Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 362

The Xiangji kitchen in the Ren family refers to the temple loan.

Xiangji kitchen is also the kitchen in the temple. It has close contacts with the people. Over time, Xiangji kitchen has become the name of usury in the people of the temple.

Although it is a temple loan, the profit is not low at all. It is still good to borrow food. It is borrowed in spring and repaid in autumn, with an interest of 50%.

However, when borrowing copper money, the interest is 10% per month, and the one-year interest is 120% of the principal.

In other words, if you ask the temple to borrow 100 Guan of Xiangji kitchen, you need to return 10 Guan copper coins as profit money every month, and then return the principal of 100 Guan one year later.

Xiangji kitchen with an annual interest rate of 120% has made many borrowers unable to repay and bankrupt.

Now Ren\'s family owes 500 yuan of foreign debt. If we want to rebuild the saddle bridle shop, we must have at least one or two hundred yuan of copper. In other words, if the Ren family wants to get through this difficulty, it can\'t be less than 700 copper coins.

The experience of several generations of Ren family is also a small asset.

In addition to real estate and shops, there are thousands of copper coins in the family, which are equivalent to millions in future generations.

Originally, even if the shop ran out of water, it would not hurt the muscles and bones. It was forced to borrow money to borrow Xiangji kitchen.

However, shopkeeper Ren, who has always been cautious, couldn\'t help persuading his friends a few days ago and was attracted by dozens of times of profits. He invested most of his assets in his friend\'s caravan.

He spent a lot of money to buy cooked cotton silk and silk, and entrusted his friend\'s caravan to sell it to the western regions.

One ripe cotton silk of the Tang Dynasty, worth 3600 yuan.

The silk road is mostly bartered. When a piece of silk is trafficked to various countries in the western regions, it can be exchanged for two stunning Hu Ji or a BMW in the western regions.

Whether it is a stunning Hu Ji or a BMW, it can sell no less than 50 copper coins at a high price after being transported back to Chang\'an city. Stimulated by dozens of times of profits, shopkeeper Ren directly purchased more than 200 pieces of silk and entrusted a friend\'s caravan to sell it.

If all goes well, these 200 silk can become more than 400 horses in a year. Apart from the profits and expenses distributed to friends, it can bring no less than 20000 benefits to the Ren family.

Marx said in capital: "with 50% of the profits, capital takes risks; for 100% of the profits, capital dares to trample on all human laws; with 300% of the profits, capital dares to commit any crime or even hang."

Although shopkeeper Ren dared not trample on the law, he took risks because of his high profits and invested all his family\'s savings.

My friend\'s caravan set out on time, but even if everything goes well, the date of its return is at least a year later.

An unexpected fire, however, forced manager Ren to a dead end.

Ren family, Mrs. Ren cried. She couldn\'t figure out how a good home would look like this.

Shopkeeper Ren sighed: "Hey, I can\'t hide beyond the first day of the first day. It\'s not a way. Today I\'ll go to Ximing temple and pay off the debt first. Let\'s talk about other things."

"Husband, is there really no other way?"

Shopkeeper Ren smiled bitterly: "can the world still lose copper money? Alas, it\'s because my husband was greedy for a moment and invested all his family savings in the caravan."

Mrs. Ren wiped her tears and suddenly remembered something. She hurried back to the back house and took out a piece of paper.

"Husband, I bought one of the lottery tickets that huxianzi made a few days ago. If I won the lottery, wouldn\'t I have money? Two hundred liang of gold!"

Manager Ren\'s face was even more bitter: "madam, you don\'t know how to calculate and don\'t understand the mystery of the lottery. Wei Fu once roughly calculated. Although he didn\'t calculate the probability of winning the lottery, he knew that it was a daydream to expect to win the lottery."

"I don\'t know what the odds are, but I can always win the lottery by guessing seven numbers. I\'m not sure if I bought this lottery ticket, I won the lottery? Husband, I heard that the saint had waved out the winning number on the rosefinch door a few days ago. Because of an accident at home, I didn\'t see the winning number. Why don\'t you go and have a look, husband, in case I really won the lottery?"

