Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 250

His Royal Highness the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty and his Royal Highness the king of Yue, under the painstaking "temptation" of Li forgetful, failed to hold on for long, and fell into the enemy.

The two little children, together with Princess Changle, had a good time with the bear children in Dingzhou village.

Before long, the original gorgeous clothes on Sanxiao became no different from the bear children in Dingzhou village.

Seeing that it was full of mud and was scratched in many places, the guard leader kept twitching in the corners of his eyes.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, and the eldest princess, little Laurie, didn\'t care about this. The third little girl completely released herself today.

It\'s always easy to make friends in children\'s world.

Even Ao Jiao, such as Li Chengqian and Li Tai, have made some pleasant friends after a day\'s fun.

Even the forbidden guards in the palace repeatedly urged them to return to the palace, and they all became reluctant to part with each other, which made Li forget his worries and secretly laugh.

With this good start, Li Qieyou is confident to correct the history of Li Chengqian, who has been treated with dignity since childhood, likes sound and color, and lives an increasingly absurd and decadent life.

As for Li Tai, he was totally spoiled by Li Er. Thus, in adulthood, he became arrogant and had a greater desire for power. For the sake of the crown prince, Li Chengqian and Li Chengqian broke out a dispute over seizing the legitimate rights.

It\'s easier to correct Li Tai, as long as Li Er doesn\'t spoil him so much.

Li Qieyou wants these two brothers not to repeat the tragedies in history in the future. Now let\'s start with a beautiful childhood.

After seeing off the three small children who turned into mud monkeys, Li forgets worry and finally can lie down comfortably on the sofa to make a standard "ge you lie down".

This sofa was naturally made by Carpenter Liu in the village by Li forgetful.

Unfortunately, at this time, Datang could not get a spring, and there was no sponge to fill the cushion.

In fact, in this era, Europe has begun to collect and use natural sponges.

However, there is no natural sponge in China Sea area. It is mainly distributed in Mediterranean, Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas.

So the sofa can only be filled with thick cotton to talk about self - comfort.

Cotton is also a rare thing in the Tang Dynasty. It was found in a Hu people\'s shop when the beautiful boss led aphlo and Perrin to stroll around the east city.

Moreover, cotton is expensive. It costs a full twenty copper dollars to make these cotton for sofa, which can buy a farm cow, but it hurts Li forget his worries.

But it\'s worth having such a comfortable sofa in Datang.

After playing with a group of bear children for a day, Li forgot to worry and felt his body hollowed out.

Paralyzed on the sofa, did he feel that he had done something wrong in his last life before he was tortured by Li Er\'s family after wearing the Tang Dynasty?

It\'s enough to help Li Er pretend to frighten the rich family and discipline two careless little children.

But thinking about his manor residence, which has started construction and is expected to be completed in half a year, Li forgets to worry.

Li Er, the big boss, has paid him enough. As a "wage earner", Li has a good mentality of forgetting his worries.

Now that he has a title, a house and a field at home, a little savings, and beautiful girls, Li forgets to worry and feels quite satisfied.

He is not an ambitious man himself. Being safe with a small fortune is his philosophy of life.

Li Qieyou expressed his satisfaction with the comfortable life in Dingzhou village.

But his good mood was interrupted the next day. Unexpectedly, someone wanted to do something again!

At noon the next day, after lunch, Li forgot to worry and asked his maid to brew him a pot of tea and lie on the recliner in the back yard.

Humming songs, enjoying quiet and beautiful leisure time.

I heard the hurried footsteps of the old housekeeper Li Heng: "Lang Jun, Ma Zhou and Yan Liben are here. I have something urgent to find you."

Li forgot to worry and turned his head to calculate the day. Today is not the time to take a rest. Shouldn\'t Ma Zhou and Yan Liben be "at work"? Why did you come to Dingzhou village?

"Invite them in." anyway, they are not outsiders, and the beautiful boss is not there. Li forgets worry and doesn\'t bother to be polite. He doesn\'t want to get up from the couch. He simply asks Li Heng to invite Ma Zhou and them to the backyard.

Ma Zhou and Yan Liben followed Li Heng to the backyard, but their faces were filled with indignation, which made Li forget his worries for a while. What\'s the matter?

"Sir, you still want to drink tea at leisure! Do you know that the city of Chang\'an is full of rumors about you!" Ma Zhou shouted first when he saw Li forgetful\'s tired appearance.

Li forgot to worry and was stunned. How could there be rumors about him in Chang\'an City?

He hasn\'t even gone to Chang\'an City for a long time since he took part in Shuo Wang Chaoshen. Who has he provoked in Dingzhou village?

But Li forgot to worry and didn\'t take it seriously. It\'s just gossip. It\'s not a big deal.

He asked his two disciples to sit down, pour them tea, and then asked, "King bin, take your time. What are the rumors about me in Chang\'an City?"

Ma Zhou took a sip of tea and said angrily, "now in Chang\'an City, big and small square cities, there are rumors that you are a sycophant and fortunate minister. However, with the favor of the saints, you don\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth and act recklessly. It\'s absurd to be the Prince before you reach the crown."

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech, but he was slightly stunned. Didn\'t he want to promise Li Er because he was worried about being sprayed?

Didn\'t Yu Shinan say how much the great scholars in the court liked themselves? There is no objection to his appointment as the prince\'s teacher.

A few days ago, Yu Shinan and Kong Yingda, some of their great Confucians, came to the mansion to taste good wine. They didn\'t listen to them. Are there any dissatisfaction with themselves among the scholars?

What is this, moth?

Yan Liben said, "if it\'s just a rumor in the market, those students are also making trouble in the Imperial College today. Even many students of the Imperial College went outside the Tai Chi palace and said they would write a letter to accuse the teacher."

Li forgets his worries and is speechless. How hateful is he?

"What are they accusing me of?"

"Those bastard students, I don\'t know who has bewitched them. They say that you have no talent and virtue and don\'t deserve to be the prince\'s teacher. They say that you flatter the sage and will be granted the title of Huxian baron. They are flattering ministers. They even say that the lucky minister is a star, sits in the northeast of the emperor, often attends the prince and takes darkness as good luck."

Ma Zhou agreed angrily: "finally, the Confucius sacrificial wine of the Imperial College came forward, reprimanded these scholars and drove them back. It\'s a temporary restraint. Sir, you have to think of a way. You can\'t let those people murder you."

what? All the students in the Imperial College want to make trouble, just for themselves?

Li forgets worry, even if he is a political idiot, he can smell a strong smell of conspiracy from this matter at the moment.

There\'s no one stirring up behind the back!

But he also wondered, who would spend so much effort on a small founding County man for him? What are the benefits?

Nima, this is really a man sitting at home. The pot comes from heaven!