Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 356

Ten days later, there were many fewer rumors about Li forgetful, the founder of Huxian County, in Chang\'an city.

Even if the people of the Tang Dynasty were bored, they would not gossip about one person for so long. But when it comes to Li forgetting worry, most of them show contempt.

But this day, Li forgot his worries and became the focus of discussion among the people of Chang\'an.

The morning drum in Chang\'an city sounded and the door of 108 square opened. Chang\'an people who are busy making a living are ready to go out to work, but they are stunned to find that a notice has been posted on the door of the workshop.

Immediately someone thought of the Yanwen notice not long ago. They thought there was excitement again, so they all gathered in the past.

When the literate read out the content of the notice and found that it was not what they expected, they were disappointed. But after hearing the news written on the notice, these people burst into flames again.

"Brother Wen, are you sure you read it correctly? This is a two-color ball lottery. You can really win two hundred liang of gold for two Wen?"

"Did that huxianzi do it again? Tut Tut, is there really no place to spend more gold at home?"

"Did you really win the prize and give you two hundred taels of gold? That\'s more than a million dollars. Taoist priest, how much is it?"

"Dalang, please see if the notice is true?"

"What\'s the matter with the two-color ball lottery? Please explain it to everyone, Mr. lang."

"If you guess the seven numbers, you can get two hundred liang of gold? Is that a joke?"

"This is a notice with the official seal. Can it be false?"

"Is huxianzi really the God of wealth? Isn\'t he in a hurry to send money?"

Similar scenes are almost reproduced in 108 squares in Chang\'an city. Even those "rich areas" in the north of the city caused quite a stir because of the notice.

The officials who hurried to the court noticed the notice and immediately thought of the game huxianzi played with them in the hall of Taiji palace ten days ago.

It\'s called lottery!

Many officials who are shy in their pockets still have some joy.

I thought I missed the chance to get rich, but I didn\'t expect huxianzi to make the lottery public and make such a big battle.

Although the winning amount has changed from one thousand taels of gold to two hundred taels of gold, it still has enough attraction. After all, you only need to spend two Wen to have a chance to win 1.2 million. Who doesn\'t want to.

Many officials also noticed that the lottery tickets made public this time were played differently from those in the hall before.

Not only did you guess all seven groups of numbers correctly to win the prize, but also there were small prizes such as second prize and third prize.

The first prize, that is, if all the figures are guessed correctly, you can get two hundred liang of gold.

The second prize guesses six red ball numbers and gets 52 gold.

The third prize guesses any five red ball numbers, or four red ball plus basketball numbers, and you can get five liang of gold... And so on until the sixth prize and ten Wen of copper money.

Li forget worry, this is almost completely copied the two-color ball welfare lottery rules of later China, but this simple and easy to understand lottery rules has caused an uproar in Chang\'an city.

In order to promote the two-color ball lottery, he not only posted a notice at the door of the square. The carriage of the four-wheel carriage company played a guest role in the publicity car again. It ran full of Chang\'an and threw a lot of publicity advertisements.

Nowadays, with block printing, it is easy to print these advertisements.

The most exaggerated thing is that after Li forget worry persuaded Li Er, especially after some calculation, Li Er finally knew the huge benefits contained in the lottery, and the king of the Tang Dynasty couldn\'t sit still.

With the acquiescence of Li Er, a large advertising banner was hung on several important gates in Chang\'an City for the first time.

"Get rich, the two-color ball lottery will help you!"

"Buy lottery tickets, win big prizes, win both fame and wealth!"

"The million dollar prize is not a dream. Luck lies in two Wen!"

"A lottery, a chance, a big prize, a lifetime benefit!"

"Buy more, buy less, buy as much as you want, and forget to win in the morning, noon and evening!"

These advertisements that Li forgot to worry about plagiarizing directly from the fortune lottery advertisements of later generations stimulated the people of the Tang Dynasty to fight chicken blood. One by one, they all looked forward to the strange lottery.

It\'s as if you can get the two hundred liang of gold for two Wen.

The issuance of the two-color ball lottery was jointly operated by the Ministry of civil affairs and Li forget worry at the instigation of Li Er.

In Chang\'an City, there are six lottery sales points in the East and West cities, pingkang square, Buzheng square, and Changshou square and xuanyang square where Chang\'an Wannian county are located.

In each of the six sales points, more than 20 clerks from the Ministry of civil affairs are responsible, and the Yamen servants in Chang\'an Wannian County maintain order.

Whether it\'s Cui Luo, the magistrate of Chang\'an County, or Lu Dejing, the magistrate of Wannian County, they also know something about the lottery.

On that day, the two "mayors" of the capital of the Tang Dynasty were also in the court hall, and they also took out their money and bought a few numbers. Although they didn\'t win the lottery, they had a lot of interest in the lottery.

Now there are Li Er\'s imperial edicts and Dai Shangshu\'s instructions from the Ministry of civil affairs. Naturally, they also fully cooperate and draw out the County Yamen to help maintain order.

Datang does not have computer networking. Everything depends on manual operation, including filling in lottery tickets and statistics.

To this end, Dai Zhou, the Minister of the Ministry of civil affairs, directly transferred more than 100 clerks from the Yamen at all levels of the Ministry of civil affairs to fill in the lottery tickets at these lottery sales points.

Dai Zhou thought he had prepared enough, but he underestimated the attraction of the lottery to the people of the Tang Dynasty.

Two hundred liang of gold can be won for two Wen. This huge wealth stimulation makes the people in Chang\'an all red eyed after they understand what lottery tickets are.

One worker did not go, hurriedly ran home to pick up the money bag, ready to rush to the nearest lottery sales point to buy lottery tickets.

Some believers of Buddhism and Taoism go to the temples and Taoist temples to incense the statues and pray to protect themselves from winning the prize. Some even asked the Taoist priest to help them calculate the winning number, which made the Taoist priests stunned.

Some people are talking and holding a handful of copper money. They are thinking about which seven numbers they should buy.

There are also people who are willing to gamble. They even took out their calculation chips and began to calculate

The Six lottery shops in Chang\'an City were immediately crowded by the surging crowd.

Even the Yamen servants in Chang\'an Wannian County, who are responsible for maintaining order today, are crowded out by the crowd. Stimulated by gold, these red eyed Chang\'an people can\'t take care of these yamen servants.

The lottery tickets were originally scheduled to be sold at dusk, the auspicious time calculated by sitiantai.

Because there were so many people gathered, the officials in charge of selling lottery tickets were worried about an accident. They didn\'t even have time to set off the exploding rod, so they hurriedly announced that they would start selling.

Seeing the Yamen soldiers scattered in front of the shop selling lottery tickets, those people holding money bags immediately poured into the shop.

Datang double color ball lottery, officially on sale