making an abacus for his Royal Highness the prince and the king of Yue. Even when his son wanted to help, he was driven away by Carpenter Liu. He used his whole body to create two exquisite abacuses.

These two delicate abacuses also made Li Chengqian and Li Tai love them.

For the abacus his son took out, Li Er and empress Chang sun naturally didn\'t know each other. The empress changsun did not restrain her curiosity and asked, "Chengqian and Qingque, what are you?"

"Ah Niang, this is the abacus. The teacher gave it to us." Li Chengqian proudly shook his abacus and made a loud noise.

"What\'s the use?" empress Chang sun turned her eyes to Li forgetful, hoping to get his explanation.

Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed: "Your Highness, the abacus is used to calculate. It\'s just like calculating chips, but it\'s faster and more accurate than calculating chips."

Empress Chang sun nodded. The Huxian son often made these strange things, but I don\'t know how much faster the abacus can be than the chips. Can he really win the competition between his two sons.

She doesn\'t care what\'s wrong with the Ministry\'s books. That\'s what her husband needs to worry about.

As a mother, the eldest sun empress cares more about her son. Is it true that she can calculate faster than ten officials of the Ministry of civil affairs, as Li forgets sorrow said.

Li Tai couldn\'t help shouting, "Aung, the teacher said that in terms of calculation speed, I use the abacus, which is the first in the world. No one is faster than me!"

His words made the eldest sun empress laugh and feel that she was a silly son and believed everything. It\'s probably what Li forgets to worry about teasing them. He\'s actually serious.

"OK, OK, ah Niang knows. You\'ll try your best later." empress Chang sun smiled, but her perfunctory tone even heard Li Tai.

Seeing that his mother didn\'t believe his words, Li Tai was so anxious that his little fat face turned red and stretched out his hand to pull Li forgetful\'s sleeve.

"Teacher, Aung, she doesn\'t believe me."

Li forgot to worry, smiled and comforted: "Oh, green bird, then prove it to empress changsun. As a teacher, I believe your calculation speed is the fastest in the world, and no one can match it."

They spoke in a loud voice, which was heard by the ministers in the hall, and many people laughed.

Most people think that Li forgets worry and is fooling the children. What they send out is a kind laugh. But many people puffed and laughed, and the irony was too strong.

Li Ru thought he was too nervous and lost some face. Seeing that Li forgot his worries, he couldn\'t help but stand up again.

"Huxianzi is really a big voice. Do you really think that all the officials of the Ministry of the people are wine bags and rice bags?"

His words were clever. He directly put Li forgetful on the opposite of many officials of the Ministry of the people, which provoked all officials of the Ministry of the people to glare at Li forgetful.

Li forgot to worry and glanced at Li Ru: "Doctor Li, don\'t you believe Murphy? That\'s simple. If you think I\'m talking nonsense, why don\'t you make a bet?"

"Bet, bet, what do you want to bet?"

"Hei hei, I\'ll bet you on the other courtyard in Da\'an square. If the officials of the Ministry of people win, I\'ll give you a thousand liang of gold. If the crown prince and his Highness the king of Yue win, I don\'t want anything else. You can give me Da\'an square\'s house. How about it? Doctor Li, dare you bet?"

"Ha ha, since huxianzi wants to give me money, how can he refuse." Li Ru\'s pupils dilated when he heard the thousand liang of gold. For fear that Li forgot his worries and repented, he immediately laughed and nodded.

The reason why Li forgets to worry about putting forward this bet is that if he doesn\'t find anything fishy in the account book later, he won\'t be busy in vain.

Originally it was just a try. He put forward a gambling appointment, but unexpectedly, Li Ru agreed without thinking about it, which made Li forget his worries a little surprised.

I knew the goods were so easy to handle. Why did I take so much time to do it?

Li forgot his worries and began to make complaints about the books.

"Huxianzi, wait a minute. I\'m also interested in gambling with you. Would you like to?"

Li forgot to worry and looked at it in amazement, but it was Zhang Liang, the Duke of Changping County.

"Oh? The sheriff is also interested? What do you want to bet?"

"Bet on the zhaoyebai! If your Highness the prince and the king of Yue win, I\'ll give you one hundred liang of gold. On the contrary, huxianzi will lose the zhaoyebai to me. How about it?"

Zhang Liang really doesn\'t want to give up the horse zhaoyebai. He resents it since he lost the ball to Li forgetful in front of Wude hall and paid for his horse zhaoyebai. Today, when Li Qieyou said that two children aged eight or nine were faster at arithmetic than officials of the Ministry of civil affairs, and they were still two to ten, he felt that the opportunity had come.

So after Li forgets you to bet with his brother-in-law Li Ru, he immediately gets up and wants to bet with Li forgetyou to win back his beloved mount.

Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help grinning.

His family is just a BMW. After being "ruthlessly occupied" by his beautiful boss, he is still wondering where to buy another one.

But he knew that there was also a BMW in Zhang Liang\'s residence, which was similar to that in zhaoyebai, called yuhuayu.

It is a horse with blue and white fur.

Zhang Liang bought two BMWs from the western regions at a high price. He cherished them very much on weekdays. It\'s not too much to say that they are worth a hundred liang of gold.

"County Lord, hey hey, you can bet, but I don\'t want gold. If the county Lord loses, just lose your jade flower to me. What do you think?"

Li forgot to worry about this condition, let Zhang Liang feel some toothache.

Losing zhaoyebai has made him lose his appetite. In case he loses the jade flower, it\'s really worse than killing him.

However, Zhang Liang hesitated for a long time when he looked at the angry civil Ministry officials and Li Chengqian and Li Tai, who were still flirting with the empress changsun. He agreed with his teeth.

"Well, I\'ll bet you with yuhuayu, according to huxianzi!"

Li Qieyou almost didn\'t laugh. Someone really rushed to send benefits to himself. This luck is coming. I can\'t stop it. I\'m surprised to get what I think.

He hurried forward and clapped his hands with Zhang Liang to swear and make a bet. He was about to announce the beginning of the competition, but several more stood up among the hundred officials.

"Huxianzi, I also want to bet with you. Would you like to?"

Li forgot to worry. Before he spoke, he heard Cheng bite Jin Meng and stand up: "what do you mean, Wang? Bully my nephew? How do you bet? I\'ll pay you!"

It was Wang Renyou, the owner of the Wang family in Taiyuan, and Zheng Yuanshou, the Zheng family in Xingyang, who wanted to bet with Li forgetful.

The aristocratic family leaders have repeatedly targeted Li forgetful worry, and the accumulated resentment between the two sides has long been irreconcilable. Today, as Li forgot to worry, Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and others naturally do not believe it.

Seeing that Li Ru and Zhang Liang have lined up to bet with Li forgetful worry, they look at each other and think that this is a good opportunity to fall into a well, so they also stand up, but they didn\'t expect Cheng Yaojin to get involved.

"Why did Duke Lu say that? Did Duke Changping gamble well, and we can\'t gamble?"

"Zhiniang thief, you can bet if you want. I bet with you!"

Cheng Yaojin\'s words made Li forget his worries, moved and angry. Isn\'t this old rascal blocking his chance to get rich?