Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 283

Li\'s move of forgetting to worry is actually fooling around.

He and his beautiful boss thought of the literary prison of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Although he was shameless, he could borrow it.

Since any "illiterate breeze" can be misinterpreted as slandering the Qing Dynasty, it\'s not too much for Huang Fuyi to say that "the people lose virtue and the road is crooked". He called deer a horse and called it anti poetry.

These Tang Dynasty officials, who have not experienced the bloody baptism of the text prison, are now disturbed by Li forgetful worry on the main hall, but they are all in a panic.

They want to defend themselves, but they don\'t know how to speak.

As Li forget you said, since Dong Zhuo forced the death of the Han Emperor in the Three Kingdoms was said by Huang Fuyi to reflect the change of Xuanwu Gate and slander Li Er, it is natural for Li forget you to explain their poems and articles in this way.

"Ziyou, don\'t talk nonsense." seeing this, Li Er didn\'t understand Li\'s meaning of forgetting worry, and scolded with a smile.

"Your Majesty, if the imperial historian Huangfu said that the minister was your majesty, the minister would not talk nonsense. These people are all his accomplices."

Li forgot to worry, but he was pulling hatred for Huangfu Yi.

He didn\'t say it was OK. As soon as his words were out, those bad and foolproof disasters were pulled out by Li forgetful as a target, and they all turned their resentful eyes to Huang Fuyi.

It\'s all this bastard. What are you doing to provoke Huxian man?

Others write their own vernacular novels. When you\'re full, go impeach him?

Huang Fuyi was even more eloquent in the face of the angry eyes of the people.

He can\'t explain to the public. Is this the idea of Wang Renyou? That\'s even more suicide.

The hall is full of human spirits.

Yu Shinan and Fang Xuanling, who were originally worried about Li forgetful worry, also saw Li forgetful worry\'s intention at this time. They didn\'t speak one by one. They just laughed and sat aside to watch jokes and become a qualified melon eater.

The aristocratic family wanted to disgust Li forget you, but they didn\'t expect to be dragged down by Li forget you. It\'s interesting, it\'s really interesting!

At this stage of development, Wang Renyou and other family leaders are also stupid.

The bastard didn\'t defend himself. Instead, he admitted Huang Fuyi\'s impeachment, and then turned his back on Huang Fuyi and a group of ministers from aristocratic families. This move is too vicious.

Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and other aristocratic family leaders naturally can\'t sit and watch the farce continue. If Li Er takes it seriously, their aristocratic family will lose too much.

Several people looked at each other and could only stand up and speak.

"Your Majesty, I\'m not guilty of words in Datang. Your Majesty\'s mind is open to all rivers. Why should you care about these word games?"

Li Er looked at these aristocratic family leaders and coughed softly: "so, the princes also think that Huangfu\'s impeachment is nonsense?"

"This... I think so." facing Li Er\'s question, Wang Renyou and others can only recognize it by pinching their nose.

They should dare to say that Huang Fuyi was right to impeach Li forget you. Li Erzhen dared to dismiss all the ministers named by Li forget you from the hall and investigate them.

Anyway, Li forgets to worry, but there is only one short title, no official and no post. Even if he loses his title because of impeachment, it\'s no big deal.

But Li forgot to worry about just pulling more than a dozen officials from aristocratic families into the water and "burying" so many officials. Wang Renyou and others can\'t agree to it anyway.

Now, they can only wash the mud on Li forgetful worry first, and their people can get ashore equally cleanly.

Li Er also stood up from the throne and looked around at the ministers. After a half ring, he began to say.

"I don\'t deserve to be punished for my words, but I can\'t slander others! I\'m not the first emperor. I don\'t burn books and pit Confucianism. Don\'t be wrong! Few people in the world read the history of the Three Kingdoms, but I can get the outline of Li Ziyou\'s romance. I like Li Ziyou\'s Three Kingdoms very much. Let\'s stop here and don\'t mention it again."

"Obey your Majesty\'s instruction!" the ministers knelt down and a farce ended.

Li forgot to worry but said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I have been wronged for no reason. Please open your eyes for me."

"Didn\'t I say it\'s over?" Li Er asked suspiciously, not knowing what Li forgot to worry about.

Li forgot to worry and pointed outside the hall: "but the people in Chang\'an don\'t know. Why don\'t your majesty write a note to prove your innocence."

Li Er was speechless: "what are you doing, moth? What do you want me to write to you?"

"Hei hei, your majesty, just write the words you just said to your minister, that is, \'I like the Three Kingdoms written by Li Ziyou very much\'."

Li Er began to feel some toothache. What are you doing, you bastard?

He wanted to refuse, but all the officials in the hall were watching, and he couldn\'t bear it.

Simply let the waiter grind ink, pick up the pen, brush a few times, write down that sentence, and throw it to Li forgetful.

"Retreat!" Li Er wrote that sentence shamefully. He was too lazy to continue talking nonsense. He turned and left.

Li forgot to worry, but smiled. He came forward, picked up Li Er\'s ink treasure, carefully dried his pen and ink, and earned it in his arms. He was proud to pick an eyebrow from Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and other family leaders.

Zheng Yuanshou said, "this bastard, I still underestimated him!"

Wang Renyou smiled disdainfully: "he\'s lucky, but so what? Now the big and small bookstores in Chang\'an city don\'t sell his book. Can this boy still ask Li Erlang to order the bookshop to sell books? I\'ll see how he sells thousands of books in two days."

Zheng Yuanshou thought a little, and it is true.

Blocked the sales channel of Li forgetful worry\'s books. With his great ability, the book can\'t be sold.

Several people looked at each other and couldn\'t help laughing.

Even Yu Shinan and Fang Xuanling are aware of Li\'s gambling appointment with Wang ziqiao and others.

After going to the next Dynasty, Li forgets worry. As soon as he wants to leave, he is stopped by Yu Shinan and others.

"Ziyou, I\'ve heard that in Chang\'an City, no booksellers, big or small, are willing to sell your three kingdoms. Do you need me to come forward and say one or two for you?"

Li forgot to worry and quickly thanked several big men for their kindness: "thank you, Duke Yu and Fang Xiang. No. I also know that they are forced by others. Why bother to put these merchants in a dilemma."

"How do you sell this book?" Yu Shinan asked anxiously.

Li forgot to worry and smiled mysteriously: "Hey, mountain people have their own tricks!"

Without butcher Zhang, he doesn\'t believe he can only eat hairy pigs! There are many ways to sell books.

Yu Shinan and Fang Xuanling also want to ask clearly. Li forgets worry but smiles without answering. They only say that it will be known tomorrow.

In this regard, Yu Shinan and Fang Xuanling and others can only shake their heads and go with him.

The next day, Li forgot to worry about the last day of gambling with Wang ziqiao and others.

The morning drum in Chang\'an city sounded, the city gate opened, and a team of motorcade came from outside the city