Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 367

The six departments of the Tang Dynasty are under the jurisdiction of Shangshu province.

Since Li Er served as the post of shangshuling when he was king of Qin, after he became emperor, in order to avoid taboo, the post of shangshuling was vacant for a long time.

Shangshu province only has left and right pushers, and left pusher Fang Xuanling is the chief executive of Shangshu province.

Fang Xuanling pondered a little and felt that Li forgetful was not a man of Meng lang. there must be a reason for this today.

Thinking of this, Fang Xuanling nodded gently to express her consent.

Seeing that his immediate boss agreed, Dai Zhou naturally said nothing more, so he agreed to Li forgetful\'s seemingly absurd request.

"But since huxianzi is so confident, it\'s better than the previous one. I\'ll order someone to carry the public scroll to the Ministry of people..."

Before Dai Zhou finished his words, he saw one of the hundred officials suddenly stand up and cut in: "Dai Shangshu, lower officials think it\'s impossible. The public scroll of the Ministry of people has a great relationship. How can you take it out at will?"

Li forgot to worry. When he saw the speaker, he couldn\'t help but be happy. He thought that there was a problem with the goods.

It was Li Ru, the doctor of the Ministry of civil affairs, who spoke against it.

"Your Majesty, Dai Shangshu, the money and grain public volume of the Ministry of the people is very important. How can it be used for comparison? If huxianzi wants to compare and calculate with the officials of the Ministry of the people, you can ask your majesty to write a question."

Li Ru\'s words were righteous, but Li forgot how he would let him do it. He bowed to Li Er and said, "Your Majesty, the minister\'s calculation method is not only faster but also more accurate. Taking the account book of the Ministry of civil affairs as the title can let your majesty see the effect, but also review it for the Ministry of civil affairs. Why not?"

He glanced at Li Ru again and continued: "unless there is something fishy in the account books of the Ministry of civil affairs, it is not convenient to see people? Otherwise, there is a great relationship between your majesty and the princes in the hall. Doctor Li is guarding against who?"

Li forgot to worry about this, and Li Er couldn\'t help narrowing his eyes and looked at Li Ru.

Li Ru was so frightened that his back was soaked with cold sweat that he quickly explained, "Your Majesty, Huxian son is bleeding. The public volume of the Ministry of people has always been safe. Why is it fishy?"

"Since there is nothing fishy, what do you object to, Doctor Li?" Li forgetful asked immediately.

Li Ru was speechless when asked. He opened his mouth and didn\'t refute again.

Originally, Li forgot to worry about taking the money and grain account book of the Ministry of the people as the topic, and Li Er also felt it was inappropriate.

If you want to compare and calculate, there are many ways, even if you use the lottery sales amount calculated by the Ministry of civil affairs every day.

Although there is no confidentiality system in the Tang Dynasty, how can the public scroll be freely displayed to people, such an important organization in charge of money, grain, land and population?

But Li forgot to worry and suddenly raised the matter, which made Li Er feel suspicious. Like Fang Xuanling, Li forgets worry, although he is young, but he is not a man of Meng Lang.

Today, he inexplicably put forward on the hall that the Ministry of the people\'s Republic of China was backward in mathematics, and asked for a competition. He also asked to compare the calculations of both sides with the Ministry of the people\'s Republic of China\'s money and grain public volume, which made Li Er think more.

Is it true that someone is so bold? What can you do on the public scroll of the Ministry of the people?

"Dai Qing, according to huxianzi\'s proposal, you asked someone to send this year\'s daily money and grain account books, and sent ten officials who are proficient in mathematics into the temple."

"Promise." as soon as Li Erjin opened his mouth, there was no dispute about it. Dai Zhou bowed and went to arrange matters immediately.

Li Er also ordered the Chamberlain to go to the east palace to report to the empress Chang sun and bring Prince Li Chengqian and King Li Tai of Yue to the hall.

At this time, all the officials whispered to each other about the purpose of huxianzi\'s move today.

These officials are not fools. Li forgets to worry about making an article on the account books of the Ministry of civil affairs, which everyone must see. All officials are speculating that there is really something fishy in the money and grain account books of Mofei people\'s department?

As for what Li forget you said, let the prince and his Highness the king of Yue compare the calculation speed with officials of the Ministry of civil affairs. Everyone, including Li Er, thought it was just Li forget you\'s excuse.

Li Ru was naturally uneasy at this time, but he didn\'t worry much. He just objected out of caution.

Li\'s guess is naturally good. As a doctor of the Ministry of the people, Li Ru has no industry at home. Naturally, he has tampered with the books.

However, Li Ru is very confident that even if he has accumulated years of old accounts and doesn\'t have a few months to clean up the accounts of the Ministry of civil affairs, he can\'t catch him.

Let alone bring it to the great hall and let the officials of the Ministry of the people and the prince calculate it. It\'s impossible to find the fishiness.

The bookkeeping of the Tang Dynasty inherited the system of "daily success, monthly importance and annual meeting" in the Qin and Han Dynasties. There are three sets of account books. On weekdays, all he submitted to Dai Zhou were the account books of the monthly and annual meeting.

The "daily success", that is, the daily cash flow account of the Ministry of the people, is too cumbersome to read. And his hands and feet are in it.

The financial report of the Ministry of civil affairs must be made in duplicate. The original shall be submitted to Li Er for review and the duplicate shall be submitted to Shangshu province. Other accounting reports shall be submitted to the comparison department for "cross check" audit, and then the results shall be reported to Li Er.

Bibu, one of the four divisions under the Ministry of punishment, is in charge of auditing books.

Even the professional review organization, the Ministry of comparison, did not find any problems in its account books. How could Li Ru worry about what Li forgets to find.

Now he also regretted that he had just been too nervous and lost his identity.

Minbu county is not far from the imperial city. Soon, ten officials of the Ministry of civil affairs and a large pile of account books were sent into the hall.

Prince Li Chengqian and King Li Tai of Yue also followed the Chamberlain into the hall. Unexpectedly, the six year old empress Chang sun also followed.

"Your Majesty, I heard that huxianzi wanted Chengqian to compete with Qingque and officials of the Ministry of the people. I was also very curious and took the liberty to go to the temple. Please allow me to watch."

Li Er naturally smiled and nodded, and asked the waiter to bring a soft stool for his daughter-in-law and put it next to the throne. He naturally knew why the empress changsun came, and there was no reason to refuse.

Although they are the emperor and queen of the Tang Dynasty, they are the two most respected people in the world. But they are just like the parents of later generations. They are full of expectation and attention to any competition their son participates in.

All the officials also got up and saluted the empress Chang sun and her Royal Highness the prince. After some etiquette, Li Erchao waved to his two sons.

"Chengqian and Qingque, your teacher wants you two to compete with officials of the Ministry of the people. Are you willing?"

"Father, I\'d like to." Li Chengqian immediately replied, "the teacher said that no one in the world can calculate faster than us in the methods he taught us."

"Father, I must be faster than my brother! The teacher often praises me!" Li Tai is not willing to fall behind.

Li Er and empress Chang sun naturally just laughed at this. They both thought it was a child\'s speech. As for Li Chengqian\'s saying that they are the fastest in the world, even if they are parents, they don\'t believe it. It should only be Li forgetting to coax the children.

"Huxianzi, the account book is here, you can start." Li Er looked at Li forgetful, ready to see how he planned to compete.