Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 357

Datang specially invited skilled craftsmen to carve seals by means of micro carving and affix them on the lottery tickets. A small seal can carve three or four hundred words of Lanting preface, and deliberately carve a few wrong words as an anti-counterfeiting mark.

The lottery even printed such words: "the forger shall be executed, and the first accuser shall be rewarded with ten liang of gold" to warn those who try to take risks.

There are color overprint, copperplate printing, dark lines and anti-counterfeiting seals. If the lottery can still be forged, Li forget worry can only recognize it.

On these lottery tickets, clerks from the Ministry of Civil Affairs filled them with handwritten Chinese numerals in small block letters. A lottery ticket can write down up to ten groups of lottery numbers.

As for the sales revenue of lottery tickets, officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs registered and made accounts, and the imperial censor station sent the imperial censor to supervise.

In order to prevent the officials of the Ministry of civil affairs from cheating, Li Er even sent people from Baiqi division. All six lottery outlets in Chang\'an city are supervised by people from Baiqi company.

Every blank lottery ticket has strict records, and even the number of the lottery tickets sold. The Ministry of civil affairs also has special personnel to register in case someone wins the first prize.

It can be said that with the experience of Li forgetful and beautiful boss, Datang issued lottery tickets for the first time, but it was not chaotic at all, and everything was in order.

The only thing to criticize is that it is necessary to fill in the lottery number manually. Even if there are more than 20 bookkeepers at each lottery sales point, it is a drop in the bucket in the face of the flood of Chang\'an people.

Manual filling can\'t be careless. Even if these bookkeepers are tired and their wrists ache, and there are layers of sweat on their foreheads, the crowd outside the lottery outlets still doesn\'t decrease, but more and more.

Even the 100 meter wide streets outside the East and West cities and pingkang square were blocked by crowds, just as people from Chang\'an city crowded here today.

When Li Er was still in the court, he got the waiter Tongbing to tell him about the hot sales of lottery tickets, which made Li Er also feel incredible.

He also ignored the fact that the Chang Dynasty was still deliberating, and directly announced the dissolution of the dynasty. After that, he changed his civilian clothes and went out of the palace with several guards.

Li Er was still worried if he didn\'t see the sales of the lottery with his own eyes.

Li forget worry naturally also came to Chang\'an City early today and led Niu Wu to patrol around the Six lottery sales points, ready to check and make up for omissions.

Behind him, Chumo and a group of dandies are still complaining one by one. It\'s not interesting that Li forget you didn\'t call them together for such a funny thing.

Fang Yiai shamelessly asked Li forgetful about the winning number of the lottery. He also wanted to buy the lottery.

For the bastard words of Fang Yiai, the dandies also coaxed, clamoring to let Li forget to worry and give them the winning number of the first prize. In this regard, Li Qieyou can only turn his eyes silently and raise his middle finger towards them.

These bastards are so angry!

Too lazy to pay attention to the idle dandies, Li forgets worry. After seeing Six lottery outlets, he is also a little worried.

He did not expect that the people of Chang\'an were so enthusiastic about the lottery that the more than 100 scribes prepared by the Ministry of civil affairs were a drop in the bucket and couldn\'t get busy at all.

The attraction of two hundred liang of gold is really not small. Li forgets worry. Do people in Chang\'an city come to buy lottery tickets after reading notices and advertisements?

Li Qieyou hurried to the imperial city and was ready to go to the Ministry of civil affairs to discuss with Dai Zhou to see if he could send some more scribes to help at the Six lottery outlets.

A group of people just arrived at the rosefinch gate, but they happened to meet Li Er, who was patrolling in civilian clothes. They hurried to see the ceremony.

"Ziyou, you\'re just in time. I\'m going to take a look at the Liufang city. How\'s the situation now?"

"Uncle, there are too many people." Li forgot to worry and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "my nephew and Dai Shangshu underestimated the people\'s enthusiasm for buying lottery tickets. Now Liufang city is full of people who want to buy lottery tickets. The bookkeepers of the Ministry of people are not busy at all. My nephew is going to find Dai Shangshu and see if he can transfer some more people to help."

"Are there really so many people buying lottery tickets?"

"Indeed, my nephew estimates that no less than 70000 people have gathered there in six square cities, waiting to buy lottery tickets."

Hearing that so many people were gathered, Li Er was also a little nervous. He stretched out his hand to attract the Chamberlain around him to pass the export instruction: "send the order around Jin Wuwei and immediately send the forbidden army to Liufang city to maintain order. Then let Dai Shangshu mobilize the scribes to help sell lottery tickets in Liufang city. Ziyou, go, you go with me."

The last thing he said was to Li forgetful worry. Uncle and nephew led Chumo\'s dandies to the nearest pingkang square