Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 354

Li forget worry will not give up the idea of issuing lottery tickets. Since Li Er bites dead and doesn\'t let go, he has to find another way.

Li Er has Zhang Liangji, so he has a wall ladder.

After being rejected by Li Er, the next day, Li forgot to worry. He put on the imperial dress of Kaiguo Xianzi and ran to Chang\'an city to participate in the Chang Dynasty.

People familiar with Li forget worry asked curiously. What\'s wrong with him today?

Ma Zhou and Yan Liben, the two disciples, were also confused. They had long understood the tiredness of their little teacher. It\'s definitely the Lord who ascends the three treasures hall. For the first time today, he came to the Chang Dynasty, but I don\'t know why.

Cheng Yaojin looked at Li forgetful and was even more curious with a wooden box in his hand.

"Boy, what are you holding in your arms?"

"I see Uncle process, it\'s just a gadget. Hey, hey, gadget." Li forgot to worry and quickly saluted the old rogue, but avoided answering his questions.

Cheng Yaojin stared and wanted to get angry. Fortunately, Yu Shinan came to relieve him.

No matter how shameless the old rascal is, he dare not make a mistake in the face of Yu Shinan and other great scholars. Not to mention the old man\'s age, he can be Cheng Yaojin\'s father, and he dare not be presumptuous in front of Yu Shinan.

Cheng Yaojin can only stare at Li forgetful and go to gossip with Qin Qiong.

Yu Shinan doesn\'t care why Li forget you went to court today. He cares more about whether Li forget you is troubled by recent rumors. He took him for a while and made Li forget his worries. He was very moved.

The old man is so cute. He looks like his grandfather who died in his previous life

The imperial envoy called the people to face the saint and went to the sword platform to take over his decorative sword. Li forgot to worry, but he wanted to bring the wooden box in his hand into the hall.

Seeing Li forgetful\'s insistence, the censor had no choice but to ask him to open the box and check it. After confirming that there was no sharp blade, he allowed him to take it into the hall.

However, the censor was also confused about the things in Li forgetful\'s wooden box. He couldn\'t understand what the huxianzi was going to do.

The ministers sat down in the hall. After Li Er sat on the throne, he saw Li forgetting to worry in the crowd. He was stunned.

Why did the boy come to court today?

Is it for what lottery he said yesterday?

Li Er was dissatisfied and made up his mind. No matter how much Li forgot to worry about today, he didn\'t agree with him about the lottery.

It\'s nonsense and a loser!

Li forgot his worries as if nothing had happened. It seemed that he was bored today and came to listen to the government. For more than an hour in Chang Chao, he kept silent and sat honestly in his seat, as if listening with interest.

This made Li Er suspicious, but since Li forgot to worry and didn\'t do anything, he didn\'t bother to take care of him.

Seeing that the morning\'s political consultation had been completed and the Chamberlain was preparing to announce the departure of the dynasty, Li forgot to worry and got up.

"Your Majesty, I see it\'s hard for your majesty to discuss state affairs with the princes. Boy, here\'s a game to make your majesty happy with the princes. Please accept."

In the hall, all the ministers were stunned and turned their curious eyes to Li forgetful. They didn\'t understand what the huxianzi wanted to do.

Li Er subconsciously wanted to say no, but looking at the wooden box in Li forgetful\'s hand, he couldn\'t help but be a little curious. Li Er Xin said, and looked at what the boy wanted to do. Anyway, let him say the flowers later, the lottery won\'t let him nod.

"Ziyou, just tell me."

"Yes, your majesty. Gentlemen, I have 20 red balls with numbers from 1 to 20 and 16 basketball with numbers from 1 to 16." Li forgets worry, opens the wooden box in his hand and shows it to Li Er and his ministers.

Two color ball!

This is the game li forgets sorrow to play with Li Er and his ministers.

These wooden balls the size of table tennis were all made by Carpenter Liu after he hit a nail in Li Er\'s village yesterday.

Tang craftsmen are really powerful. Although there are no later machines, there is already a hand-made foot spinning machine at this time. Its function is the same as that of later machine car beads.

Carpenter Liu was very relaxed, so he helped Li forget worry with a foot spinning machine to process 36 wooden beads the size of a table tennis ball.

Paint red and blue with wood paint, and then write the number. The two-color ball of Datang version is ready.

Li\'s idea of forgetting worry is very simple. Since he can\'t convince the "mathematics slag" Li Er with numbers, let him experience it personally and let him know that he is definitely not crazy and wants to lose his family with his gold.

After showing the two-color ball in the wooden box to the public, he took out a stack of prepared small pieces of paper and asked the internal attendant to distribute it to the officials in the hall.

"Your Majesty, gentlemen, do you want to play with me? Just give me two copper coins and you can write a group of numbers on this piece of paper. Six arbitrary red ball numbers from one to twenty and a blue ball number."

Li forgot to worry and handed the wooden box to the Chamberlain: "later, I ask your majesty to draw six red balls and one blue ball from the wooden box at will. If you can guess all the figures of the seven wooden balls drawn by your majesty, I will pay you 1000 liang of gold. Would you be interested in playing with me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ministers in the hall were in an uproar.

It\'s interesting to give huxianzi two Wen and guess the seven numbers in exchange for 1000 liang of gold.

There are about four or five hundred people who can enter the Tai Chi palace hall and participate in the daily regular Dynasty, all of whom are officials above the fifth grade in Chang\'an City and low-grade imperial governors.

Thousand liang of gold is naturally not attractive to those hall leaders, but it does not prevent them from thinking that the game is very interesting.

For those ordinary officials, thousand liang of gold is not a small number.

The salaries of Datang officials are really not high, or even very low.

Compared with the Song Dynasty, the salaries of officials in Datang are no different from those of migrant workers. It was also the first grade. During the Zhenguan period, the monthly salary was only 68000 yuan, while in the great Song Dynasty, it was as high as 120000 yuan. In addition, there were 150 stone Lumi and other benefits.

In addition to officials from aristocratic families or business minded people who will let the family do business to subsidize their families, ordinary officials in Datang are really poor.

In history, when Ma Zhou was the imperial censor, he wanted to buy a two million dollar house, but he was too shy to pay.

And twelve taels of gold, that\'s six million, equivalent to a monthly salary of more than 800 months.

Li forgets to worry about this, can\'t help but make most of the officials in the hall ready to move.

"Huxianzi, are you kidding?"

"I\'ll really give you two Wen. If you guess the figure drawn by your majesty, you\'ll give a thousand liang of gold?"

"Ha ha, even interesting. Huxianzi, I\'ll give you ten Wen. Can you write five groups of numbers?"

"I write twenty words and ten groups of numbers!"

Li forgets to worry repeatedly to confirm that what he said is correct, and asks Li Er to testify for himself. Moreover, there is no limit on the amount of bets made by all officials, and you can pay as much as you like.

For a time, there was a great deal of noise in the hall of Taiji palace