Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 365

Manager Ren of Renji saddle bridle shop in Chang\'an West City won the first prize of the lottery, just like growing wings in a few days. It spread all over the large and small lanes of Chang\'an city.

On that day, in front of the neighborhood of Yanshou square, shopkeeper Ren continuously took down the yellow and heavy copper coins from the four-wheel carriage of the Ministry of the people and handed them to the creditors. The scene of clearing the arrears was also spread around with the public.

There are those who envy and those who envy. As a result, the lottery outlets in Liufang city are once again crowded with people who buy lottery tickets.

The shopkeeper Ren\'s family avoided going bankrupt because of the lottery with two Wen and one bet. Soon after, the Ren Ji saddle bridle shop in the west market was rebuilt, and the business was better than in the past.

A year and a half later, Ren\'s friend caravan drove a large group of horses from the western regions back to Chang\'an city. Ren\'s family made more than 20000 profits again and became a famous rich merchant in Chang\'an city.

At the beginning, he won the lottery, but he was always talked about, and Ren shopkeeper was also proud of it.

Buying lottery tickets has also become the habit of any shopkeeper. Although he didn\'t win the prize again, he still enjoyed it.

These are later words, not to mention for the time being.

The lottery ticket was successfully issued. Li forgot to worry about successfully washing the sewage poured on him by his family. He began to think about how to buy land from Li Ru, a doctor in the Ministry of the people.

Nowadays, no one in Chang\'an city talks about huxianzi\'s heavy investment in the construction of a ball mill. Except for Li Ru\'s other courtyard, the land of Da\'an and zhaohang has been purchased by Li forgetyou through the Ministry of work.

Now, if the polo field wants to start, it must deal with Li Ru.

During this time, Li forgot to worry and was not idle. He had asked the dandies to inquire about Li Ru, the doctor of the Ministry of civil affairs.

Li Ru and his sister Li, although both surnamed Li, were not born into a rich family like the Li family in Longxi or the Li family in Zhaojun, nor were they relatives of the Li Tang royal family, just a small family.

Find out Li Ru\'s background. Li forgets worry and is sure that the goods are definitely not clean on hand.

Zhenguan period was one of the most severe anti-corruption dynasties in Chinese history. Li Er once said, "people commit crimes, one by one in the law". It means that as long as there is corruption, no matter what identity, they will be brought to justice.

Even if he was an old man in the Qin palace, Li Er was still convicted according to the law. The emperor\'s uncle was also jailed for corruption, and the princes and royal families "were all very sincere".

Corruption should not be allowed, and the salaries of officials in the Tang Dynasty were not high, and officials were not prohibited from doing business in the early Tang Dynasty. Therefore, most of the 100 officials had industries in their homes, arranged for their clansmen to be responsible for management and subsidize their families.

Even Fang Xuanling and Cheng Yaojin, these national leaders, are the same. Otherwise, how can we afford to support a large family with only a small salary.

However, through the various networks of dandies, Li forgot to worry, but found that although the doctor Li\'s family also operated stores, its business was poor, had little income, and even lost a lot.

But seeing that Li Ru can set up another hospital in Da\'an square, he is very valuable. The other courtyard in Da\'an square covers a large area. When Li Ru bought it, he also spent two million yuan.

Li Ru, a doctor of the Ministry of the people, is paid 3600 yuan a month from the five grades. Even if he adds 160 stone of Lumi and Zhitian income every month, his legitimate income in a month will not exceed 10 Guan copper coins.

Li Langzhong\'s family is naturally a large family. People eat horses and chew. These ten copper coins are enough for them to live a rich life, but they rarely have much balance.

Under such circumstances, he can still spend two million yuan to buy another hospital. If there is no fishiness in it, hell.

The doctor of the Ministry of civil affairs is the director of the Ministry of civil affairs.

This is the Yamen in charge of the money bag of the Tang Dynasty. If a little bit flows out of the finger crack, Li Ru, the doctor of the Ministry of the people, can eat a full bowl.

Li forgot his worries and thought that instead of trying to make Li Ru give in and sell land, he might as well help Li Er engage in "clean government construction". He didn\'t believe that Li Ru had no hands in the Ministry of the people and made some money.

Since Li Ru is determined to fight against himself for Li\'s sake, he can\'t blame Li forgetting to worry.

However, it is not easy to find out Li Ru, a corrupt official.

You can\'t sue someone because he bought another hospital without evidence? That\'s obviously unrealistic.

Even though he was deeply trusted by Li Er and had a good relationship with Dai Zhou, the Minister of civil affairs, it was impossible for him, the son of the founding County, to run to the Ministry of civil affairs for audit.

Li forgot his worries and thought about it for a long time, but he came up with a way to save the country.

On this day, Li forgot to worry and put on his brand-new Kaiguo County Court uniform. Early in the morning, he went out of the door and ran to Chang\'an city to prepare for the court meeting.

When the officials saw Li forget worry, they rarely appeared again. People familiar with him couldn\'t help but come forward and make fun of him.

"Ziyou, why did you go to court today? What strange things did you make?"

"Li\'s little nephew, what\'s interesting? Take it out and show me. Wow, ha ha ha."

"Ziyou, I think this should be your fifth time in court? You are really a rare guest, ha ha."

"Sir, what\'s the matter today? Why don\'t you talk to the disciple first? The disciple can cooperate with you later."

Li forgets to worry about a black line and can only bow to the people, saying that he has nothing to do. He just feels depressed at home and comes to listen to the government.

He said this, but no one believed it. They all smiled and planned to see what kind of moth the goods were going to do.

Not only did all officials think so, but even Li Er thought so after he sat on the throne.

"Huxianzi, what\'s the matter today?" Li Er simply asked first, so that all officials looked at him one after another.

Li Qieyou felt that thousands of grass and mud horses galloped by in his heart. Why did everyone think that Lao Tzu went to court just to do things?

Although he did have something to do today, Li Er was so exposed that Li forgot his worries and was ashamed.

"Your Majesty, I have nothing to do."

Li Er looked at him suspiciously, but his face was full of three words "I don\'t believe it".

Li forgot to worry about going to the court only a few times. For the first time, he looked at the Chaoshen and made the Taoist ancestor appear holy, leaving Yigan speechless the aristocratic family door valve who forced Li Er to commit a crime.

The second time and the third time were impeached by the censor. As a result, Li forgot to worry about the court. He even eliminated and beat them, refuting them, which made several censors lose face.

The last time I went to court was for the lottery. In the hall of Taiji palace, I took 30000 money from the ministers and asked Li Er to nod and agree to the issue of lottery tickets.

Today, the goods came to the court again, but I don\'t know what they want to do?

Seeing that Li forgot to worry and killed himself, Li Er could only suppress his doubts and began to discuss the government with the ministers.

In the middle of the discussion, Dai zhouzheng, the Minister of civil affairs, got up and reported today\'s lottery sales to Li Er. Li forgets to worry and stood up.

"Your Majesty, I have something to play!"

Li Er and all the ministers have the same idea in their hearts. Here comes the goods again