Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 353

Chang\'an City, Tai Chi palace, Li Erzheng read it carefully. Li forgets his worries and presented him with suggestions on Issuing lottery tickets.

Li forgot to worry and sat proudly beside the table, sipping tea.

Since Li Er tasted the "Yaowang tea" personally made by Sun Simiao in the Li family, he was interested in the way of drinking tea.

After returning to the palace, Li Er ordered people to pick fresh tea and cook it in an old-fashioned way. The tea they got had good flavor and was very popular with him.

Most of the fried tea in the palace has been made in this way.

If there is something good at the top, there will be nothing at the bottom. Li Er\'s preference for tea has been learned by many ministers. Now in Chang\'an City, this method of directly brewing tea is becoming more and more popular.

However, without fried tea, the aroma of tea is not strong, and the tea has a smelly green smell.

Li forgets to worry while leisurely drinking tea, thinking about some of them, wondering if he will get the fried tea out when.

After presenting the lottery plan to Li Er, Li forgot to worry and waited to see Li Er\'s shocked expression.

Wow, sir Ben is really a genius. You can think of this way! Li forgot his worries and was very proud.

However, Li Er on the throne, with his eyebrows getting tighter and tighter, not only did he not show the shock and joy in Li forgetful\'s imagination, but he looked confused and puzzled.

"Ziyou, I\'m afraid you\'re wrong with this lottery. I also know that you\'ve been wronged recently, but you won\'t lose your family like this. Do you really spread the gold? Let alone let chaotang issue the lottery. It\'s absolutely forbidden."

what? Did Li forget you think he was hearing hallucinations? Li Er, what is he talking about?

Lottery, a means of collecting money, is said to be a loser?

"Uncle, how can you be a loser? The lottery is very profitable."

"Do you think I\'m stupid? Buy a lottery ticket for two Wen, guess seven numbers, and if you guess right, you\'ll win two hundred liang of gold. Don\'t you obviously give gold to people?"

Li Er shook his head. These days, the rumors about Li forgetting sorrow in Chang\'an City have naturally been well understood by Baiqi company.

However, Li Er had no choice but to incite the people and spread rumors like this.

He can\'t send a copy of the palace gate to help Li forget you explain and clarify that there isn\'t so much gold in huxianzi\'s family, and Li forget you doesn\'t bully the market, rob people\'s women and dominate people\'s fields... This is ridiculous.

After reading Li forget worry\'s proposal to issue lottery tickets, Li Er only thought that his nephew was wronged, was stimulated for a moment, and scattered his hard won gold.

Li forgot to worry about Li Er\'s answer and was stunned. NIMA, this illiterate, failed in primary school mathematics?

Li Er doesn\'t understand such a simple probability?

The lottery plan made by Li forgetful and beautiful boss basically copied the two-color ball of later generations.

Only six red balls, the largest number is not 1 to 33, but 1 to 20, and the blue ball is 1 to 16.

A simple mathematical formula can calculate the winning probability of the special prize.

20 times 19 times 18 times 17 times 16 times 15, divided by 6 times 5 times 4 times 3 times 2 times 1, multiplied by 16, the answer is 620160.

One in sixty-two thousand chance of winning!

Although this is much more likely to win the lottery than the welfare lottery two-color ball, which is more than one in 17000, after all, Datang has a much smaller population. If you completely copy the rules of the lottery, Li forgets worry that no one will really win the prize.

If every one million people in Chang\'an city bought a lottery ticket, they could earn two million yuan. Even if someone could win the first prize, they would not lose money.

What\'s more, it doesn\'t mean that if one million people buy it, they will win the prize. This is the problem of probability.

If the lottery would lose money, the lottery issuing institutions all over the world would have gone bankrupt and closed for a long time.

But Li forgot to worry and opened his mouth. He felt that this matter must be unclear with Li Er, who is illiterate.

"Uncle, this matter, hey hey, you\'d better ask Dai Shangshu to come. He must understand what\'s going on."

In Li\'s mind, Dai Zhou\'s math level is still OK, and he should be able to explain it clearly.

Li Er looked suspiciously. Li forgot to worry, and ordered the waiter to pass Dai Zhou.

The six yamen were all in the Imperial City, but it was not far away. Dai Zhou soon walked into the palace under the leadership of the inner waiter.

After giving Li Er a gift, Li Er handed him the proposal on Issuing lottery tickets written by Li forgetful and asked Dai Zhou to study whether it was feasible.

To Li\'s surprise, in his opinion, Dai, who belongs to the "top mathematical talent" of Datang, shook his head after seeing his lottery issuance plan.

"Something\'s wrong, huxianzi. With all due respect, your lottery risk is too great. If there are many winners, I\'m afraid you\'ll have to pay a lot of gold at one time?"

Li Qieyou is completely ignorant. What\'s the situation? Can\'t even Dai Zhou, the Minister of the people, see such a profitable lottery?

He opened his mouth for a long time and didn\'t know how to answer.

The reaction of the monarch and the minister was really beyond his expectation. For a moment, Li forgot to worry and didn\'t know what to think.

After thinking about it, Li forgets worry and doesn\'t bother to spend more time persuading the monarchs and ministers. Since the money sent to the door is not enough, I can\'t blame him.

Li Qieyou plans to issue his own lottery ticket. When Li Er sees the benefits of the lottery ticket, he will naturally "really smell" and eat back. It\'s OK to let yourself hand over the lottery ticket at that time, but you\'ll have to ask for more benefits at that time.

Thinking of this, Li forgot to worry, his face couldn\'t help smiling, and his eyes to Li Er and Dai Zhou were full of a sense of intelligence superiority.

"Your Majesty, since you and Dai Shangshu both think this lottery ticket is not feasible, forget it. My nephew will issue it himself, and please accept it." Li forgets to worry and bows to Li Er, but smiles like a fox who is about to steal an old hen.

"Ziyou, why are you doing this? The people are stupid and have some gossip. Don\'t care too much. Your family is not alive. My uncle can\'t watch you fooling around and be that dandy\'s black sheep. It\'s impossible. I don\'t agree!"

Li Er still thinks that Li forget worry is confused by anger before he comes up with what lottery to issue.

In his opinion, winning two hundred liang of gold for two Wen is sending money out.

Li forgets to worry. Seeing that Li Er is not allowed, he is in a hurry. This is a good opportunity to make a fortune and wash his reputation. How can Li Er be destroyed like this.

"Uncle, it\'s not what you think. It\'s really promising. Just trust my nephew. Why have you seen my nephew do business at a loss?"

"Ziyou, there\'s no need to say more. I won\'t allow it!"

Li Er\'s resolute attitude almost made Li forgetful\'s nose crooked.

These goods block people\'s money and look like I\'m doing it for you. Li forgets his worries. He really doesn\'t know what to say.

Sure enough, the truth is in the hands of a few people.

Li forgets worry, naturally unwilling to forget it like this. After turning his eyes for a long time, he came up with a way that is not a way