Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 251

Where did Li forget to worry? He actually helped Li Er carry the pot again.

He helped Li Er to hold the Luo Tian festival in shuowang Chaoshen, and "saints show their holiness", which made a series of arrangements of the aristocratic family\'s door valves come to naught.

The aristocratic family not only failed to take advantage of the locust plague to hit Li Er\'s reputation and gain greater voice, but also made Li Er more imperial power because of the holiness of the Taoist ancestor.

Now, even if the aristocratic family still occupies half of the country, the officials have a great say in the local area, but they are suppressed by Li Er everywhere.

There is no airtight wall in the world. It looks like the Taiji palace with strict palace restrictions. In fact, there is no secret for the aristocratic family.

Without much effort, they learned from the palace that it was Li forgetful, a small founding County man, who gave Li Er advice to make their painstaking plans come to naught.

Although they also believe that Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, is indeed a saint, they are even more jealous of Li QIAOYOU, who put forward the "bad idea" of holding Luo Tian Festival.

In fact, it was originally put forward by Ma Zhou. Li forgets worry and carries the pot for his disciples.

He also helped Ma Zhou carry the pot and Li Er carry the pot. Li forgets worry. He can be called the "pot carrying Xia"!

The Zheng family in Xingyang, the Wang family in Taiyuan and other aristocratic families have become a thorn in Li\'s eye.

But Li forgets worry is just a founding County man who was granted by the imperial edict. He did not enter the court as an official, and there is no handle for them to catch.

It was the 16-year-old Kaiguo County man who was unexpectedly invited by Li Er to be the prince and teacher of the king of Yue, which surprised the aristocratic family, but also gave them an excuse to attack Li forgetful.

A common move of aristocratic family leaders is to use pen as a knife to discredit others by virtue of their influence in scholar circles.

Words hurt more than swords.

Even Tang Emperors like Li Er were embarrassed by aristocratic family leaders using such means.

Li forgot to worry and pretended to be a ghost. He came to show his holiness and gave the aristocratic family a thorough salary. I\'m afraid Li Er\'s life will not be easy.

Originally, the Wang family in Taiyuan was dissatisfied with Li\'s forgetfulness because of his divorce; The Zheng family in Xingyang lost face because of Zheng KangBo. Zheng Shangyi, a member of the Zheng family, was demoted to the yeting palace, which made the Zheng family in Xingyang hate Li.

Can\'t move Li Er, still can\'t kill a small Huxian man?

So under the control of the aristocratic family, they began to discredit and attack Li forgetful with their usual means.

Let people spread rumors in the market, and then let people stir up students and scholars to make trouble in the Imperial College. They are all manipulated by aristocratic family leaders behind the scenes.

The purpose is to make Li forget worry\'s reputation stink and everyone yells at him.

This move is not vicious.

If Li\'s reputation is really bad, even if Li Er likes him and values him again, he can\'t compete with the boiling public opinion.

A lot of people talk about money, but a lot of people destroy their bones.

Rumors are terrible. They can overturn right and wrong and kill people.

This is why Ma Zhou and Yan Liben rushed to Dingzhou village after the trouble among the students of Imperial College today.

Li Qieyou was also stunned by the scene in Chang\'an city.

This meow is the means to deliberately blacken the opponent in the entertainment world after using the official account and micro-blog\'s V account.

He was calm because he was discredited and angry for no reason.

Li forgets his worries and pretends to be calm. He comforts his two students so that they don\'t have to worry. He has his own clever plan for being a teacher.

Ma Zhou and Yan Liben were worried about the loss of their little teacher and wanted to say something, but they were discouraged by Li forgetful.

After seeing off Ma Zhou and Yan Liben who came to report, Li forgetful immediately jumped up from the recliner.

Fight back, this kind of thing must fight back!

Did he really think Li forgetful was made of mud? The tiger doesn\'t get angry. You think I\'m Hello Kitty!

He also vaguely guessed who was targeting him.

It seems that in the Tang Dynasty, except for the Li family in Huxian County, he only has a grudge with the Zheng family in Xingyang and the Wang family in Taiyuan.

Li\'s group of people in Huxian county should not be able to set up such a bureau. There will be no one but five surnames and seven hopes who can stir up trouble among the students of the Imperial College!

Thinking of this, Li forgot to worry more and more. The Wang family in Taiyuan and the Zheng family in Xingyang are really haunted.

I stay in Dingzhou village and live in a couple. I can also be remembered by them. I\'m really overbearing and have no scruples.

Qiao, Prince of the Wang family in Taiyuan, went to the Wannian County Yamen service class and wanted to plant him. Now he hasn\'t taken revenge. It\'s really hateful that he will attack him again!

The black man paced back and forth in the backyard, thinking about how to fight back.

Since he is said to have no talent and virtue, show his talent to the world and blind their 24 K krypton gold dog eyes!

But how to show your talent is a little troublesome. After thinking about it, Li forgets worry and decides to ask for foreign aid.

"Niu Wu, go to the carriage shop in Chang\'an City and get Su Changqing back. I have something urgent to find her."

Crisis public relations, well, it\'s reliable to let the beautiful boss give advice to himself. This is the specialty of top students at the University of Pennsylvania.

Li Qieyou didn\'t feel embarrassed to find a beautiful boss to give him advice.

After su Changqing hurried back from Chang\'an City, Li forgot to worry, took her into the study, closed the door, and they whispered and discussed for a long time.

After the door of the book room was opened again, Li forget worry called Niu Wu again and ordered him a few words. Niu Wu nodded and ran to Huxian county.


The next day, Li Er was losing his temper in the Taiji palace.

Yesterday, the Imperial College eunuch students made trouble, which made Li Er aware that someone was targeting Li forgetful.

Without waiting for him to let the Baiqi division investigate the reason, there was a censor at today\'s court meeting to impeach Huxian male Li forgetting his worries. He was not young, talented and virtuous, and was not worthy to be the prince\'s teacher.

When Li Er was in the court hall, he made a fire in front of these officials. It can be regarded as relying on his Imperial Majesty to force the matter down for the time being.

Li forget worry can guess who is targeting him, and Li Er naturally wants to get it.

No one can do this smear technique except those aristocratic family members. Only aristocratic families have such influence.

Li Er knows that Li forgets to worry. It is estimated that he carried the pot for him and made the aristocratic family members hate him. Only then can he be targeted like this.

Because of this, Li Er was furious. His nephew helped him carry the pot. How can he not make Li Er angry.

What makes Li Er more angry is that he doesn\'t know how to help Li forget his worries and correct his name. If he issued an imperial edict to refute it, I\'m afraid it would add fuel to the fire and make it more solid. Li forgetting worry is the saying of a lucky minister.

This powerful feeling made Li Er hold his breath.

When Li Erzheng was sulking, he saw the imperial eunuch, who was in charge of delivering messages in the palace, coming into the hall with a piece of paper.

"What\'s the matter?" Li Er asked unkindly.

The waiter looked strange and respectfully presented the paper with both hands: "Your Majesty, you can see at a glance."

Li Er reached out to take it and looked at it carefully.

A moment later, I heard Li Er laughing in the legislative palace