Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 359

Li forgot to worry about this, just wanted to cut off the topic, but it also aroused Li Er\'s interest.

He roughly estimated the number of people who rushed to pingkangfang to buy lottery tickets today, and said uncertainly: "I estimate that at least 890000 people will buy lottery tickets today. I\'m afraid there will be more than one million money by the end of this day."

Li forgot to worry but smiled: "uncle, I\'m afraid I can have 1.5 million."

"Oh? Ziyou, are you so confident?"

"I have confidence in my uncle! It\'s my uncle\'s Wencheng martial arts that built my prosperous Tang Dynasty. Now the chaos in the world in the late Sui Dynasty has passed, and the people are recuperating and living and working in peace and contentment. Only then can I have spare money to rush to buy lottery tickets here. In a word, it\'s all my uncle\'s credit."

Li forgets to worry that this flattery is quite in place. Hearing Li Erlong Yan Dayue, he couldn\'t help looking up and laughing.

Chumo and other dandies secretly raised their thumbs to Li forgetful, expressing their admiration.

Of course, Tang didn\'t raise his thumb, but Li forgot to worry about it. The dandies naturally learned from him after contacting him for a long time.

Even the movement of Li forgetful sorrow pointing his middle finger at them, these dandies are naturally not fools. They have long known that they were cheated by Li forgetful\'s sign language "brother".

It\'s hard to learn words, but it\'s bad for a minute. Now, after learning the true meaning of the vertical middle finger, the dandies are all happy. Li forgets his worries and regrets that they have taught these bastards.

Li Er is not ready to deal with the government today. He led Li Qieyou and his party to turn all six lottery outlets. He also took out twenty Wen and personally lined up to buy ten lottery tickets.

When the drums sounded at dusk that day and the people dispersed, Li Er also took Li forget his worries and asked him to wait with himself for the Ministry of civil affairs to calculate the sales amount.

When the final lottery revenue and sales amount came out, Li Er couldn\'t help taking a breath.

2.4 million dollars!

This figure not only surprised Li Er, but also surprised Li forgetful.

Dai Zhou\'s face was wrinkled with laughter, just like chrysanthemums: "He Xi, your majesty, huxianzi really didn\'t say anything, and the lottery was really good. One day was 2.4 million yuan. I can\'t imagine how much I can sell in this ten day. The lottery can really succeed, and I congratulate your majesty!"

The reason why Dai Zhou said ten days a day is that Li forget worry\'s lottery scheme is once a ten day, three times a month.

If there were today\'s sales in ten days, it would be 24 million yuan. According to the lottery amount distribution plan, the national treasury in charge of the Ministry of civil affairs can take 30%, that is, 7.2 million yuan.

One year is 200000 yuan of income, and this is only the initial stage. With the promotion of lottery to Guanzhong road and tens of millions of people, its ability to accumulate wealth will be even more amazing.

Even 200000 yuan is an amazing number.

During the Tianbao period, the most prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty, the central fiscal revenue was only about 34 million yuan.

Among them, the income of corn is more than 25 million stones, the income of cloth, silk and cotton is more than 25 million pieces, and the money is only more than 2 million yuan.

In other words, even in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the national income of copper money was only more than two million yuan.

But there was almost no surplus. More than 1.4 million Guan was the monthly salary, course materials and post horses of all officials of the court and Zhuzhou counties. More than 600000 Guan needed to be replenished with military state and military food.

There is not enough copper money, and there is money panic. Datang still uses silk as monetary expenditure. This is also a common problem of all dynasties, and one of the reasons why jiaozi was born in the Song Dynasty.

In the early years of Zhenguan, the annual revenue of the Tang Dynasty was only about one million yuan. If we could really rely on the lottery to make an annual revenue of 200000 yuan, it would be really amazing. We can\'t help wearing Zhou, the Minister of the people\'s Ministry, laughing so brightly.

"Ha ha, Ziyou really has a talent and is my minister! When the effect of the lottery is obvious, I will give Ziyou a reward and a grand duke!" Li Er laughed and mentioned the addition of a grand duke to Li forgetful sorrow.

If the lottery sales can be so hot all the time, Li Er really has to give Li Lianyou a title. It is not the way of kings to reward meritorious deeds.

Dai Zhou was surprised to hear that the Huxian son was now 16 years old and had been granted the title twice in more than a month. Now the sage wants to continue to seal. This grace is really simple in the heart of the emperor and no one can reach it.

But Dai Zhou thought about it carefully, but he thought it was reasonable.

Huxianzi presented water chariots, four-wheel carriages, mirage mud, horseshoes and many other works, but all of them are good tools for benefiting the country and the people, and even their importance is no less than opening up territory.

With such a calculation, Dai Zhou even felt that Li Er was stingy. Just a founder of Huxian county was really not enough to reward Li forgetful.

Li forgets to worry that the lottery ticket sold 2.4 million money on the first day, and he is too happy to close his mouth.

His 4% shares, according to this ratio, can also earn more than 30000 yuan a year, which is a very amazing wealth. It is estimated that Li Heng will have a headache. There is too much gold and copper money in his family and there is no place to pile it up.

It seems that I really have to urge the work department to take out more copper money to reward the craftsmen to see if I can speed up the construction of my manor house.

Not to mention how excited Li Er and others are, with the sale of lottery tickets, now everyone in Chang\'an City says, "have you bought it?"

If anyone hasn\'t bought the lottery, there will be enthusiastic neighbors who will tell him what the popular science lottery is, how to play, how to choose the number and when to open the lottery.

Even illiterate people can recite the notices about the playing method, lottery method and time of lottery.

Those who despise the lottery are just like heresy.

The attraction of gold is so great that the people of Chang\'an city are stunned.

All kinds of rumors about Li forgetting worry in the past have not been mentioned anymore.

The government\'s notice clearly stated that huxianzi got the lottery. The fickle Chang\'an people no longer say that the founding son of Hu county is rich and ruthless, but regard him as the God of wealth.

Some people even secretly offered the God of wealth memorial tablet to Li Qieyou at home, burning incense and worshipping every day, in an attempt to let Li Qieyou bless him to win the lottery and get two hundred liang of gold.

The lottery outlets in Liufang city are crowded every day.

As the clerks of the Ministry of Civil Affairs became more and more familiar with the sales process of lottery tickets, more and more lottery tickets were sold every day.

Even those officials above the court sent their families and servants to queue up at the lottery sales point to buy lottery tickets.

This palm sized lottery ticket became expensive in Luoyang for a time, and everyone flocked to it.

Ten days passed in a flash, and the first lottery of Datang came to the opening day. At that time, all the streets in Chang\'an were empty. They all ran to Zhuque street and waited for the lottery