Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 355

After Li Qieyou proposed the game of two-color ball, even Li Er, who had always opposed his lottery, became interested. He reached out to attract the waiter and asked him to take a piece of paper to himself, and he also wanted to bet.

In the main hall, all the officials have unpacked, ranging from two Wen to more than a hundred and ten Wen. They have to bet on the number. Even Ma Zhou and Yan Liben smiled at their little teacher, threw copper coins and began to bet.

While all officials bet, they also talked about Li forgetful\'s move.

Two Wen for one thousand liang of gold, isn\'t this Huxian son crazy? If many people guessed the number correctly today, wouldn\'t he have to lose even tens of thousands of taels of gold?

Such an unequal game, in the eyes of the gambling Tang people, is simply crazy.

"What does huxianzi mean by this? Do you know?"

"Ha ha, maybe there\'s too much gold in the house. It\'s rumored that all the horses in huxianzi\'s family are gold. It seems that it\'s true." some people ridiculed Li forgetful about the rumor, although none of the officials would take it seriously.

"I\'ve never heard of such a thing as two Wen and one thousand liang of gold."

"I think huxianzi is afraid to lose miserably today. So many people are afraid that no one can guess the seven figures? If many people do, can huxianzi get so much gold?"

"What\'s to worry about? Isn\'t there a saint to testify? I\'m afraid huxianzi won\'t pay? Besides, huxianzi is preparing 20000 taels of gold to build a baseball field. Are you afraid of no money?"

"Ha ha, I\'m afraid that after today, the gold that huxianzi is going to build a ball field will have to change its owner?"

"I still can\'t guess what\'s the intention of this Huxian son. It\'s very strange."

"Cui Gong, you don\'t care what he wants to do. Anyway, as long as there is gold at that time. Maybe huxianzi has lost his mind. Hehe."

There are ridicules and teasing among officials, but this does not prevent them from betting.

Even the waiter who helped distribute paper and collect copper money in the hall couldn\'t help asking Li forgetful whether he and others could bet.

In this regard, Li Qieyou naturally smiled and nodded in agreement. He smiled and looked at the officials betting. He was in a good mood.

He didn\'t believe that among the four or five hundred people in the hall, someone could win the prize. If anyone had such bad luck, he would recognize it with a chance of one in sixty-two thousand.

In fact, Li forget worry put forward this method of play. If he meets future lottery people, he will lose.

Because the chance of winning is one in 620000. In other words, if someone buys all the numbers, it only takes 620000 notes.

In this way, if you only need more than 1.2 million copper coins, you can certainly win his 1000 liang of gold.

You know, twelve gold is worth six million copper.

Therefore, Li forgets to worry about issuing lottery tickets. The special prize is only two hundred liang of gold, which is one million and two hundred thousand copper coins. If someone does that, he will also benefit from a lot of copper coins. Naturally, he is not afraid that someone will do so.

Today, in order to attract the attention of all officials, Li forgot to worry about deliberately increasing the bonus by 1000 liang of gold. He gambled on the mathematical scum of Datang, which can\'t calculate the probability of winning the prize.

It didn\'t take long for the waiter to help Li forget worry and collect all the copper coins bet by all the officials. These officials have more or less scattered copper coins. According to this statistics, there are more than 30000 coins, equivalent to 30 copper coins.

Li forgot to worry and asked the waiter to help him collect the copper money. He took the box of two-color balls to the Royal Terrace and asked Li Erqin to draw the prize himself.

Li Er didn\'t refuse either. Under the eager eyes of all officials, he put his hand into the wooden box and casually pulled out the first red wooden ball.

Li Qieyou took it, glanced at the numbers on it, and shouted, "No. 17!"

After shouting twice, he handed the wooden ball to the Chamberlain eunuch and asked him to show it to all officials to show justice.

After the number was read out, all officials were busy checking the small pieces of paper in their hands. When someone found that the number they had bet on was No. 17, they were excited and very happy, as if a thousand liang of gold had already belonged to themselves.

Those who didn\'t guess the number looked depressed and reluctantly lost the paper in their hands.

Since Li forgot his worries today and just wanted to show Li Er how the lottery works, he did not set up any first prize or second prize. Those who guessed a wrong number will be invalidated.

Before drawing out the first red ball, half of the officials in the hall had lost their small pieces of paper. Obviously, they didn\'t guess the number of seventeen.

Li Er continued to draw the red ball from the wooden box. Li forgetful kept shouting the number, "No. 5!" "No. 19", "No. 11"

Before Li Er drew the blue ball from the wooden box, he was stunned to find that all the officials in the hall had lost their little pieces of paper. Obviously, none of the six red ball numbers have been guessed correctly.

Just now, he laughed at Li\'s officials who forgot to worry. At this time, he stopped talking. The people who were full of confidence and wanted to win thousands of liang of gold from him were stunned to find that Li forgetful worry finally won them 30000 money.

People can\'t help feeling cheated, but they don\'t know what went wrong.

Li Er was also stunned. Is this what Li forget worry said about the lottery? He seems to have tasted something from it.

He made a gesture to the waiter, signaled to disperse the dynasty, pointed to Li QIAOYOU, and signaled him to go with himself.

The Chamberlain shouted "scattered Dynasty". After bowing to Li Er, the officials discussed the game called "two-color ball" and went outside the hall.

Li forgot to worry and hurriedly followed Yuyu, who was sitting with Li Er, and went all the way to the Lizheng hall.

"Ziyou, just now is the lottery you said?" Li Er finally became interested. As soon as he returned to the legislative hall, he couldn\'t wait to ask.

"Uncle, that\'s right. This is the way to play the lottery. Win huge prizes at a very small price to attract people to pay for them. Although the money to buy the lottery looks small, it accumulates sand into a tower and gathers armpits into fur. This humble two Wen money will gather into a terrible wealth."

Li Er Ruo nodded thoughtfully. He also saw that just now, there were four or five hundred people on the hall. Li forget worry charged 30000 yuan.

What if millions of people in Chang\'an city bought the lottery? What if it were thousands of people in Guanzhong road?

Seeing that Li Er was moved, Li forgot to worry and struck while the iron was hot. He analyzed and calculated the possible benefits of the lottery to him. This time Li Er finally listened.

"Ziyou, are you really confident?"

"Uncle, my nephew dares to guarantee with his head. This lottery ticket is absolutely feasible."

"In that case, I will!"

"Uncle Shengming!" Li forgot to worry and was overjoyed. He quickly gave a series of flatteries: "Uncle Wencheng, martial virtue, obedience to the heart of heaven, health and public opinion, long live, long live!"

After listening to his flattery, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who was drinking water with a tea bowl, hung up and didn\'t choke on the tea: "cough, cough... Ziyou, get out of here!"