Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 364

This movement in the lottery selling point has naturally been heard by the onlookers. Hearing that the fainted middle-aged merchant really won the first prize, everyone was in an uproar and all kinds of exclamations were heard.

"Yes, the man won the first prize!"

"If Buddha goes again, someone will win the first prize? That\'s two hundred liang of gold!"

"Damn it, the first prize! Why didn\'t I win the prize? If only I won the prize, I have to go to the west market first and buy a Hu Ji home."

"Don\'t dream, you prodigal son. Tut Tut, this man is really lucky."

More and more people heard that someone had won the grand prize and gathered around, which made shopkeeper Ren very nervous. He held his lottery ticket tightly in his hand for fear of being robbed.

Seeing this, Li forgot to worry and quickly called Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army guarding the lottery sales point to separate the onlookers, which made shopkeeper Ren a little relieved.

More people, who had already bought the lottery tickets and were ready to leave, turned back to the counter and took out copper money from their money bags again to buy the lottery tickets.

Obviously, this was stimulated by manager Ren\'s winning the prize.

"Mr. Lang, did you bring the public examination?" the officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs came forward and asked when Dai Zhou nodded and agreed to cash the prize immediately.

"Yes, yes, I have." shopkeeper Ren nodded repeatedly, stretched out his hand and took out his public test from his arms. He was going to borrow Xiangji kitchen in Ximing temple. Naturally, he had to bring his own ID card.

After the officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs checked his public inspection and asked people to check his lottery ticket again and again, they took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and asked the shopkeeper Ren to register the pledge and receive the lottery prize.

"Ren Gong, do you want gold or copper money? Two hundred liang of gold is one thousand two hundred yuan of copper money."

"Can I have half gold and half copper?" shopkeeper Ren asked, thinking that he had more than 500 copper coins to pay. It was inconvenient to be all gold.

The official of the Ministry of Civil Affairs smiled and nodded: "no problem, Mr. Ren, don\'t be impatient. I\'ll immediately arrange the Treasury to deliver gold and copper money."

Shopkeeper Ren bowed gratefully. At this time, he remembered that he had not thanked Li forgetful and Dai Zhou. He hurried to them and bowed.

"Ren thanked the two gentlemen for their help just now. They offended me a lot just now. Please don\'t blame them."

Dai Zhou twisted his beard and said with a smile, "it doesn\'t hurt. It\'s understandable to be ecstatic when you win the grand prize. But don\'t be so excited in the future. It\'s not worth hurting your body."

Shopkeeper Ren was surprised: "yes, Mr. Lang taught me that Ren was too excited just now. It was mainly because something happened at home and he needed the bonus too much. To tell you the truth, Ren was going to borrow Xiangji kitchen in Ximing temple. Fortunately, when he came out of the workshop, he saw the guise of lottery, so he came to Xishi to see if he won the prize."

"Oh? Look at your dress, you should also be a merchant? How can you make yourself so embarrassed?" Li forgetful asked curiously.

Manager Ren sighed and told his story again. Speaking of the end, shopkeeper Ren couldn\'t help crying: "fortunately, huxianzi got the lottery and bought the lottery. Otherwise, Ren really didn\'t know what to do."

After hearing this, Dai Zhou couldn\'t help laughing at Li Qieyou: "Ziyou, I didn\'t expect that your lottery could make the Jedi of Ren Gong\'s family meet. It\'s also a good story."

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t expect such a coincidence. It seems that it\'s really God\'s will.

Dai Zhou\'s words stunned shopkeeper Ren. He couldn\'t believe it and looked at Li forgetful: "Lang, Lang Jun is Huxian face-to-face?"

Li Qieyou smiled and nodded at him: "I am Li Qieyou, the founder of Huxian county."

When he finished speaking, he saw shopkeeper Ren kneeling down directly to him, banging his head with a few solid rings, and knocked up, startling Li QIAOYOU.

"Ren Gong, what are you doing? Get up and speak quickly."

"Huxianzi, Ren thanked you for the whole family. Thank you for making this lottery ticket and saving me from water and fire. Now everyone in Chang\'an City says huxianzi is the reincarnation of the God of wealth. It\'s true."

Manager Ren\'s words surprised Li.

He didn\'t want to be a god of wealth when he made the lottery. The initial idea was very simple, but I wanted to divert people\'s attention by relying on the great attraction of lottery tickets.

It was a selfish idea, but he was so grateful by the shopkeeper that he was a little embarrassed.

Manager Ren\'s voice was heard clearly by the people around him.

Seeing the young man in front of him, he was actually the legendary Huxian son of the population. At present, many people directly worshipped him.

"It\'s huxianzi! Huxianzi, you are really the God of wealth! Please accept slaves and worship."

"Huxianzi, bless us to win the lottery."

"Thanks to the blessing of huxianzi, someone won the second prize! Huxianzi, someone kowtowed to you!"

The reaction of the people around him made Li forget his worries and couldn\'t help a black line.

Nima, have you become a clay statue in the temple? Would you like to give me another stick of incense?

Where did he know that many people who bought lottery tickets really offered memorial tablets with his name at home and burned incense and worshipped every day.

Li forgets worry. If you want to know this, you\'ll probably have a murderous heart.

"What\'s the word of Ren Gong? Get up quickly. This lottery ticket can be born only by the wise sage and the strong support of Dai Shangshu. Someone is not a god of wealth, but this lottery ticket is really a good tool for the country and the people."

Li forgot to worry, picked up shopkeeper Ren, gave a few empty supports to the people around him, and motioned everyone to get up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the establishment of this lottery by saints and chaotang can not only enrich the life of the winners, but also fill the national treasury. More than 20% of the money will be used to protect the interests of all the people! Therefore, you can not only enrich yourself, but also be kind to the children, provide for the elderly, cheer up the poor, fight poverty and alleviate diseases. If you want to thank someone, you might as well buy more lottery tickets and buy lottery tickets It\'s good deeds, ha ha. "

Li forgot his worries and let the people around applaud.

Shopkeeper Ren, who just won the grand prize, couldn\'t help running to the counter, took out a lot of copper money from his money bag and bought several lottery tickets.

Not long after, the gold and copper coins taken from the Treasury by the Ministry of civil affairs were escorted by Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army and sent to the west market lottery sales point by a four-wheel carriage.

One hundred liang of gold is inconspicuous, but it\'s a small package. The 600 copper coins are a lot of more than three tons.

Looking at a cart full of copper coins, the onlookers made a cool sound, and the voices of envy and jealousy were everywhere.

Show off your wealth, it\'s just naked show off your wealth!

This car of copper money is no different from the truck full of RMB in later generations. It is a wealth that many people have never seen in their life.

Li forgets worry and Dai Zhou, with the consent of shopkeeper Ren, simply let Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army escort them, and civil officials beat gongs and drums to directly send the copper money to Ren\'s house in Yanshou square.

Along the way, I don\'t know how many people attracted their attention and let the lottery play a live advertisement in Chang\'an City