Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 361

Li Er naturally understands Li\'s practice of forgetting worry, which is also for prevention.

After all, Li Er plans to publicize the lottery for the first time, so that the lottery can develop continuously.

If no one wins the lottery, it will really make people distrust the lottery. So Li forget worry this operation, in fact, can not say cheating, can only say that it is "false advertising".

Li forgets to worry about setting the lottery cashing rules of Datang. Like later generations, winners bring public acceptance and winning lotteries to the Ministry of civil affairs to receive the prize in one month.

After discussing with Dai Zhou, he planned to wait and see. If no one came to receive the prize within five days, he arranged for someone to take the fake lottery ticket to receive the prize. At that time, the palace gate will copy it and publicize it again, so as to ensure that the future lottery sales will not be affected.

Of course, it\'s best not to cheat. After all, fake is fake. If you can hide it for a while, you may not hide it for a lifetime.

The 23456 prize of the lottery can be cashed directly at the lottery sales point in Liufang city.

Since Li Er\'s open lottery at the gate of rosefinch City, there has been an endless stream of people going to Liufang to cash the prize in these two days.

Among them, there are as many as seven or eight winners of the second prize of 52 gold, and there are countless other small prizes.

The people who received the bonus with the lottery not only smiled happily, but also turned and went straight to the counter selling the lottery to continue to buy the first issue of the lottery.

These people who came to receive the prize attracted the envy of the surrounding people. The people who were just waiting and watching couldn\'t help walking into the lottery sales point, spending a few copper coins and buying a few lottery tickets.

However, in the past two or three days, there was no first prize winner, which inevitably made the people who bought lottery tickets in Chang\'an city talk one after another.

The chain reaction is that a few days after the lottery, lottery sales in Liufang city have declined to varying degrees.

During the original peak period, lottery outlets in Liufang city were able to sell more than two million yuan of lottery tickets. These two days, it also dropped to more than one million yuan, which made Dai Zhou anxious.

Not to mention how Dai Zhou, the Minister of the Ministry of the people, was anxious to get angry. He wanted to let the fake winners receive the prize immediately. There was a people in the middle of Yanshou square on the east side of the West City, but it was noisy.

Because Yanshou square is close to the West City, most of the rich merchants live here. The house price here is only the same as the Lifang where those noble officials live in the north of the city.

Outside a folk house in the north of East Street in fangnei, many people were surrounded, knocking at the door and shouting.

"Open the door! Open the door quickly! Shopkeeper Ren, we know you\'re at home. Open the door quickly! Today\'s arrears must be cleared, or I\'ll complain to the Yamen of Chang\'an County!"

"Yes! Shopkeeper Ren, we have given you three days to raise money. What\'s the matter now? Come out and talk!"

This group of people obviously came to ask for debts, and several people in filial piety clothes gathered outside the house were crying and knocking at the door.

"Shopkeeper Ren, return my eldest brother! My son died miserably!"

"Don\'t think you\'ll be fine if you hide at home. If you don\'t give my family an explanation today, I\'ll go to the county government!"

"Ren, come out and return my brother\'s order! My brother worked as an ox and horse for you. Now he\'s dead in the sea of fire. How can you send us away with only ten Guan copper coins? Don\'t think about it!"

The noise outside Ren\'s house has already attracted the neighbors around to see what happened.

"Madam Lu, what\'s the matter with Ren\'s family? Why is it so noisy?"

"Hey, shopkeeper Ren is not in bad luck. His shop ran out of water a few days ago and the goods were burned. No, the owner and creditor came to ask for debts."

"Shopkeeper Ren is really unlucky. What a good man. He doesn\'t blush with people on weekdays. He is honest in doing business. Why did he suffer such a reckless disaster?"

"Shopkeeper Ren\'s skill in making saddle bridles is a good skill handed down by his ancestors. Even those noble people in Chang\'an city find shopkeeper Ren to customize saddle bridles. This business is not small. Even if the shop is burned, it won\'t be pressed for debt?" asked a neighbor who knew Ren\'s family.

The shopkeeper Ren, who was urged for debt, runs a saddle bridle shop in Chang\'an West City, specializing in making saddles, bridles and other appliances. Because the craft is good, business has always been good.

A neighbor who knew about this explained: "I heard that some time ago, a noble man ordered a pair of saddles from shopkeeper Ren and asked them to be made of high-quality cowhide and wood, and inlaid with gold jewelry on the saddle. After receiving the order, shopkeeper Ren put a lot of money into a batch of valuable wood and calf leather, and owed a lot of gold jewelry and jewelry. As a result, the fire burned out. No, the saddles couldn\'t be delivered. Those who owed money Gold and jewelry, others have come to collect. "

The neighbors shook their heads and sighed, thinking that the shopkeeper was really unlucky.

Someone asked, "who are those who wear filial piety?"

"It\'s the man\'s family in the shop. They think that manager Ren\'s money for burning and burying is too little, so they come to quarrel. Manager Ren is really wronged. The Marquis Wu of the West City said that it\'s the man on the night watch in the shop who accidentally knocked over the oil lamp and left the water, and the man was burned to death. It\'s good that manager Ren didn\'t ask his family for compensation. He also gave ten Guan\'s money for burning and burying, which can be regarded as benevolence and righteousness. But that group The Ji family thought they had little money, so they cried to him and asked for compensation. "

"Bah, what\'s the meaning of that family? Burn all the owner\'s goods and pay compensation? It\'s shameless!"

"Who says not? Alas, the world is getting worse."

"The Buddha is here. I hope the shopkeeper\'s family can survive this disaster safely."

The neighbors talked. When the noise outside the door smashed the door, Ren\'s house was also closed with sad clouds and a sad color.

"Madam, take Xiao Lang back to your mother\'s house for a while. My husband has his own way to deal with things at home."

"Husband, what else can you do now? The family owes nearly 500 copper coins. Unless you sell the house, what will you take to repay the money?" Mrs. Ren wept with tears.

"No, you can\'t sell the house. It\'s ancestral property. How can you sell it? How can you be a husband and disgrace your ancestors?"

"Then what else can you do? Those people outside make a lot of noise every day. Even the family of the waiter in the shop ask for fifty copper coins. It\'s shameless!"

"Well, don\'t say a word. People can\'t come back from death. Forget it. Can you starve to death if you have the skill of making saddle bridles for your ancestors? Alas, it\'s really not good. I\'ll ask the master of Ximing temple to borrow incense and accumulate kitchen money."

Manager Ren\'s words made his wife Huoran get up and grabbed his robe: "Xianggong, you can\'t borrow Xiangji kitchen money. Those monks eat people and don\'t spit bones."

"Madam, what can I do if I don\'t borrow the Xiangji kitchen? I asked the county government of Chang\'an County, and the public money is not so easy to borrow. Hey, you don\'t have to say more. I know that the Xiangji kitchen is very profitable, but as long as I get through this difficulty and rebuild the store, I will be able to repay the Xiangji kitchen."
