Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 358

Li Er made a quick decision, and it was a very wise choice to turn around Jin Wuwei to maintain order. Otherwise, in Chang\'an city today, it can\'t be said that this lottery sales will cause a big trouble.

Six lottery shops are already overcrowded.

Whether it was the Yamen service in Chang\'an Wannian county or the Wuhou in the square, even if they broke their voice, they could not stop the people from crowding forward.

So many people are crowded here. In case of any accident, mass stampede caused by crowd panic will have unimaginable consequences.

If so, I\'m afraid Li forgetful will be uneasy all his life and feel guilty all his life.

When the heavily armed and armored Jin Wuwei forbidden army began to enter to maintain order, the surging crowd in the six square cities was finally curbed.

No matter how tempting gold is, it can\'t resist the bright blade threat of the left and right Jin Wuwei. Eager to buy lottery tickets, the people of Chang\'an finally calmed down for a few minutes and no longer squeezed into Liufang city.

Even so, under the protection of the palace guards, Li Qieyou and Li Er finally squeezed into the lottery sales point in pingkang square.

These lottery outlets are equipped with long wooden counters, and behind them sit a row of clerks from the Ministry of the people, all of whom are busy.

In front of the counter selling lottery tickets, it is too chaotic to look directly at.

Even if there are county yamen, marquis Wu and the imperial guards around Jin Wuwei to maintain order, there is still a mess in front of the counter.

People eager to buy lottery tickets almost crowded down the wooden counter, which made Li forget his worries for a while.

It seems that the people of Datang urgently need to popularize the sense of queuing.

However, when we think about Li\'s journey in later generations, the state is still vigorously promoting civilized queuing and cultivating citizens\' queuing awareness, Li is relieved. It seems unrealistic to ask the Tang people 1300 years ago to have a sense of queuing.

Understanding belongs to understanding, but such chaos is easy to cause accidents and affect the efficiency of people buying lottery tickets.

Li Er also frowned: "Ziyou, there are so many people. I\'m afraid it\'s easy to cause trouble. Let Jin Wuwei disperse the crowd?"

Li forgot to worry and quickly shook his head. The lottery is a new thing. Nowadays, people come here to rush buy under the stimulation of gold. If we let Jin Wuwei disperse the people, I\'m afraid it will affect the sales of lottery tickets.

But Li Er\'s worry is not unreasonable. It\'s really inappropriate for so many people to crowd here.

We must find a way to get the best of both worlds.

Looking at the crowd crowded in front of the counter, Li forget worry suddenly slapped his head with annoyance. How did he forget the railing and one meter line?

He quickly reached out his hand to attract the guards, and ordered them to immediately transport a batch of bamboo, and then find a batch of carpenters from the general supervisor to come here.

Li Er didn\'t know why, but he didn\'t stop him.

Bamboo and craftsmen were soon delivered. Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army obeyed Li forgetful\'s orders and temporarily cleared all the people in the lottery sales point for craftsmen to enter.

Li Qieyou took a pen and paper and drew a simple schematic diagram. He asked the craftsman who would be the supervisor to make the queue channel with bamboo.

The fabrication of the queue channel is very simple. Just saw the bamboo into bamboo poles with appropriate length and bind them with hemp rope.

This is very simple for the craftsmen who will be the supervisor. Li forgets to worry about it a little and knows it all.

Without the effort of incense, more than 20 bamboo queuing channels appeared in the lottery sales points.

At this time, Dai Zhou also led a group of scribes to rush over.

After receiving Li Er\'s order, he urgently mobilized more than 100 scribes from the Yamen of the Ministry of civil affairs and assigned them to Six lottery sales points to support.

After a busy time, the lottery outlets reopened again.

With Jin Wuwei, the forbidden army maintained order at the scene, and there were bamboo queuing channels to physically separate the people. The previous chaotic rush did not appear again.

With the help of new bookkeepers, the sales speed of lottery tickets has improved a lot for a time.

Seeing that this method was effective, Li forgot to worry and quickly asked the craftsmen to go to the other five workshops to transform according to this method to ensure the smooth sales of lottery tickets.

Looking at these people excitedly holding the lottery tickets they just bought and squeezing out the crowd, Li Er couldn\'t help feeling a little.

"Ziyou, is this right? I\'m not sure. You see, they all come with hope. Maybe none of them will win the prize. Isn\'t that cheating them?"

Li forgot to worry, but he didn\'t think so. He shook his head: "uncle, as long as the lottery is operated properly, it should be a good thing for the country and the people. Two Wen money is not a burden for the people. But a little makes a lot. When the money is collected together, it can fill the Treasury. It can also spare the court the power to protect the interest of all the people. This is a great merit."

By "interest protection", he meant measures to support the people and make them multiply, that is, the welfare system of the Tang Dynasty.

According to the book of rites of the Zhou Dynasty, "to protect the interests of all the people, one is to be kind to the young, the other is to provide for the aged, the third is to cheer up the poor, the fourth is to help the poor, the fifth is to be tolerant of illness, and the sixth is to be rich."

This is the six policies of interest protection, "caring for children" to raise children, "providing for the elderly" to support the elderly, "invigorating the poor" and "helping the poor" to help the poor, "Alleviating diseases" is public health, "and" securing wealth "is stabilizing the rich.

There is nothing wrong with what Li forgets to worry about. Just like the welfare lottery in later generations, in his advice to Li Er, he also divided the sales amount of the lottery into several parts.

Forty percent of the lottery prize money goes to the state treasury, twenty percent goes to protect the interest of all the people, and the remaining ten percent goes to the palace and the Li family.

Although Li forgot to worry about it for a long time and seemed to get only 4% of the shares, it was a lottery! In the future, once the pilot release effect of Chang\'an city is good, it will be promoted to Guanzhong road and even the whole Tang Dynasty.

According to the rough calculation of Li forgetful worry and her beautiful boss, even 4% of the lottery revenue is a huge and suffocating figure.

Li forgot his worries, but Li Er nodded after pondering for a while: "Ziyou, what you said is a mature way to seek the country. If this can really succeed, I will give you a reward."

Ah? Another grand?

If Li Er said this to others, I\'m afraid he would be crazy. Li forgot his worries, but he was startled and quickly refused.

"Uncle, this is what my nephew should do. Don\'t mention the addition of the Viscount again. I\'m very satisfied as a founding viscount. My nephew is still young. I\'m afraid the courtiers have much criticism about the addition of the title. Please don\'t mention it again."

Li\'s words made Li Er Leng hum: "hum, Ziyou, you have contributed to the country. What can others say? Who has an opinion, let him talk to me!"

Li Er\'s domineering words made Li forget his worries and couldn\'t help smiling bitterly. He was not hypocritical, but really adding Jue was too troublesome.

For Tang Xun GUI, being added by Li Er is not only a kind of honor, but also an honor.

Li forgets worry and her beautiful boss, but they haven\'t really regarded themselves as Tang people. After three months, for them, the prosperous Tang Dynasty is still like a dream or game.

In Li\'s opinion, both men and children in Kaiguo county are just amulets. Nowadays, with his closeness to Li Er, these titles do not have much significance.

However, Li Er said so. It\'s not easy for Li to forget his worries and sweep his face. He can only vaguely say: "Hey, I thank my uncle. But I don\'t know how much lottery sales can be today?"