Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 284

Tang Chang\'an, the only city with a population of one million in this era, is the most prosperous capital on earth. Countless carriages, ox carts, caravans and camels go in and out of it every day.

As the garrison soldiers of Mingde gate, I have long been used to these motorcades and horses.

However, after the Mingde gate was opened today, the carriage convoy lining up to enter Chang\'an city was stunned by the soldiers and brigade commanders guarding the gate.

These four-wheel carriages are already familiar to the brigade commander of Mingdemen. They are the carriages of Dongshi Shunfeng express.

This kind of four wheeled carriage is very powerful. Four horses can drag thirty stone goods and still run fast on the official road.

This brigade Shuai knows that Shunfeng express horse and cart shop is the property of empress Chang sun. Therefore, on weekdays, the brigade commander of Mingde gate also takes care of these four-wheel carriages entering and leaving the city gate.

However, it is not surprising that there are a lot of books piled on the four-wheel carriage in front of the gatekeeper and brigade commander.

To everyone\'s stupidity, there was a cover hanging high on all these carriages. The contents written on it made the soldiers and brigade marshals guarding Mingde gate dare not believe their eyes.

Guise is the sign displayed on the facade of ancient shops when they attract customers.

"Brigade commander, do we need to kneel down?" a soldier whispered.

The guard brigade commander glared at him: "kneel and fart! Go to check the public inspection, and then let them enter the city."

Although he knew it was the carriage of Shunfeng express horse and cart company, lvshuai didn\'t dare to release it at will. The inspection and public inspection must be carried out one by one, otherwise in case something happens, his little brigade commander can\'t bear the responsibility.

Nearly a hundred wagons lined up in a long line, waiting for inspection into the city.

The guise hanging on the carriage also stunned the caravans and pedestrians waiting in line outside the city gate.

It took half a day for the soldiers guarding the city gate to complete the public inspection and release the motorcade into Chang\'an city.

Watching the four wheeled carriage fleet go away, the brigade commander couldn\'t help but turn his eyes to the cover hanging on the carriage again... Is this really OK?

After entering Chang\'an City, the four wheeled carriage team immediately spread out and headed for the square cities that had just opened the square door.

After seeing these four wheeled carriages, the pawns guarding the gate of the workshop, the Marquis patrolling the street and the people in Chang\'an, they couldn\'t help being dull.

All literate people stared at the cover on the carriage foolishly, and even timid ones knelt down and bowed to the carriage.

The illiterate people nearby quickly asked these people what was written on the cover hanging on the carriage? Let them react like this.

After listening to the explanation, he knelt down a lot.

Even the scholars living in the square city bowed to show their respect after seeing the Guise on these four wheeled carriages.

The reason why these four-wheel carriages attract people\'s attention and lead to a commotion is all due to the 11 big characters written on the cover hung on the carriage

"I like the Three Kingdoms written by Li Ziyou."

This is a handwritten script written by Li er\'ao in the Tai Chi palace yesterday, but at the request of Li forgetful.

But Li Er never thought that Li forgets worry would use his handwriting as a cover for advertising.

The ink treasure written by Li Er himself was enlarged and rubbed by Li forgetful and made into a cover. More than 100 copies were rubbed and hung above each four-wheel carriage.

It was precisely because they saw the content on the cover that they were so surprised.

Advertising with sage ink is an unprecedented feat.

In the square city, the onlookers did not know what the word written by the sage on the cover meant, so they asked each other.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lang, what does the Three Kingdoms written by Li Ziyou on the cover of this carriage mean?"

A passer-by dressed as a scholar was held and asked.

"Li Ziyou is the man of Kaiguo County who was granted by the sage. Li forgets his worries and expresses his worries. Now he is very famous. He even became the prince\'s teacher at the age of 16."

"Hiss..." there was a cold sound around.

Prince, emperor and teacher, men of Kaiguo County, these names are great figures for the people.

"This gentleman, what does the Three Kingdoms mean?"

"Don\'t you know what happened outside the Zhuque gate the day before yesterday? These three kingdoms are a vernacular novel written by Huxian man, called the romance of the Three Kingdoms. This book is great. You see, the cover is written by saints, and saints like it." the scholar replied with great admiration.

"Tut Tut, a Book praised by saints, I have to buy one." someone in the crowd said immediately.

"You don\'t know words. What do you buy for?" some people know that the speaker can\'t read, so they can\'t help laughing.

"Bullshit, I can\'t read. Can\'t my son read in the future? Besides, even if I don\'t read, I can buy a book for home. It\'s a Book loved by saints!"

"That\'s the truth. I\'ll go to the bookstore and buy one later!"

The scholar shook his head: "I don\'t know why there are no bookstores in Chang\'an city. I wanted to buy it yesterday. As a result, I ran to several bookstores in two markets and didn\'t buy it."

"Why? Those bookstores don\'t sell books yet?"

"Shh, keep your voice down. I know about it. Some relatives of my family work as a clerk in the bookstore. He secretly told me that someone forbids their bookstore to sell this book."

"And such things? This is a Book loved by saints. These bookstores have eaten bear heart and leopard courage?"

"Who knows, anyway, now in Chang\'an City, there is no book for sale in the bookstore."

When people talked, these four-wheel carriages drove to the cross street in each square city and stopped.

He saw the porter on the four wheeled carriage jump out of the carriage, look left and right, clear his throat, make a sudden noise and shout.

"The romance of the Three Kingdoms, written by Li Ziyou, a man in Huxian County, is a Book loved by all saints! A copper copy of 500 Wen! You can\'t lose 500 Wen, and you can\'t be fooled! Don\'t miss it when you pass by. The opportunity is rare and the value for money..."

Needless to say, these advertisements shouted by Yu Fu are taught by Li forget you, a crossing man.

Later generations, advertisements were broadcast in Liangyuan store in Louda street, which was plagiarized by Li forgetful to "poison" the ears of the people of Datang

The crowd around the carriage was stunned by this extremely straightforward cry. It took a long time to react. These carriages came to sell books?

The Marquis Wu in the square city also hesitated when he heard the cry of the driver of the carriage. He didn\'t know whether he should come forward to stop it.

Datang square is separated from the city. Datang square is a living area and is not allowed to set up stalls.

But looking at the dazzling cover on the carriage, the Marquis decided to treat it as if they didn\'t see it

Under the guise of Saint\'s ink, you can\'t provoke me!