"Hey, my lady, you\'re really in a hurry to seek medical treatment. Don\'t be fooling around. Because my husband won\'t tell you more, I\'ll send off the creditors outside the door and then borrow money from Ximing temple."

Shopkeeper Ren turned to leave, but Mrs. Ren thrust the lottery ticket into his hand.

"Husband, go and have a look. What if you win the prize?"

Shopkeeper Ren shook his head and smiled bitterly. He couldn\'t beat his wife. He could only casually put the lottery ticket into his sleeve, turned and walked outside the gate.

As soon as he opened the door, the crowd outside the door surrounded shopkeeper Ren and shouted to him to pay back the money.

"Shopkeeper Lin and shopkeeper Ma, I\'ll go to the Ximing temple to borrow the Xiangji kitchen now. Tomorrow, tomorrow I\'ll pay all the arrears. Can you? We have been partners for many years. How about giving me a face and a day of grace?"

Shopkeeper Ren bowed repeatedly. His words made several shopkeepers around him hesitate for a moment.

"Shopkeeper Ren, we have to force you. We are also small businesses and can\'t afford to default. Alas, since you have said so, tomorrow, I\'ll come back tomorrow. You can\'t avoid it."

"Yes, yes, don\'t worry. I\'ll borrow the Xiangji kitchen today and pay off the debt tomorrow. I\'ve been running saddle bridle shop in Chang\'an City for many years. When did you see me being dishonest?"

Seeing shopkeeper Ren say so, those shopkeepers who are eager to ask for accounts don\'t say much, so they can only agree to come back tomorrow.

As for the staff\'s family, they began to cry again. Shopkeeper Ren had a headache. Finally, I could only promise to give them another 30 copper coins tomorrow to understand the matter, and then I sent these people away.

After the crowd dispersed, manager Ren smiled bitterly, arched his hands towards the surrounding neighborhood, and walked out of the neighborhood with his back bleakly.

"Hey, the Ren family needs to borrow the Xiangji kitchen. How can they live in the future? What a good family that takes care of the neighbors in the neighborhood on weekdays."

"Isn\'t this also a helpless thing? Hey, everyone, go back. I hope manager Ren Jiren has his own nature and can survive this difficulty."

The neighbors shook their heads and returned home. The Ren family owes so much money that their neighbors can\'t help even if they want to help.

When shopkeeper Ren walked out of the square, he sighed again and prepared to go to Yankang square in the south. The Ximing temple is in Yankang square.

Just a few steps away, he accidentally saw a lottery advertising banner hanging on the wall of the square.

"Hundred liang of gold is not a dream. The winning prize is two Wen!"

Manager Ren smiled bitterly, but unconsciously touched the lottery ticket in his sleeve. He paused and hesitated for a moment. He turned his steps and headed for the west market on the west side of the square wall.

In front of the lottery sales point in the West City, there is no longer the bustling scene of crowded people a few days ago. Although there is still an endless stream of people going in and out, the number of people buying lottery tickets is much less.

Shopkeeper Ren stood in front of the lottery sales shop and didn\'t dare to step in for a long time. As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. He was afraid to see the winning number of the lottery.

While hesitating, I heard two people talking in a low voice.

"Ziyou, why don\'t you arrange someone to go to the Ministry of civil affairs today?"

"Dai Gong, wait another two days. Maybe someone didn\'t see it?"

"How is this possible? I\'m not a fool. I don\'t even know whether I won the lottery or not? Ziyou, don\'t deceive yourself. There are still people in Chang\'an who don\'t know the lottery winning number? Don\'t anyone know?"

It was Dai Zhou and Li QIAOYOU who spoke.

Today\'s lottery sales continued to decline. Dai Zhou was anxious, so he pulled Li forget worry to the lottery sales point in the western city to see and discuss with him whether to arrange someone to "receive the prize" as soon as possible.

Li forgot to worry and shrugged his shoulders. When he was about to answer, he heard a voice nearby: "two gentlemen, excuse me, can you ask me, what is the winning number of the lottery?"