Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 249

Now in Dingzhou village, spring ploughing has long been completed. Most of the village\'s farmers, who can do things, have gone to the Shunfeng express carriage shop as a driver.

During the day, most of the villages have only women and children at home, and those half-aged children are full of joy in the village.

Without much effort, Li Qieyou found a group of bear children in the village, took them to the grain drying field and said he would teach them to play games.

Naturally, no bear child dared to listen to Sir Alex\'s words. They all obediently followed behind Li forgetful sorrow.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai looked at the dirty and ragged children behind them, and their dislike was obvious.

In fact, every household in Dingzhou village now has no shortage of copper money to buy clothes made of a few feet of coarse cloth.

But the bear children in the village jump up and down and roll all over the ground every day, either climbing trees or fishing in the river. No matter how good clothes are put on, they are no different from beggars\' clothes all day.

So the farmers didn\'t bother to make new clothes for the bear children, so they went.

Li forgot to worry and took a casual look at the two children who were despised all over his face, but he didn\'t say anything.

He gathered the bear children in the village and began to explain the rules of the new game to them.

Li forgets a lot of games, such as eagles catching chickens, cockfighting, jumping goats and wooden people

When Li forgot to worry about the rules of the game to the children in the village, the three children listened very carefully, but only little Laurie of Changle cheered. She didn\'t dislike the bear children in the village and immediately played with them.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai, however, looked lonely and arrogant like a little adult, but looked on coldly.

Li forgot to worry and ignored the two little children. He took a group of children and played by himself.

This group of bear children in Dingzhou village, where have they played these future games? After hearing Li forgetful explain the rules, they are very excited and devote themselves to the game.

In the threshing field, it suddenly became a sea of joy, full of children\'s laughter.

Driven by Li forgetful worry, the bear children in the village are going crazy. Even Changle, a little Laurie, has been screaming with excitement.

The guards who were driven far away by Li forgetful worry all looked worried at this time. Although Li Er had ordered them, when they arrived at Dingzhou village, they listened to the orders of Huxian man.

But if the long Princess accidentally gets hurt while playing, they are also afraid that they will be involved.

Fortunately, Prince Li Chengqian and King Li Tai of Yue did not participate in the game, which made the leader of the guard feel a little relaxed.

He thought that although he was young, his Royal Highness the prince and his Royal Highness the king of Yue, who were always stable, could not play with these dirty children.

Then there will be no danger of injury. As for the long princess, she can only obey her fate.

In fact, he didn\'t notice that with the progress of the game on the grain drying field, Li Chengqian and Li Tai, who stood aside and looked indifferent, didn\'t blink and stared at the people in the field.

At this time, Li Qieyou was playing eagle and chicken with a group of bear children.

He personally ended up as an eagle, and little Laurie Changle was designated as a hen by him. She is trying to open her arms to stop Li forgetful\'s attack.

After Li Qieyou caught a "chicken" again, Li Chengqian couldn\'t help it anymore. He jumped his feet and shouted, "Changle, you\'re stupid. Stop the teacher quickly! Turn left and run!"

Li Tai is also a sympathetic look. Ignoring his chubby body, he shouted at the top of his voice, "little sister, how can you run so slowly! I\'m so angry!"

Li Qieyou will not be surprised by the reaction of Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

When I was a child, because my grandfather was strict, I seldom gave him pocket money. At that time, I often went to the game room to watch other children play games after school.

The people who watch them usually shout louder than the children sitting in front of the game console.

Each is a kind of guidance. I wish I could push others away and sit on it instead.

Therefore, Li Chengqian and Li Tai, two little children, want to pretend to be deep in front of him. It\'s just asking for no fun. These are the remaining tricks he played in those years.

So, the original calm guards\' hearts began to beat violently... His Highness the prince and his Highness the king of Yue also played with those dirty Tian Shirang

The guards\' resentment against Li forgetful now is about to materialize.

The Huxian man is too brave to let the crown prince Hall of Datang go down and play with these mud legged children. If there is a good or bad, who can be responsible?

When Li forgot to worry and began to teach the bear children to play cockfighting, the heart of the leader of the guard was about to jump out of his throat.

Damn it, the mud leg dared to hit the prince with his dirty leg... Niang, I can\'t live. His Highness the king of Yue was knocked down... At that moment, the leader of the guard almost stopped breathing.

He really wants to rush up and catch all these rebellious bear children and beat them up!

However, thinking of Li Er\'s orders and Li forgetful\'s threatening eyes from time to time, the leader of the guard had to bite his teeth and bear it.

He vowed that after returning to Chang\'an City, he must find a relationship with Menzi. Even if he spends money, he must be transferred to other places. He must no longer be the leader of the forbidden guard.

If he is frightened like this every day, he is sure that he will not live to be 40

On the grain drying field, Li Chengqian and Li Tai, who have already played Hi, don\'t care about the Royal etiquette, the identity of the crown prince and whether their clothes are dirty.

They followed the bear children in Dingzhou village and kept running and screaming on the grain drying field.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai have long lost the gloomy color on their faces. Instead, they have the bright smiles that children should have.

After playing with the bear children for a while and sweating all over, Li Qieyou went to one side to rest and waved to the forbidden guard who had been watching nervously in the distance.

The leader of the forbidden guard immediately rushed to him: "Huxian man, what can I do for you? But I\'m going to stop the prince and the king of Yue?"

Li Qieyou looked at him strangely and shook his head: "you ask someone to come back to my house and send some cold drinks and food. Remember to send more, all the children should have them."

The leader of the guard became more melancholy. He not only didn\'t stop the prince from playing such a dangerous game, but also asked them to run errands and send food and drink to the children of Tian Shirang.

Uncle can bear it, neither can aunt!

The unbearable leader of the forbidden guard hit his left chest and grew up.

"Nuo, Huxian man, wait a minute. I\'ll go right away!"

He ran back, greeted his men and ran in the direction of the Li family. There\'s no one else. He\'s just the leader of the Imperial Guard. In the face of Li Er\'s orders, the Huxian Baron can\'t listen.

I can\'t bear it, I still have to bear it!

The leader of the guard was wronged, but the baby didn\'t say