Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 246

Li Er proposed to share wine with his wife, but Li Wangyou did not make complaints about it.

SF express four wheeled carriage line, after the beauty boss had a flash of inspiration and brought the empress changsun to take shares, the benefits were obvious.

Not to mention the empress Chang sun, who provided the carriage company with much-needed development funds and horses, but the name of empress Chang sun gave sufficient protection to the four wheeled carriage company and the Li family.

Zheng KangBo, the Zheng family in Xingyang, was not open-minded enough to provoke the beautiful boss. He asked people to surround the four-wheel carriage line to force the beautiful boss to give in.

After Li forgot to worry and let people set a fire, he made public the relationship between empress Chang sun and the four wheeled carriage company.

Zheng in Xingyang not only immediately compromised and apologized, but also sent Zheng KangBo, a dandy, back to his hometown in Xingyang.

Since then, SF express four-wheel carriages have traveled in Chang\'an City, and no one dares to trip.

Originally, with the slow development of the four wheeled carriage line, its profitability made many aristocrats in Chang\'an City jealous.

If it weren\'t for the empress Chang sun, I\'m afraid they might not be able to protect their own industry even if they had the Chang\'an City franchise promised by Li Er.

Maybe they have been eaten by those aristocrats for a long time, and there will be no bone residue left.

With the successful precedent of cooperation between the carriage company and the royal family, Li forget worry did not exclude Li Er from taking a stake in his winery business, and even felt secretly happy.

Just looking at the reaction of these big men in the main room to sorghum wine, we can imagine that after the wine making workshop is built, this is another hen who can lay golden eggs.

With Li Er and empress Chang sun as the backstage, Li forgets worry and doesn\'t have to worry. His industry is concerned by those aristocratic families.

The reason why Li Er proposed to let empress Chang sun take a stake in Li forgetful\'s industry is actually the protection of Li forgetful, which can be regarded as a reward for his "offering" Mirage mud.

At this time, in the main room, there were several military leaders who were not familiar with Li forget worry. When they learned that the Li family was going to build a brewing workshop, they couldn\'t help thinking carefully and wanted to intervene.

But after Li Er spoke, the big men immediately put that caution behind them, and they began to push cups for lamps and drink happily.

The delicious food cooked with pork in the Li family has also been brought to the table, which makes the military leaders who taste such delicious food for the first time marvel.

With the help of spirits, the atmosphere in the Li family hall became lively for a while.

Cheng Yaojin took the lead in taking off his clothes, pushed aside the seat case, ran to the middle of the hall and began to dance.

Yuchi Jingde, Duan Zhixuan, Liu Hongji, Chai Shao and others were also unwilling to fall behind. They took off their clothes and danced naked.

Li forgot to worry and covered his eyes with his hands. His eyes were too hot.

He finally knows who Chumo\'s dandies learned his debauchery after drinking. It\'s just that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. They are all the same.

The four maidservants of the Li family were also flushed by the bold and unrestrained performance of a group of princes. They hid far away and dared not come forward to pour wine and tea.

Li Er didn\'t think he was disobedient. Instead, after drinking, he danced with the end, making Li forget his worries more and more stupid.

What makes Li forget his worries and panic is still ahead.

After a group of old killers got drunk and didn\'t think the dance was strong enough, Cheng Yaojin shouted and jumped into the front yard. He grabbed the handle from the palace guards.

"Wow, hahaha, which of you dare to fight with me?"

"Bah, Cheng Zhijie, you kill talent. Don\'t be crazy. I\'ll play with you!" without hesitation, Yuchi Jingde jumped into the front yard shirtless, grabbed a weapon from the guard and killed Cheng Yaojin.

"Come on, eat me!"

Li forgetful worry was stunned by the scene in front of him. His mouth opened wide. Looking at the front yard, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde fought together.

These two old killers are crazy when they drink too much wine!

Li Er, Qin Qiong, Li Jing and others not only did not stop them, but clapped their hands and stamped their feet and cheered, and kept pouring wine into their mouths.

Seeing the excitement of their fight, someone couldn\'t help jumping into the front yard, grabbed a weapon from the guard and killed it.

Li forgot to worry. It was Qin Qiong, a yellow faced man.

He didn\'t care whether the weapon was easy or not, let alone who the opponent was, he killed it directly.

The three fought in disorder and became a regiment. One day, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde besieged Qin Qiong, and the other day, Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin beat Yuchi Jingde wildly

Looking at their gnashing teeth and their guns without leaving their hands, Li forgot to worry about whether the three were enemies of life and death?

To make complaints about the founding fathers, Li Wangyou has no idea how to tuck up the bad ass.

He bowed his head and wondered if he was wrong in pushing the height of sorghum wine to the Tang Dynasty?

The wine quality of these people who drink too much and go crazy is really poor.

Just as Li forgot to worry and was distracted, he suddenly heard the sound of sharp tools breaking through the air in his ears, and then a gust of wind passed by his cheek, and there was another "Duo" sound.

He seemed to be aware of something. He slowly turned his head with a dull expression, but he saw a long gun inserted on the post not far behind him, and the tail of the long gun was still shaking violently up and down.

Lying grass!

I was almost stabbed to death by this long gun just now?

A drop of cold sweat came down from Li\'s forehead

Reaching out and touching his sore cheek, Li forgot to worry and looked up at the front yard.

But I saw that the weapons in the hands of the three old bastards had already fought with each other, and now they were fighting with their bare hands.

Li forget worry just came out of the state of mind that he would never die. Before he had time to jump and scold his mother, he saw a huge figure falling directly from the front yard into the main room, knocked over several seats and smashed the dishes on it.

But Cheng Yaojin was accidentally attacked by Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde. He directly flew him and fell into the main room.

Chai Shao and Duan Zhixuan, who were knocked over, angrily scolded Cheng Yaojin as an asshole.

"Zhiniang thief, make a fart!" Cheng Yaojin was unwilling to show weakness and scolded back.

At the next moment, Chai Shao, Duan Zhixuan and others rushed at Cheng Yaojin and waved their fists.

Soon, the front courtyard of the Li family also became a battlefield. Originally, people beat Cheng Yaojin, and then they fought each other, forming a regiment.

Except that Li Er was surrounded by the reflected forbidden guards, all the other national leaders fought together indiscriminately.

Li Er not only refused to let the forbidden guards persuade him to fight, but drank with wine lamps and shouted cheers to the people at the same time.

"Zhijie, kick him! Hey, you fool, throw him! Jingde, are you stupid? Don\'t you know monkeys pick peaches?..."

If he hadn\'t been held by the forbidden guards in the palace, Li forget worry estimated that Li Er would have rushed up too.

Since the front yard became a battlefield in the main room, Li forgot to worry and crawled aside. The four maidservants of the Li family had already been scared out of color and ran to the backyard screaming.

Li Heng, the old housekeeper, shrunk behind the Niu brothers, but still smiled.

"Lang Jun, it seems that the saints and guests are very happy."

Li forgot to worry and cried sadly. Happy to see your sister!

Are you still not the housekeeper of the Li family? A group of bandits came into the house. Are you still smiling so happy? Is it sick?