Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 363

Li forgetful and Dai Zhou turned their heads in amazement when they heard the speech.

Just now Dai Zhou was still talking about the lottery winning number in Chang\'an City, which was unknown to everyone, so someone immediately asked. This made Dai Zhou feel a little angry and wondered if he was deliberately sweeping his face.

The two men saw that the question was a middle-aged man dressed in soap clothes and businessmen, and they were stunned.

"Ladies and gentlemen, excuse me. Can you ask me what the lottery winning number is?" it was shopkeeper Ren who asked.

He was afraid to step into the lottery sales point. Just before meeting a young man and an old man, he was talking about the lottery winning number, so he couldn\'t help asking.

Dai Zhou saw that the middle-aged merchant didn\'t know him and knew that he had wronged him. The angry expression on his face calmed down.

"You really don\'t know the lottery winning number, Mr. Lang?" Dai Zhou asked curiously.

Shopkeeper Ren replied, "yes, yes, some time ago, something happened at home and I didn\'t take care of it. The lottery was bought by a cheap woman. I want to see if I won the lottery."

"Hehe, the lottery winning number was waved by the sage on the rosefinch door three days ago. I remember clearly that it was three, seven, eleven, seventeen and twenty..." Dai Zhou twisted his beard and smiled.

Naturally, he didn\'t think that the middle-aged man could win the lottery. However, as long as he was the people who bought the lottery, he felt very kind now. Naturally, he didn\'t refuse and reported the lottery winning number.

Shopkeeper Ren didn\'t care at first. After hearing the three groups of numbers, his heart involuntarily accelerated its beating speed.

This lottery number was bought by his wife. It is still her birthday with herself and his family.

His birthday is on March 17 of the lunar calendar, and his wife\'s birthday is on July 20. His eldest brother is on November 29 of the lunar calendar... The last blue ball, her wife bought a three, which means a family of three

So his wife only spent two Wen on the lottery ticket on his cuff. The numbers he bought were three, seven, eleven, seventeen, twenty, twenty-nine and three!

Dai Zhou continued to report the winning number: "... Twenty-nine, twenty-nine, the last blue ball number, three. Hehe, how about you, Mr. Lang, do you win?"

His words, like a spring thunder, exploded in the ears of any shopkeeper!

"Lang Jun, you, you, didn\'t you deceive me? This, this is really the winning number?" shopkeeper Ren couldn\'t speak clearly, and his tongue was tied.

"It\'s natural. I have nothing to do. What are you doing? If you don\'t believe it, the winning number is posted in the lottery sales shop. You can see it at a glance." Dai Zhou snorted with some dissatisfaction.

Shopkeeper Ren ignored etiquette, picked up his robe and ran to the lottery sales shop.

Because he ran too fast, he even bumped into a common man who came out of the lottery and almost fell.

He also did not care about bumping into people. Like a headless fly, he stumbled into the lottery sales shop.

Li forgot to worry and Dai Zhou looked at each other, and suddenly they both had a guess in their hearts.

"Dai Gong, this man..."

"Ziyou, he won\'t win the prize..."

Both of them were stunned when they finished, wouldn\'t it be so coincidental? The two of us happened to meet the winner today?

"Go in and have a look." Dai Zhou was anxious. He grabbed Li forgetful\'s arm and ran to the lottery spot.

At this time, in the lottery sales point, paper is posted on the wall, on which the winning number is written in big words.

Shopkeeper Ren Ran to the bottom of the winning number and looked at the numbers one by one. The more he looked, the faster his heart beat. His excitement was like a pot of boiling water just boiling in his chest, which was about to overflow.

Hit, hit, I hit! At this time, this is the only sentence in the mind of manager Ren.

His hands trembled. He took out the lottery ticket from his cuffs. He carefully checked the numbers on it word by word, "three, seven, eleven... Three."

At this time, shopkeeper Ren almost stepped into hell one second before, but suddenly ascended to heaven the next.

Under the great stimulation of worry and joy, he looked at it again and read it again, patted his hands, laughed and said, "Gee! I\'m in! I\'m in!"

Then he fell back, clenched his teeth, and fainted.

His voice attracted everyone\'s attention in the lottery outlets. Both the clerks of the Ministry of civil affairs and the people who came to buy lottery tickets heard him.

When they were suspicious, they were surprised to see the man suddenly faint.

When shopkeeper Ren fainted, he happened to fall into the eyes of Dai Zhou and Li forgetful who had just rushed in.

They were also surprised and hurriedly asked the clerks of the Ministry of the people in the sales point to fetch water and quickly wake up the middle-aged merchant.

The lottery ticket he was holding was also gently broken open by Dai Zhou\'s fingers and picked up.

"Eh, Ziyou, this man really won the lottery! Ha ha, I\'m still worried that no one won the lottery, but I don\'t want to encounter such a scene." Dai Zhou couldn\'t help laughing when he saw the lottery number.

Li forget worry also took over the lottery, carefully checked all kinds of anti-counterfeiting measures on the lottery, and determined that this is a true first prize winning lottery!

"Ha ha, Dai Gong, you see, I said maybe others didn\'t know they won the prize. Is that true?"

Dai Zhou shook his head reluctantly: "it\'s true that such things happen."

In the sales point, everyone was busy for a while. Finally, shopkeeper Ren, who was too excited and fainted, woke up.

Seeing his eyelids tremble a few times, he woke up slowly: "what\'s the matter?... by the way, I won the lottery, I won... Where\'s my lottery? My lottery..."

Seeing that he was excited again, Li forgot to worry and hurriedly came forward and handed back the lottery ticket to him: "don\'t worry, Mr. Lang, your lottery ticket is here. Congratulations, you did win the first prize, two hundred liang of gold!"

Shopkeeper Ren hurriedly took over the lottery ticket, which is now regarded as a treasure: "thank you, young man, thank you, young man."

He turned to the bookkeeper of the Ministry of civil affairs at the point of sale and asked, "excuse me, can I cash this lottery now? Where can I get the gold?"

"Congratulations, you need to take the public inspection and lottery tickets to the official residence of the Ministry of civil affairs to receive the first prize."

"Minbu?" shopkeeper Ren hesitated. The minbu official was in the imperial city. He was a merchant. Why had he ever been in the imperial city?

Li forgot to worry suddenly said: "Dai Gong, it\'s better to accommodate once. Let\'s give the husband a bonus here? It can also let the people witness it with their own eyes. What do you think of Dai Gong?"

"Can!" Dai Zhou thought for a while, then understood the meaning of Li forgetting worry, nodded and agreed.