Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 245

Li forgot to worry and put forward the gambling game. Li Er was almost angry and laughed by him.

This bastard is going crazy today!

Cheng Yaojin opened his mouth and wanted to promise, but he swallowed it again. He suddenly reacted that there must be fraud when such a smart man as Li forgets to worry puts forward a bet!

Today, I was almost fooled by Li forgetful. At this meeting, the boy put forward a bet and couldn\'t decide what bad idea to hold.

Cheng Yaojin\'s words changed: "what\'s the bet? While playing, pour the wine quickly and be careful I\'ll take care of you!"

Li forgets worry and wants to deceive Cheng Yaojin with bad water. Who would think that the old hooligan has learned to be smart... It\'s a pity. He\'s also thinking about how to cheat Cheng Yaojin from the episode.

The maid who served the people in the main room quickly came forward and opened the seal on the wine jar.

The wine jar has just opened, and a strong fragrance overflows. The wine fragrance overflows all over the hall.

This unprecedented rich wine aroma immediately attracted people\'s attention.

Li Er\'s eyes brightened: "Ziyou, what kind of wine is this? Why is it so fragrant and attractive?"

Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing, and Yuchi Jingde, all of whom were irritated by the smell of wine, were drooling. They didn\'t blink and stared at the jar of wine.

Li forgot to worry and smiled: "let your majesty laugh. This is the wine brewed by the minister himself. Please taste it with your majesty."

"Boy, don\'t talk so much, pour the wine quickly!" Cheng Yaojin couldn\'t wait to shout.

When the maidservants brought a cup of clear and transparent wine like clear water, they all looked silly, including Li Er.

If it weren\'t for the tempting aroma of wine that had been drilling into their nostrils, they almost thought that Li forget you had taken a jar of water to deceive them.

People who are used to drinking turbid wine, how can they believe that the wine can also become so transparent as water, look carefully with the wine lamp for a time, get close, and smell the wine greedily with their nose.

Only Baijiu Cheng, no matter how many, directly up to a cup of high number of liquor into the mouth.

In the Tang Dynasty, because the degree of wine is not high, the wine lamps are quite bold and unrestrained, and the sizes of the wine lamps are very large. Li Wangyou also deliberately bad, pouring wine for everyone is very great, one can at least 32 baijiu.

Cheng Yaojin drank the 65 degree Baijiu, habitual, and then he was able to hold his eyes round and convex, his face red and his mouth closed, for fear that the wine would be spun out for a moment.

After swallowing the wine, he felt as if his throat was burning.

Then, in his chest and abdomen, a burning heat rose. The comfortable feeling made Cheng Yaojin open his mouth and spit out a strong breath of wine.

"Zhiniang thief, what good wine! It\'s so strong. I thought my throat was burning. Boy, what kind of wine are you? Why is it so strong?"

Li forgets worry and thinks, what\'s the name of the sorghum wine he brews? However, it seems that sorghum wine is too low-grade.

His eyes turned, he opened his mouth and replied, "Uncle Cheng, this is shaodaozi wine brewed by my nephew."

Shaodaozi is actually a kind of high alcohol in Northeast China. It is named for its high degree, strong taste and burning like fire.

Li Lianyou thought the name of the wine was pretty good and should be liked by these old killers, so he plagiarized it directly.

"Burn a knife? What a name! When you drink this wine, it looks like a knife scraping in your stomach. Ha ha, it\'s fun, even fun! Come on, fill me up again!"

Cheng Yaojin didn\'t even take a bite of the food. He directly choked off more than 32 spirits. Rao was so addicted to alcohol that he felt a surge of alcohol at this time, which made the old rogue shake his body.

Seeing Cheng Yaojin\'s exaggerated performance, Li Er and others also picked up wine lamps one after another. Some took a SIP to taste, and some drank it like Cheng Yaojin.

When the wine was drunk, everyone breathed out a hot breath. Some people were stimulated to their throat by alcohol because they drank such a high number of spirits for the first time. They coughed continuously, causing others to laugh.

"Well, I\'m really worthy of being a shaodao. I\'ve lived my whole life and have never drunk such strong wine!"

"Zhiniang thief, this is called wine! I used to drink it. I peed like a horse."

"Ziyou, did you brew this wine? Ha ha, well done, this is called wine!"

"This wine should be made clear. Gentlemen, drink it!"

After tasting the "burning knife" brewed by Li forgetful worry, Li Er and all the state leaders have gone completely crazy. Who would have thought that there were such strong drinks in the world.

Baijiu, who used to drink wine and three times, was now opening the door of a new world.

Cheng Yaojin then caught Li forgetful, who was laughing at the thieves nearby.

"Boy, how many burning knives do you have? Give me a hundred and ten jars of filial piety, or I won\'t be blamed for turning my face and not recognizing others! Don\'t you want a script? I\'ll give you all the scripts you want when your mansion is repaired!"

Cheng Yaojin\'s words brightened everyone\'s eyes and looked at Li forgetful.

"Ziyou, you can\'t favor one over the other. I treat you well? Ha ha, I don\'t want much of this burning knife. I can have a hundred and ten jars. Isn\'t it a trilogy? I\'ll give it to you on the knowledge day."

Li Jing unexpectedly came to join the fun, pushed Cheng Yaojin away and said to Li forgetful.

Cheng Yaojin is a jerk. He dares to be angry with anyone, but he dares not to be a jerk in the face of Li Jing, the God of the Tang Dynasty.

Seeing that Li Jing also came to rob the wine, Cheng Yaojin was so angry that he could only grab the wine that his maid had just poured for him and pour it down again.

As for Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde, Duan Zhixuan, Liu Hongji and others, they all stared at Li QIAOYOU with burning eyes.

Even Li Er, although he didn\'t want to face like Cheng Yaojin and ask for it directly, he also coughed with a wine lamp to remind Li forget his worries and don\'t forget him.

Li Qieyou could only look up and look at the roof of the main room. Did he do something wrong?

Tang Dynasty monarch and ministers, is a group of alcoholic, and they take out this high number of Baijiu, it seems that they are going crazy.

He opened his mouth and asked himself for a hundred and ten jars of burning knives. Are you going to bathe in alcohol? Can\'t drink to death, you old hooligans!

Li forgot to worry and shrugged: "Your Majesty, I\'m not stingy. I really don\'t have it. I\'m just trying to brew the knife burning wine to see how it works. But you don\'t have to worry. I\'m going to set up a wine making workshop specializing in knife burning in Dingzhou Village. When the winery is built and the wine is brewed, I\'ll send it to you."

His words made Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin and others feel sorry. However, Li Er suddenly said, "Ziyou, your aunt is also interested in wine making. How about you share with her?"

what? Is empress changsun interested in wine making? Li Er, are you kidding me?