Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 352

Li forget worry really feel very angry, this is clearly done a good thing, but was misunderstood or even abused by the other party, it is difficult to keep people from getting angry.

Just like the Monkey Sun, he clearly hit a monster, but he was misunderstood by Tang monk. He not only recited the hoop curse, but also drove the monkey away.

It\'s really oppressive!

This is also the reason why he couldn\'t resist fighting in Xiaoji soup cake shop.

Being so disturbed, he and his beautiful boss had no interest in continuing dating and playing. They were even more lazy to find another restaurant for dinner. The three went straight back to Dingzhou village.

Back in the backyard, Li QIAOYOU looked around and opened his arms to the beautiful boss: "poor, weak and helpless me, ask for a loving hug."

"Bah, hooligan, stay away from me." the beauty boss saw through his sinister intentions and pushed him away with his hand.

Li forgot to worry about a broken heart, which made the beautiful boss laugh.

"Well, look at you so poor. Miss Ben will give you a hug." the beautiful boss disliked Li forgetful, but he came forward and gently hugged him.

This is the first time that she was actively embraced by a beautiful boss, which made Li forget his worries and resurrected in situ with blood like chicken blood.

Just as he wanted to reach out and surround the slender waist of the beauty boss, he saw that the female goblin had giggled and pushed him away: "Hey, I warn you, don\'t push an inch."

"Stingy, you have a piece of meat!"

"What are you talking about? Say it again!" the two fingers of the beautiful boss have been put on Li forgetful\'s waist.

"No, I didn\'t say what, hey, I mean, don\'t let me see you again, or I\'ll love you once." Li Wangyou was very eager to live and began to show off his local love words.

The beauty boss made a look of nausea and vomit: "vomit, it\'s disgusting. You must leave it to talk to arflor."

In the laughter, the joke between the two young lovers made Li forget his worries and feel much better.

The beauty boss can understand Li\'s depression.

She said comfortingly, "forget your worries, don\'t worry. This kind of thing can\'t be explained. The more you describe it, the darker it gets. Let it go. Anyway, people are forgetful. After a while, everyone will forget it."

Although the words of the beautiful boss are reasonable, Li forgets worry but still feels oppressed.

"Hey, I would have turned my heart to the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch!"

"Well, don\'t sigh. You can\'t really give gold to the people of Chang\'an City?"

The beauty boss was careless, but Li forgot to worry, but suddenly felt that he had caught a trace of inspiration.

"Changqing, what did you just say?"

"What? I said you can\'t give gold to the people of Chang\'an City..."

The beauty boss didn\'t finish her words, but he saw that Li forgot to worry and hugged her fiercely. He kissed her on her pretty face with the momentum of quickly hiding his ears and stealing her bell.

"Wow, hahaha, I have a way! Yes, I just give them gold! Hey, I see who speaks ill of me in Chang\'an city. They have to give me up as the God of wealth!"

Li forgot to worry and burst out laughing. What the beautiful boss said just now reminded him, which made him flash in his mind and came up with a way that was not a way to solve this matter perfectly.

Aren\'t those people in Chang\'an City jealous of their money?

What a big thing. Give them a chance to get rich. Are you afraid that these people will speak ill of themselves?

He was happy, but he didn\'t notice that the beautiful boss\'s cheeks became crimson and his eyes were about to kill.

"Li - forget - worry!" Li forgot to worry suddenly raided, and the frivolous beauty boss walked away with shame and anger.

Li forgot to worry about what he had just done and ran away

He managed to avoid being chased by the beautiful boss. Li forgot to worry. He smiled and touched his lips. Well, the touch was quite good!

After giggling for a while, he began to seriously ponder the idea he had just come up with, that is, issuing lottery tickets!

Li forgot to worry about buying less lottery tickets in future generations. But obviously he had no luck in winning the prize. On the day he crossed, the maximum winning amount was only five yuan.

But it makes sense that this thing can be popular all over the world.

Lottery with gambling can satisfy people\'s curiosity and risk-taking psychology. Although the winning rate is very low, it still stimulates people to pay for it under the temptation of huge bonuses and small investment.

As a senior lottery player, Li forgets to worry about the lottery very well.

This thing can be traced back to ancient Rome more than 2000 years ago, that is, Rome hundreds of years earlier than today\'s Tang Dynasty. The earliest modern lottery tickets were issued in Florence in the 15th century.

So even in the Tang Dynasty 1300 years ago, if Li forgets to worry about issuing lottery tickets, there is no problem, at least technically.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the anti-counterfeiting function of the lottery. After thinking hard for a long time, he felt that only learning the anti-counterfeiting methods of silver tickets in the Ming and Qing Dynasties should be able to prevent someone from forging winning lottery tickets.

The more Li forgets worry, the more feasible he feels. Moreover, there are huge benefits to be gained by issuing lottery tickets. It is estimated that Li Er will be crazy if he knows how much money he can make.

Not to mention the profits of future generations, Li forgets to worry. In the 15th century, Spain first issued lottery tickets to collect huge funds, with an annual income of about 5 million yuan. It is one of the country\'s huge financial resources.

Five million pesetas in Spain in the 15th century was an astronomical figure at that time.

With the richness of Datang, Li forgets to worry that the profits that can be made through lottery tickets will also be a huge number.

He is afraid to master such a huge wealth in his own hands, but he will lose his head.

So Li forgot to worry and decided to report the lottery to Li Er. He was not greedy and could take a share of it.

Li forgets worry and thinks that if Datang wants to find the lottery, it is estimated that it will also be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of people. Hey hey, I can\'t say that he can easily solve the little trouble of Li Ru, the doctor of the Ministry of people.

After the beauty boss was not chasing him, Li forgot to worry immediately put his ideas to her, but let the beauty boss raise his thumb.

"Forget your worries, the lottery is really a good way! I\'m afraid once it is issued, it will cause a sensation in Chang\'an city."

"Hey, that\'s nature. Don\'t you all want gold? I think the grand prize is only 200 liang of gold, worth 1200 copper coins. Two Wen for each lottery ticket, ha ha, I\'m not afraid that the people in Chang\'an city are not crazy."

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He simply took a pen and paper, discussed the specific details of the lottery issuance with his beautiful boss, and listed them on the paper one by one.

From how to print lottery tickets, how to distribute bonuses, how to open prizes, etc., they wrote in great detail according to their knowledge of future lottery tickets.

Li forgets worry and plans to go to Taiji palace early tomorrow morning to discuss the matter with Li Er Shang. He wants to make Chang\'an City crazy about lottery tickets!