Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 248

Li was too lazy to take another look at the dandies drunk in the main room and the mess there.

He told Li Heng to clean up the mess. He went back to the backyard to sleep. When he got up, he found that the dandies were gone.

After sleeping in the main room, the dandies had a splitting headache. They were not in the mood to ask Li forgetful for drinks. However, they climbed onto their horses and went back to Chang\'an city.

When the dandies left, Li forgot to worry and breathed. Looking at the smashed cases at home, he turned around and ordered Li Heng to find carpenter Liu.

Let carpenter Liu use the thick wood at the mouth of the bowl to create a number of stronger cases for himself. Don\'t look good. Just be resistant to smashing.

What Li forgot about was that on the third day, there were guests at home again.

This time, Yang Zui led the way and led Yu Shinan and Kong Yingda to the door. The purpose was the same. I heard that Huxian men brewed peerless wine. I came here to taste

The wine of Yu Shinan and Kong Yingda is much better. At least they didn\'t smash his main house. Recently, they sang loudly, "eh, Shh...".

On the fourth day, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and eldest sun Wuji came

On the fifth day, Ma Zhou and Yan Liben came to the door

The sixth day

The seventh day

For a whole ten day, Li forgot to worry about the constant visitors at home, all for the purpose of burning knife wine.

Li Qieyou was completely numb. When he saw a guest coming, he didn\'t talk nonsense. He directly greeted him with wine, got drunk and pulled him down.

When Li Chengqian and Li Tai came to study, they also asked Li forget you for a drink. Only then did Li forget you get angry and hunt down the two children with a gold ruler for a long time.

Even if other people can\'t afford it, these two come to join the fun. They are the target of the door, which just makes Li forget his worries and vent his anger.

The two little children also want to drink. It\'s just the opposite!

After a burst of excitement in the county men\'s residence, with the consumption of the sorghum wine brewed by Li forget worry, the following guests finally stopped their footsteps.

Baijiu liquor was so popular with the Tang and Tang Dynasties that it was beyond the expectation of Li\'s sorrow.

Although he knew the good wine of Datang, he didn\'t expect to be so crazy for a mouthful of good wine.

After discussing with the beauty boss, we must speed up the brewing workshop. Otherwise, Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and others\' resentment that they can\'t drink good wine is too heavy.

Li Er sent a forbidden army to rob the wine. It\'s terrible.

After drinking a high number of Baijiu, let them go to the turbid wine with the turbid and sour taste, and it is really fatal.

The beauty boss went to Taiji palace and asked to see empress Chang sun. The two women soon settled the matter of opening a winery.

Empress Chang sun contributed 5000 copper coins, accounting for 40% of the brewing workshop and 60% of Huxian men. The Li family is responsible for all matters except that the empress Chang sun sends accounting personnel.

In this regard, Li forget worry and Su Changqing naturally had no objection, and immediately nodded and agreed.

The site of the brewing workshop is still near Dingzhou village. Besides convenience, the main reason is that the water quality here is good.

The mountain spring water flowing from the Qinling Mountains is sweet and refreshing. It is a pure natural and pollution-free spring that can never be drunk in future generations. It can\'t be better to make wine.

Water must be used well for wine making. The book of rites ยท monthly order says that "when you are a great chieftain, you will have all the sorghum and rice, all the yeast and tillers, all the blazing will be clean, all the water springs will be fragrant, all the pottery will be good, and all the fire will be obtained".

Water spring must be fragrant, which is the requirement for brewing water.

When traveling in later generations, Li Qieyou also tasted the spring water of several famous springs.

But in his opinion, the spring water of those famous springs in later generations can not compare with the sweet and delicious spring water of Qinling Mountain at this time.

As the distiller\'s grains taste particularly pungent in the winemaking workshop, Li forget worry chose the winery site far away from the village and chose a flat mountain depression at the foot of Shouyang mountain as the winemaking workshop.

Li Er, who was so anxious, actually used public affairs for personal gain and directly sent craftsmen from the Ministry of work to fix a free wine workshop for Li forgetyou in Zhoucun, which saved Li forgetyou another expense.

The Royal advantage was not taken in vain. Li forgot his worries and took the advantage of it.

The winemaking workshop is different from his manor residence, and the construction speed is very fast.

Brewing, fermentation, distillation, blending, canning and storage... Li Qieyou directly enlarged the size of the brewing workshop of the third uncle\'s family, drew drawings and asked the craftsmen of the Ministry of work to work according to the drawings.

After a few months, the shaodaozi distillery was built with the efforts of the craftsmen of the Ministry of work.

Li forgot to worry about buying a lot of sorghum and other grain from his enemy and officially began brewing.

In order to keep it a secret, the craftsmen used in the winery were all slaves bought by Li forgetful from the west city of Chang\'an.

The longer he came to the Tang Dynasty, the more his original sense of justice and morality decreased.

Li forgot to worry that he couldn\'t bear to sell his maidservant by Yang Zui. He took on the debt and released his maidservant.

Now, in order to keep the secret of the winery, he actually spends money to buy slaves... For this reason, the beautiful boss laughed at him, but also acquiesced in his practice.

In Datang without intellectual property protection, if you want to keep the secret of the winery, you can only do so.

When the first batch of shaodaozi liquor was brewed and transported to Chang\'an City for sale, it immediately aroused the looting of dignitaries in Chang\'an city.

For a time, Changan wine is expensive

But these are later words, not to mention for the time being.

However, Li forgot to take this ruler and killed two people who wanted to drink Baijiu Li Chengqian and Li Tai for a long time. After a few days, they got rid of their bad spirits.

This time when the three primary schools came to settle the Zhoucun village, Li forgets worry and plans to let them have more contact with children of the same age, so as not to raise them in the deep palace all year round, and the good children will also have problems.

Li forgets to worry that he has read a material of later generations, saying that children can\'t play freely when they are children, and children may be unhappy when they grow up.

Therefore, Li forgets worry and wants to correct the tragedies of Li Chengqian and Li Tai in the future, so as to create a "happy childhood" for them. In his opinion, it is very necessary.

Eight to nine year old children learn from the old masters in the palace every day. They are surrounded by chamberlains and eunuchs. It\'s strange that they are not depressed.

Li Qieyou felt that most of the tragedies in the imperial family were due to the depression in childhood, which made the good children mentally deformed.

"What shall we learn today, sir?" Li Tai became more interested in mathematics since he mastered Arabic numerals.

With an intuitive understanding of Li\'s ability to forget his worries and the temptation of fun and delicious food in the Li family, Li Tai\'s "teacher" is very natural and easy to shout.

Li forgot to worry and shook his head: "we don\'t learn anything today. Let\'s go out and play."

Li Chengqian and Li Tai looked suspiciously at each other, and their eyes were full of surprise. Little Laurie of Changle cheered when she heard that she was going out to play.

Li forgets worry, no matter how the three small children react, tells the palace guards who protect the three small children to stay away from them and don\'t follow so close, so Shi ran leads the three small children out