Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 368

In fact, Li Er did not believe that his two sons could compare with the calculating officials of the Ministry of the people.

This is ridiculous.

Even though Li is outstanding in arithmetic, his two sons, now eight and nine, have only studied with Li for more than two months.

According to the report of the forbidden guards around Prince Li Chengqian and Li Tai, huxianzi usually only plays games with two children, and there is little time for learning.

Under such circumstances, even if Li forgets to worry that he is really a Wenqu star, it is impossible for the two young children to become prodigies overnight, right?

Li Er thought that it was Li forgetful that he accidentally found someone from the Ministry of the people doing tricks in the account book. He asked Dai Zhou to move to the account book under the pretext of what competition. He could expose the fishiness in front of all officials.

So he didn\'t stop it. He planned to see who was so bold and dared to do something in the books of the Ministry of civil affairs.

Li Er\'s guess is not wrong. Li forget worry thinks so, but it\'s not just that. He really wants Li Chengqian and Li Tai to show their hand in front of Li Er and all officials.

This is also a display of learning achievements. The more powerful Li Chengqian and Li Tai are, the more it seems that Li forgets to worry is a good teacher?

Li forgot to worry about killing two birds with one stone, and even offended Dai Zhou and officials of the Ministry of the people.

After Li Er spoke, Li forgot to worry and ordered someone to move a screen and stand on the main hall. He arranged the ten officials of the Ministry of the people and Li Chengqian and Li Tai to sit on both sides of the screen.

"Your Majesty, the money and grain account books sent by the Ministry of civil affairs are copper money account books and corn account books. I think these account books must be accurate. Otherwise, the Ministry of civil affairs will make a mistake, and the" cross check "audit of the Ministry of civil affairs will certainly find out."

Li forgot to worry about these words, but it eased Dai Zhou\'s face a lot.

What he said was also true. From the beginning, Li forgot to worry about any calculation errors in the Ministry\'s account books.

As Li Ru said, the books of the Ministry of civil affairs will be reviewed not only by the Ministry of civil affairs, but also by the Ministry of criminal affairs. If you fake the numbers, you will be found out.

Li forgot to worry. He didn\'t know how Li Ru was greedy for ink. For this reason, he was distressed for several days.

Until after chatting with the beauty boss, the beauty boss\'s answer made him suddenly enlightened. That\'s why today he came to Taiji palace to make this movement.

Dai Zhou\'s complexion was a little slow, but Li forgot to worry and then said: "However, even if the account books of the Ministry of civil affairs are accurate, they can still be reviewed again. It won\'t take much time. It\'s just for his Highness the prince and the king of Yue to compare the calculation speed with the officials of the Ministry of civil affairs. In this way, the Minister reads the figures on the account books and the two sides calculate. In the end, the fast calculation speed and the accurate result wins. What do you think?"

Li Er couldn\'t help looking up at the thick pile of account books in the center of the hall, and looked at the empress Chang sun with a puzzled face.

What the hell does this boy want?

Are you really going to let your two sons compete with civil officials?

Before Li Er spoke, Dai Zhou could not help frowning and opening his mouth.

"Huxianzi, there are so many daily account books this year. How can you finish it in a moment?"

So many account books, even the daily accounting of the Ministry of civil affairs, will take more than a month.

How can this be done in one time?

Li forgot to worry, but he smiled: "Dai Shangshu, it won\'t take much time. One incense stick is enough."

His words made all the officials in an uproar again, and he felt that huxianzi was joking again. The money and food daily books moved by the Ministry of the people were a thick pile. Even if you just read them once, one incense burning time was far from enough.

Before Dai Zhou spoke, Li forgot to worry, but went to the book, reached out and picked up a book, looked at the officials of the Ministry of the people: "are you ready, everyone?"

These civil servants felt humiliated when they heard that they had to compare calculations with two young children.

Even if the two young children were his Royal Highness the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty and his Royal Highness the king of Yue, Li\'s proposal was also a humiliation for these officials who were proficient in mathematics.

In the face of Li\'s forgetful words, the ten officials of the Ministry of civil affairs did not speak, but silently took out their calculations from their arms and put them on several cases.

Li Qieyou felt his nose slightly embarrassed and looked at Li Chengqian and Li Tai: "Chengqian and Qingque, are you ready?"

Li Chengqian and Li Tai had already looked forward to it. When they heard the speech, they took something out of their sleeves and put it on several cases in front of them.

"Don\'t worry, sir. We are sure to win!"

After getting along with the bear children in Dingzhou village for many days, Li Chengqian became a lot more cheerful, and finally recovered the appearance of a nine-year-old child, rather than the "Prince\'s Majesty" deliberately pretended before.

Li Tai was unwilling to be outdone. The little fat man waved his fist: "Sir, I must be the fastest today."

The things they took out made Li Er and Dai Zhou and others curious. They both stretched their necks to see what happened.

A small wooden box with many wooden beads inside... If there are passers-by among the officials in the hall, you will be able to recognize this object at a glance.


Li forgets to worry about teaching the second elementary school, but unexpectedly, both Li Chengqian and Li Tai are very clever. They recite Jiujiu watches better than him.

After learning the Arabic numerals of Professor Li QIAOYOU, Li QIAOYOU can\'t compare with these two little guys simply by calculating the speed of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, which makes him feel very shameless.

In order to save his face, Li Qieyou shamelessly copied the abacus originated in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Therefore, Li Chengqian and Li Tai, who only knew how to raise money, were abused by Li forgetful.

In fact, Li forget worry is not proficient in abacus. After all, calculators are popular in later generations. Who will use abacus except those old accountants?

Li forgot to worry about using an abacus. He taught his grandfather when he was a child. He just can, and is still far from being proficient.

However, even if his action of dialing the abacus is sparse, his calculation speed is far faster than that of calculation.

You know, the heroes of China\'s two bombs and one satellite have verified and calculated extremely huge data by hand-operated computers and abacus.

The second small school, shocked by the abacus taken out by Li forgetful, worshipped his teachers more and more.

These two people are really smart. They can play abacus quite skillfully in little time. Especially the little fat man Li Tai, the little fat hand turned the abacus, which was as fast as lightning, making Li forget his worries and smack his tongue.

He has seen some videos of game gods in later generations. Those non-human beings who simply dance on the keyboard with their hands make him smack his tongue.

A Japanese player named Takahashi celebrity, who can press the button 16 times a second and fire 16 bullets on the old-fashioned game console, is known as "16 Lang per second".

Not to mention those professional game players who can effectively operate 200 to 300 times on the keyboard in one minute, which makes Li forget you, a disabled party, feel speechless.

The little fat Li Tai is such a fast hand.

Since he learned to play the abacus, every time he flipped the abacus, Li forgot to worry about the picture with residual shadows in the cartoon

In short, since the second primary school learned the abacus, Li forget worry has never moved the abacus in front of the second primary school.

I can\'t afford to lose that man!