Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 247

Li Er and others did not surprise Li forgetful.

When the jar of sorghum wine with a full weight of 20 jin and 65 degrees was drunk, all the people, including Li Er, fell drunk.

Cheng Yaojin, the founding fathers, are also gifted.

On average, each person drank more than a kilogram of high degree Baijiu, and also fought a fight, which almost destroyed the front yard of Li\'s family. He pushed the Jinshan jade column and fell to the ground and was dead drunk.

The palace guards carefully carried Li Er and the princes into the carriage and returned to Chang\'an city.

While Li Qieyou looked at the mess in the front yard and tears were about to flow out.

These old hooligans are always killing talent. They won\'t entertain these bastards after killing him. The wine is really bad and disgusting!

After a group of generals rose up, even the entertainment facilities built by Carpenter Liu for Li Chengqian in the front yard were smashed in pieces.

As for the main room, the ground was full of the wreckage of several cases and the fragments of dishes, as well as the residue after the dishes were overturned.

Even the air is full of the stench of wine

Not long after the old hooligans left, before Li forget worry had time to let people clean up the mess, the beautiful boss, aphelo and pelan took a carriage and returned home from Chang\'an city.

Now the beauty boss still goes to Chang\'an city every day. Shunfeng express horse and cart shop has become more and more popular under her management.

However, I don\'t know if she really has a better and better relationship with Aphrodite. She is still worried that Li forgetful eats at home. Now when she goes to Chang\'an City, she will take Aphrodite with her.

In this regard, in addition to secretly hating his teeth itching, where can Li forget to worry say half a word?

When the three women came home, they were startled to see that the front yard had become like this.

What is this? Has there been a war at home?

When it was clear that Li Er and a group of princes were making trouble in their home, they made the home as if they had been hit by a military disaster. Su Changqing glared at Li forgetful.

She was sure that Li Wangyou had made him a high number of Baijiu, and that was the result.

"Clean up yourself!" the beautiful boss coldly left such a sentence and took Aphrodite and Perrin back to the backyard.

The girls\' version of "Angelina Jolie" and Perrin made faces at Li forgetful and stuck out their tongues, indicating that Li forgetful deserved it, so they followed Su Changqing.

Li forgets to worry about looking at Su Changqing, Aphrodite and Peilan\'s back and opening his mouth, but he doesn\'t know how to explain it.

His mood now is beeping the dog. How can he feel like lifting a stone and hitting his feet?

If it weren\'t for fear of pain, he would really like to give himself two slap, so what he could do without moving the Baijiu?

However, Li forgets worry and feels wronged. He just wants to get Cheng Yaojin and others drunk and export evil spirits. Who would have thought that these bastards\' wine is so bad?

It\'s immoral to drink too much wine and play martial arts!

Li forgot his worry and felt indignant. He turned and stretched out his hands and put up two middle fingers in the direction of Chang\'an city to show his contempt.

After venting his frustration, Li forgot to worry and began to greet the old housekeeper Li Heng and his maidservant to clean up the mess in the front yard.

After cleaning up the front yard, Li forgot to worry and went to talk to Su Changqing with a smile, which made the expression on the beauty\'s boss\'s face turn cloudy and sunny.

However, what made Li forget worry even more depressed was that the next morning, the door of his house was banged again.

The dandies were shocked to see their father drunk into a pool of mud and sent back to the house by the palace guards yesterday.

Chumo and others are the first time to see their father. They are so drunk. After asking about the forbidden guards in the palace, I learned that it was Li forgetful, a male in Huxian County, who drank and got drunk.

According to the forbidden guards, Huxian man brewed a wine called "shaodaozi", which is as clear as water, but as sweet as fire.

The saints and princes were drunk for a while.

The dandies couldn\'t help hearing what the guards said.

It\'s not because it\'s late and the evening drum in Chang\'an City has sounded. They all want to go to Dingzhou village all night and taste the shaodaozi wine.

This morning, as soon as the gate of Chang\'an was opened, the dandies couldn\'t wait to beat their horses and run towards Dingzhou village.

Hearing the report from the old housekeeper Li Heng, Li forgot to worry. His head was about to burst. He thought with his knees and could guess why these dandies came.

Are all the big Tang drinkers?

But under the circumstances, Li forgot to change to meet the guests, facing the dandies is a circle of bow: "brothers, a big morning to my house, what is the matter?"

"Ziyou, feel your conscience and say, how are your brothers treating you?" Chumo asked in a low voice.

"My brothers are naturally very kind to me," Li said

"That\'s good. In that case, why do you treat us like this? After brewing the knife burning wine, why don\'t you take it out and share it with your brothers?"

Li forgot to worry and rolled his eyes. He knew that these bastards came for this!

In the face of the aggressive eyes of a group of dandies, Li forget worry can only defend: "brothers wrongly blame my little brother. This burning knife has just been brewed. Yesterday, the sage and uncle Cheng also happened to meet. I\'m going to post a post to my brothers. Please come to your house and taste this wine in three days."

Chumo waved his big hand: "it\'s better to choose a day than hit a day. Just today. Ziyou, take out the burning knife quickly!"

Fang Yiai, Chai Lingwu and others also urged: "yes, yes, take out the burning knife wine quickly."

Li forgot his worries and was speechless. He looked up at the sky. NIMA, what kind of wine do you drink in the early morning?

As soon as the city gate opened, the dandies left the city and ran to Dingzhou village. It was just eight o\'clock in the morning. They actually shouted for liquor. Li forgetful really couldn\'t understand these drunks.

Li Wangyou also met with friends in later generations, and red wine, beer and Baijiu would also be drunk, but there was absolutely no alcohol addiction. He really had difficulty understanding what he thought of the dudes.

However, since the dandies blocked the door, Li forgetful naturally had nothing to say. He simply went to move a bar for them.

He asked Li Heng to let his maidservant go to the kitchen to prepare some food for the dandies, and asked Niu Wu to go to the warehouse with him to bring drinks.

It\'s still 65 degree sorghum wine, and it\'s still a big jar loaded with 20 kilograms

Li forgot to worry about it. The anti business has come to this point. He simply let go and let the dandies drink it. Drink it and kill the bastards.

Therefore, yesterday reappeared, incomparably melancholy

Except that the fighting power of the dandies is not as scary as that of the old hooligans, they almost recreate what happened in the Li mansion yesterday.

Li Qieyou said he was calm. Well, just get used to it.

But he still wants to kill these bastards!