Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 366

Li Qieyou\'s voice attracted the attention of the officials in the hall. Dai Zhou stopped talking and looked at Li Qieyou with a smile.

Li Er silently raised his arm to him and motioned him to say something quickly.

Being watched so much by the public, Li Qieyou was also a little ashamed. He could only clear his throat and arch his hands at Dai Zhou\'s embarrassment before he continued: "Your Majesty, the minister just heard Dai Shangshu say that the Ministry of Civil Affairs counted the lottery sales amount, and suddenly remembered an incident. I, the Ministry of civil affairs of the Tang Dynasty, was in charge of land, money and food all over the world, but the officials of the Ministry of civil affairs were not good at calculation and the calculation efficiency was too low..."

Before he finished, he was interrupted by Dai Zhou.

As the Minister of the Ministry of the people, although Dai Zhou had a good relationship with Li forgetful, he couldn\'t help frowning at this time.

"Huxianzi, officials of the Ministry of the people, are all proficient in arithmetic. Although not necessarily huxianzi is so erudite, I dare say that there is no one out of the right of the Ministry of the people in the world."

Dai Zhou was also angry and his tone was hard.

As a leader of the Ministry of civil affairs, he naturally couldn\'t hear Li forget to worry and criticized the Ministry of civil affairs for its poor computing ability.

Seeing that the old man was angry, Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed: "Dai Shangshu, if I\'m wrong, please don\'t blame Dai Shangshu. However, the calculation method of the Ministry of civil affairs is indeed backward, which is a fact. I also thought of the Ministry of civil affairs, so I took the liberty to raise this matter."

In fact, if Li forgets to worry about communicating with Dai Zhou privately, Dai Zhou will certainly not have the slightest aversion. Instead, he has to thank Li forgets to worry.

But in front of all civil and military officials, he said that the Ministry of the people\'s computing power was not good. Isn\'t that hitting his face? No wonder the old man was angry.

However, Li forgets to worry that he has another intention. Naturally, he can\'t afford to offend Dai Zhou. Anyway, he believed that as long as he finally proved that what he said was correct, the old man Dai Zhou had to thank him.

"Hum, I have to ask you today to see how smart huxianzi\'s algorithm is!" Dai Zhou threw his clothes and robes angrily, and didn\'t give Li forgetful a good face.

Li forgot to worry and so on. He quickly climbed up the pole: "Your Majesty, since Dai Shangshu doesn\'t believe it, please compete in this hall today to prove that what he said is true, can you?"

Li Er rubbed his temples and thought that the goods really came to do things!

However, if Li forgets his worries, he cannot be indifferent. After all, if what he says is true, it is also a good thing for the Ministry of civil affairs to improve its computational efficiency.

"Huxianzi, how do you want to compete?" Li Er asked.

"Hey, hey, easy. Please ask Dai Shangshu to find ten officials who are proficient in arithmetic from the Ministry of civil affairs. They will compete with my two disciples in the main hall to see if what I said is false."

As soon as Li forgot his worries, the officials looked at Ma Zhou and Yan Liben in the hall. The two men also stood up with an ignorant face and couldn\'t believe it. They looked at Li forgetful and pointed to themselves with their fingers.

That means, sir, are you sure?

Although the two of them followed Li Qieyou to study, they had little contact with arithmetic and asked them to compete with officials of the Ministry of civil affairs. Isn\'t this a joke?

Li forgot to worry and quickly waved his hand: "bin Wang, Li Ben, I\'m not talking about you."

He arched his hands at Li Er and said, "Your Majesty, I\'m talking about his Royal Highness the prince and his Royal Highness the king of Yue."

As soon as Li forgot his worries, Dai Zhou\'s face turned black, and the faces of the officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs who were qualified to participate in the Chang Dynasty also became ugly.

The officials were in an uproar. They all looked like they had seen a ghost. Some even rubbed their ears. Did they feel that they had auditory hallucinations just now?

Prince and his Highness the king of Yue?

Li Chengqian is only nine years old and Li Tai is only eight years old. Although they are noble, they are only two young children now.

Huxian Zi just said that let these two young children compare the calculation speed with ten officials proficient in mathematics from the Ministry of civil affairs? This is really the greatest nonsense in the world.

Li Er was speechless. Although Li Chengqian and Li Tai were his precious sons, Li Qieyou couldn\'t fool around like this. Isn\'t this a naked humiliation to Dai Zhou and others?

Both Li Er and Dai Zhou believed that Li forgot to worry was better than the officials of the Ministry of the people.

At the time of Zhang Liang\'s residence, Li Qieyou had already demonstrated his arithmetic ability.

However, he is now boasting about two young children, but after learning with him for more than a month, he can be better than officials of the Ministry of civil affairs. No one will believe this.

"Huxianzi, don\'t play!" Li Er put on a stiff face: "apologize to Dai Gong. How can you tell jokes at will."

Li Er\'s words were for Dai Zhou to step down, and he was also defending Li forgetfulness. What he just said was a joke. Everyone laughed and passed.

But Li forgot to worry, but he didn\'t appreciate it at all. He shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I\'m not kidding. I can\'t do this without leave. Your majesty will know as soon as he tries. If you have any empty words, I\'m willing to be punished by your majesty."

Seeing that Li forgets to worry so much, Li Er hesitated and couldn\'t help looking at Dai Zhou to see what he said.

Dai Zhou was really angry at this time. Seeing that Li forget you was so reluctant to spare him, he wanted to hit his people\'s face. He couldn\'t care about the love between Li forget you and him.

The old man was so angry that he stuck his neck and said, "Your Majesty, since huxianzi is so determined, I am willing to take the competition. According to what huxianzi said, please accept your majesty! If you lose, I will not do it!"

Dai Zhou\'s words startled Li QIAOYOU. He didn\'t want to offend Dai Zhou to death.

Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed to Dai Zhou: "Dai Shangshu, why do you say this? If you offend me, please don\'t blame Dai Shangshu. I was also kind. I saw that the calculation method of the Ministry of civil affairs was indeed a little backward, so I was in a hurry to put forward this matter. I didn\'t mean to humiliate the Ministry of civil affairs. Please Dai Shangshu to see clearly."

His words made Dai Zhou\'s face look a little better.

However, the words of both sides came to this point. Li Er couldn\'t pretend not to hear them. After a little thought, he nodded.

He also wanted to see what medicine was sold in Li forgetful\'s gourd.

Are their two sons really computational geniuses?

Although Li Er is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he is no different from the parents of ordinary people. He is eager to succeed. Otherwise, he would not force his eldest son and second son into his door after seeing Li forgetful\'s talent and learning, and worship Li forgetful as a teacher.

Although mathematics is a small way, if the two young children can be better than the officials of the Ministry of civil affairs, it is also something Li Er is proud of.

"Huxian man, how are you going to let Chengqian and Qingque compete with officials of the Ministry of the people?" Li Er is looking forward to it now.

"Your Majesty, Dai Shangshu, it\'s better to have a competition like this. Please ask Dai Shangshu to order someone to get the money and grain account book of the Ministry of civil affairs this year, and ten officials of the Ministry of civil affairs will check the calculation together with his Highness the prince and the king of Yue. What do you think of Dai Shangshu?"

"Well..." Dai Zhou pondered for a moment and turned his eyes to Fang Xuanling, who wanted to ask for his advice.