Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 285

Selling books in a four wheeled carriage is the way that the beautiful boss came up with for Li forgetful.

Gypsies can take the caravan as a mobile home, and Li forget worry can naturally turn the four-wheel carriage into a mobile store selling books.

Since those aristocratic families use their power to force and lure, and the bookstores in the East and West cities are not allowed to sell the Three Kingdoms, they should simply start a new stove.

Today, under the management of the beautiful boss, the number of four-wheel carriages has already exceeded 300. It\'s no trouble to mobilize 100 carriages for temporary borrowing for one day.

Moreover, Li QIAOYOU promised that the drivers of these carriages would give them 100 Wen copper coins as a reward for each book of the Three Kingdoms sold.

In this way, the drivers of these carriage companies naturally don\'t mind playing a guest role as a salesman.

Master Sun Fang worked hard to get the craftsmen in Huxian bookstore to print new books day and night. In just three days, he printed more than 10000 copies of the first volume of the romance of the Three Kingdoms.

However, this is also the limit. The wooden engraving engraved with the first volume of the Three Kingdoms has been almost worn out after printing more than 15000 books.

If you want to reprint, you can only reprint.

Nowadays, these newly released three kingdoms new books are piled on these four wheeled carriages.

As the driver of the carriage of the guest temporary goods man shouted, many customers who wanted to buy books soon gathered around the four-wheel carriage in the square market.

Just as before, the crowd gathered around the carriage to buy books, not only the customers dressed up by scholars, but also many illiterate Chang\'an people gathered to buy a book "loved by saints".

Five hundred copper coins are much cheaper than handwritten books, but they are definitely not cheap.

The price of a raw silk is only 470 Wen, and an iron hoe is only 50 Wen.

In the Tang Dynasty, because of the locust plague, grain prices have risen from 360 Wen a Dou to 450 Wen a Dou, that is, a Book of the Three Kingdoms can be exchanged for more than a bucket of rice.

Moreover, Li forgets to worry that in the past three years, the price of grain in Zhenguan will fall to about 20 Wen a bucket, that is, one copy of the Three Kingdoms can be exchanged for 25 buckets of grain.

Therefore, even if it is 500 Wen, it must be at least a well-off family in Datang. Ordinary people may not be able to afford it if they want to buy it.

It can be seen that it is not easy to read in Datang. Without a certain family background, they can\'t afford to support their children to study.

But even so, the business of the wagon selling books is surprisingly good.

Those sour Confucians who once said that the romance of the Three Kingdoms distorted historical facts, now see the cover on the carriage, they all shut their mouths and dare not speak any more.

Even Li Er said they liked books. Unless they thought they were tired of living, how could they dare to chirp.

The gossip in the market is even more self defeating.

It is said that there is no market at all for the rumors of evil intentions written by Huxian man.

The 11 big characters in the ink treasure written by Li Er\'s own handwriting simply blinded people\'s eyes.

When they went to Wuben square, pingkang square and Chongren square to sell books, the drivers just shouted and were surrounded by customers who wanted to buy books.

A hundred copies of the Three Kingdoms on the carriage were sold out in a moment, replaced by heavy copper coins and covered the carriage.

In Wu\'s workshop, because it was the Imperial College, Li forgot to worry specially arranged two carriages to sell books, and also cleared the goods quickly.

These students in the Imperial College are no different from later college students. They have no resistance to the vernacular novels of the Three Kingdoms.

In addition, those who can study in the Imperial College are all disciples of official families, not to mention the copper money to buy books.

Many of them bought this three kingdoms book in the bookstores in the East and West cities the day before yesterday, and they couldn\'t put it down at a glance.

This vernacular novel, which is rare in the Tang Dynasty, naturally set off a wave of upsurge of the Three Kingdoms in the Imperial College.

Many students hurried to the bookstore the next day to buy books, but unexpectedly, they ran all over the bookstore in Chang\'an City and didn\'t sell this book.

So in order to borrow the Three Kingdoms in the hands of their classmates, the Imperial College almost triggered a blood case conflict, which shows their love for the Three Kingdoms.

There are more than 2000 students in the Imperial College. Today, there are only two carriages selling books in Wuben workshop, but there are only more than 200 books.

This is a drop in the bucket for Nuo University\'s "student consumer group".

The Three Kingdoms in the two carriages were sold out in an instant. The students who didn\'t buy the books all surrounded the carriages and asked them to hurry to deliver the books. They had to buy them themselves and others.

The two drivers were so sweaty that they could only nod and agree.

They hurried to the carriage and went to the carriage selling books in other workshops to transfer goods. They ran for five or six miles, and finally gathered up two or three hundred books, which barely satisfied the students in the Imperial College.

At noon, just after the opening of the East and West cities, the four-wheel carriage team in Dingzhou village drove outside Chang\'an city one after another.

All the books on the carriage were sold and replaced with heavy copper money.

In ten days, Li forgot his worries about the Three Kingdoms and sold more than 14000 copies in Chang\'an City, which is terrible!

His bets with Wang ziqiao and others won without any suspense.

Li Lianyou\'s action today can\'t hide from the eyes of the aristocratic family.

But they can\'t help it. They can\'t send a family episode to smash the carriages selling books, can they?

As the books on the carriages sold out and returned with copper coins, Wang Renyou, who got the news, couldn\'t help sighing.

He did not expect that when he made his own move, he could not stop Li forgetful from winning the bet.

When he killed his family\'s episode, he had to lose gold and the face of the aristocratic family. When he thought of his marriage with Li forgetful, he took the initiative and even lost a lot of gold. Wang Renyou felt even more oppressed.

This feeling of losing his wife and breaking the army makes Wang Renyou more and more jealous of Li forget his worries.

However, Li Er in the Tai Chi palace laughed proudly and was extremely happy.

He had already forgotten. Previously, the Baiqi company reported that when the bastard Li forget you used his ink as a cover, he was so angry that he almost wanted to send someone to Dingzhou village to catch Li forget you into the palace to fart - shares.

"Guanyin maidservant, Ziyou, won those aristocratic families again. Ha ha, happy, really happy!"

Empress Chang sun also covered her face and smiled: "Ziyou often makes amazing moves. This Taiyuan Wang family has stumbled on him again."

"I\'ll go to help you worry about gambling debts tomorrow morning. Ha ha, I\'ll see how Wang Renyou and others behave." Li Er laughed. He was very excited at the thought of ridiculing these aristocratic family leaders again.

However, Li Er\'s wish to see the family joke failed.

Before he went to help Li forget his worries and ask for debts, the aristocratic family took the initiative to send 1000 liang of gold to Li\'s house in Zhoucun to show their willingness to gamble and admit defeat.

Li forgot to worry about receiving gold, but he had no joy.

He doesn\'t feel that his debt with his family has been cleared. He hasn\'t avenged the burning of Sun Ji\'s bookstore and the killing of the waiter in the store!

A man with a black belly is not ready to laugh away his gratitude and revenge. A gentleman takes revenge. Ten years is too late. Seize the day!